Summary: Part 9 of our James series

Bona Fide

A study of James

Part 9

“ You must Choose---Choose wisely”

Many years ago

Coke or Pepsi did a commercial

That was a spin off from the movie “Indiana Jones and the last crusade”

In the commercial and the movie

Indy was being advised to make a wise choice

Now I don’t know or care if you like Pepsi or Coke

And I truly don’t believe there is actually a right or a wrong choice as that commercial claimed

That is the case with many things we are confronted with daily

Choices about where we will shop

Where we will eat

What we will buy

And I can tell you these choices are most often based on worldly or personal wisdom

Such as convience

Personal taste in food, clothing, trucks etc

Maybe based on what you were raised with

I have heard arguments over what type of Ketchup is best

And many discussions

Sometimes heated

On the ongoing debate over Ford- Chevy or Dodge

But all of these choices are based on opinion

And personal wisdom

What I mean by that is maybe you have discovered that one thing suites your needs or desires better that others and you based your decision on that

As we continue of study of James this morning

We come back to a topic that I touched on briefly a few weeks back

At that time

I told you we were going to get back to it

And today is the day

The topic of James teaching for today is the two types of wisdom

Godly wisdom

And worldly wisdom

He shows us the difference and then

Draws another dot

To help us

With how we should make choices n this area of our lives

Please open your bibles to James 3

James 3:13-18

13 If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom. 14 But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your heart, don’t cover up the truth with boasting and lying. 15 For jealousy and selfishness are not God’s kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. 16 For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind.

17 But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere. 18 And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.

Many in today’s world confuse knowledge and wisdom

Someone can have vast amounts of knowledge and lack wisdom

Let me explain

In a worldly view

We all know someone who is so smart on a subject

That it should be against the law


When it comes to actually doing the thing they have so much knowledge about

They are completely incompetent

From a spiritual point

We all know people who are masters at scripture memorization

They can quote chapter and verse of more of the bible than Billy Graham


When it comes to applying the word to their lives

Or helping apply it to the lives of others

Not so wise

Many times those people

Know about a subject

Know about Jesus

But don’t know the subject of their studies

Don’t know Jesus

So James says

We need to use Bona Fide wisdom in our lives

And he says that that kind of wisdom comes from God

And he says that our own wisdom and the worlds wisdom is like holes in our underwear

They will fail us when needed most

First let’s look at some of the world’s wisdom

I will tell you there are some types of the world’s wisdom that are beneficial in a physical

Not spiritual

But physical way

What do you mean preacher you may ask?

The world’s wisdom says it is a really bad idea to go to an ATM

In the middle of the night

On a dark street

And withdraw money

Chances are if you do this

You may get mugged

And relieved of your hard earned money


This is worldly wisdom that has good physical benefits

Worldly wisdom says

Don’t got into the bank wearing a ski mask

No matter no cold it is outside

Once again

Good physical worldly wisdom

Worldly wisdom says don’t yell bomb on a plane unless you like being taised, dog piled

Wadded up, handcuffed and integrated for days

These are good words of wisdom


Let’s look at some other type’s worldly wisdom

The types James and I are addressing

Wisdom that affects our spiritual life

And affects how we are viewed by the world

Worldly wisdom says

Do on to others before they have a chance to do it to you

Get what you can

Fight for yourself

That type of wisdom is characterized by

Selfish ambition

By envy when someone gets what you wanted or thought you deserved

It is characterized by Jealousy

Appling worldly wisdom to our spiritual lives is a blueprint for disaster

It can, will and often does

Derail us in our trek to become Bona Fide believers

The world’s wisdom


Do what feels good- regardless of the consequences

The world’s wisdom


Everyone for themselves

The world’s wisdom comes from pride

And selfishness

It comes from unspiritual thoughts

Boastful actions

It comes from being world minded

Earthly minded


It causes





And when worldly wisdom is applied to the spiritual part of our lives

It causes Disaster in our personal lives

In our church\and in the body of Christ

Verse 3:14-16

14 But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your heart, don’t cover up the truth with boasting and lying. 15 For jealousy and selfishness are not God’s kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. 16 For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind.

But God’s wisdom is different

James shows us seven major identifying traits of His Wisdom

Is characterized by




A willingness to yield




Let’s break each of these traits down

Verse 17a

“But the wisdom from above is first of all pure.”


Listen to me

None of us are pure

We are sinners saved by grace

We are people


People are knot heads

And when we apply the world’s wisdom

The worlds corrupted wisdom to our spiritual lives

We are even less pure


When we apply the pure word of God to our lives

His wisdom

His purity dilutes our impurity

And his purity if given a chance will displace our own impurities to the point of being unidentifiable

What do you mean preacher you may ask?

When we put in good stuff

Good stuff comes out

Put in the word, use the word

Apply the word

His Wisdom

And out comes purity

Put in the filth of this world

The worlds messed up idea of wisdom



I think you get it

Verse 17b

“It is also peace loving”


This kind of peace goes beyond the world image of sitting on the porch of a mountain cabin

Ducks coming in for a landing on the river out front

Elk grazing on the far hill side

Smoke curling from the chimney

It goes beyond a momentary feeling of contentment

The peace James writes about is

The peace that comes at all times, in all circumstances

Inner peace

But even more than that

Peace loving

Desiring peace

Peace with others


The church

The world

And peace with God

The golden rule

Says treat others as you want to be treated

When we do that we are promoting peace

We are peace loving

Peace with ourselves

----- Pause----

Committing ourselves to God and his wisdom

Helps remove worry and strife

It helps us to understand that he is in control and that he is working on our behalf even when it seems just the opposite

But more importantly Peace with God

Using his wisdom to understand how we are to react and respond to his will in our lives

And to his word

Understanding that obedience is a form of wisdom

And the that wisdom is what brings us closer and closer to him

Wisdom that desires peace

Shows peace

And promotes peace

That is the peace James writes about

And loving that peace is Godly wisdom

Verse 17 c

“Gentle at all times”

We have a tendency in the cowboy world to equate gentleness with

Being somewhat less than a real man – or woman

With weakness

That is the world’s wisdom

And the world ideas on how to succeed

Gentleness does not mean weakness


Means we deal with each other

In love

In consideration

Accepting faults and opinions

Listen to me

From a worldly wisdom aspect

God would have had every right to squash each of us the very first time we sinned


In his wisdom- his gentleness

He chose instead to love us and help us get to the place where we would rely on him and his wisdom

Instead of our own

Verse 17d

“and willing to yield to others.”

When I think of a worldly view of willingness to yield or a lack of wiliness

I see a picture of two trucks

One at each end of a one lane bridge

There is not enough room for both to pass

One driver says

Back up

The other says

No you back up

And so on a so forth

Both are wrong

And both are now late for where ever it was they are going

And both caused a bottle neck

Because not only could they not get where they were going

Neither could anyone else traveling on that same road

If we want to use God’s wisdom we must be willing to yield

That does not mean we water down the gospel’

That does not mean we derail the message

That does not mean we accept false teaching

What that means is

We don’t always have to have everything our own way

That comes from our wisdom

Being right or in charge all the time

The world’s wisdom

From selfishness

Not from God

Verse 17e

“It is full of mercy”

Mercy is a key to living as a Bona fide Believer

Lack of mercy shows just the opposite to be true of us

God in his wisdom showed us mercy

He showed us grace

We sinned

We know it

And we also know that the penalty for our sin

Is death

Eternal separation from God


God showed us mercy

The worlds wisdom says get what you, any way you can- is that mercy?

It says climb to the top of the stack on the backs of others- it that mercy?

The bible says give mercy as it was given to you

When we apply God’s wisdom in the form of mercy to our lives

We become forgiving of others

We desire blessing in their lives


We show the love of Jesus in ours

Verse 17f

“the fruit of good deeds”

The fruit of good deeds

Feet to faith

Just do it

James says

Following the instructions

Helping others

Meeting needs




These things are the characteristics of God’s wisdom

This list sounds a lot like the list if the fruit of the spirit that Paul writes about in Galatians 5

God’s wisdom means loving others

The world’s means loving ourselves

Verse 17g

“It shows no favoritism”

I believe we covered this well last week

God’s wisdom has no place for favoritism



These things are from our own hearts and desires

Not His

Our messed up idea of wisdom

Not his

There should be no place in a Christian’s life for favoritism

Verse 17h

“and is always sincere.”

Sincerity is a true sign that you have the love of Jesus in you

Showing concern with sincerity

Praying for others with sincerity

Giving aid and comfort with sincerity

It is not what we do

But how we do it

That matters

Giving, serving, praying,

Out of obligation

Without sincerity

Does not please God

And it very seldom fools man

God’s wisdom is always sincere

Verse 18

“And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.”

You see

We go back to the first of the characteristics in this list

We actually go back to a common teaching from God’s word

Living at peace with others

Living at peace with the world

Living at peace with God

And Planting seeds of Peace as we go

And James says reaping a harvest of righteousness

God’s wisdom

Or the world’s wisdom

You chose


Chose wisely my son

Your rewards and the soul of those that God places in your path

May well be decided by your choice

Let me leave you with a verse from proverbs and one from Philippians this morning as we prepare to go back out into the world

Proverbs 11:30

“The seeds of good deeds become a tree of life;

a wise person wins friends.”

Philippians 1:11

May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ[a]—for this will bring much glory and praise to God.

You must choose

Choose Wisely

Close from the heart
