Summary: Part 6 of our James series

Bona Fide

A study of James

Part 6

“ Just do it”

How many of you have ever put anything together without reading the instructions?

How many times has this worked out with less than perfect results?

Most things in life require instructions

Things that seem so simple to us now as adults

Were once difficult tasks

Tying your own shoes

Going to the bathroom by yourself

All second nature for most of us now

But even these simple things required instruction at one time in our lives

Think about trying to bake a cake or a pan of cornbread without a recipe

Or build a building with a blueprint

Even easy things like putting together a bicycle for Christmas

Or tying a knot

Require some form of instruction

Without instructions

We could very well have ended up sitting here in diapers

With our shoes untied this morning

Without instruction we could build building that look like the leaning tower of Pizza

Or bake cakes that looked and tasted more like mud pies than dessert

And I shudder to think of the two seated

Three wheeled bicycles sitting under the tree on Christmas morning

You see

We need instructions


In order for those instructions to be effective

We need to listen to them

Or read them

But even more so we must apply them

Simply reading them

Or hearing them

And then

Going on our way

Is a recipe for a mess

Or even a disaster in some cases

--- Pause--

If we can agree here this morning that

Instructions have value

If we can agree on the importance of reading, listening to and using the instructions in the areas of everything to personal hygiene to building construction

Why do we have so much trouble following God’s instructions for our lives?

Today we will continue on our quest to connect the dots that James

Lays out for us

To help us become Bona Fide Believers in Christ

Those believers that the world sees as Genuine

The Real deal

We have looked at trials, storms and wrecks. Their causes and our reactions to them

We have studied about testing and temptations

Endurance and perseverance

Standing firm and wavering

Allowing ourselves to be blown by the wind


In the last couple of weeks

We have looked at our own hearts

Prayerfully with a discerning eye

And discovered that our temptation to sin comes from our own hearts and our own desires

God uses the wrecks that surrender causes

And Old slick uses our temptation against us to attempt to lure us away

But the temptations themselves come from inside of us

Then we connected yet another dot

Actually 3 more dots

As we learned that in order to be Bona Fide

And in order to show the love of Jesus

We must be quick to listen

Active listening we called that

And slow to speak

Meaning we need to engage our hearts and minds before engaging our mouths

Then we discussed the two types of anger

Righteous anger

Things that go against God and his word

And Human Anger

We saw how we must not sin in either type

But focused on the fact that the anger that comes from our hearts

Never pleases God

And actually hurts the cause for Christ



Continues this line of teaching

He continues

Drawing dots

That he knows

When connected

Will produce actions, words and thoughts that are pleasing to God

Please open your bibles to James 1

James 1:22-25

Let me read this passage in context

In its entirety

Then we can break it down and apply it to our lives

22 But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. 23 For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. 24 You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. 25 But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.”

Verse 22 a

“But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says.”

In simple terms James says follow the instructions

If you want the results that God has for you

If you want all he has for you

Follow the instructions

A little quick history lesson

In the time of this writing few had the ability to read and even fewer had their own copies of scripture

So the word was read aloud, listened to and memorized

Today it is unusual for someone not to be able to read

And it is also unusual for someone not to have a copy of God’s word of their own if they want one

If you don’t have one and want one

See us after service


So in an effort to apply this to our lives

James means

Don’t just listen to it

Don’t just read it

Put it to use

You see when we don’t follow the instructions

We often end up with less than the desired results


I know even a blind hog finds an acorn every now and then

But most of them are skinny

And most wish they could see so they could find more acorns

So James


Don’t rely on luck

Listen to

Read and apply the bible to your life



Or what you may ask

Read verse 22b with me

“Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.”

I thought about this a lot

Fooling our selves

How are we fooling ourselves?

By only listening

By Only reading?

You may be asking the same question

Some of you may remember back in our study of Hebrews

“The mirrors of our lives” was the sermon

I used a funny mirror as the illustration for that sermon

And showed how the trick mirror showed a different picture then the reality of God’s word

You see

We are fooling ourselves

Like the images in that mirror

When we don’t apply the instructions to our lives

What I mean by this

Is by not using the instructions to prompt the changes we need to make in order to become more like Christ

We fool ourselves into believing our sin is not so bad

At least I’m not ---------

I don’t like that rule some say

I want to do what I want ----others say

But we are fooling ourselves

By claiming to be Bona Fide Believers

While living counterfeit lives

Let me remind you James says latter in his book

In James 4:17 to paraphrase

----Knowing right and choosing to do wrong is a sin----

You see many want to have their cake and eat it too

Call on the name of Jesus when it is tough= Help me Jesus, please

And live like the devil when it’s not- Not now Jesus, talk to me when I ‘m in anther wreck

This is how we are fooling ourselves when we don’t apply the word to our lives

We fool ourselves

By justifying our sin

Minimizing our sin

Normalizing Our sin

By renaming our sin

By reclassifying our sin

By claiming that God is just old fashioned and he needs an update

Let’s get real this morning

Let’s get Bona Fide

You can call sin by other names

You can try to justify it, normalize it, rationalize it, rename or classify it

You can call it something else

But God still sees it as sin

And sin

Is evil

And there is no evil in God


we being created in his image go against the very nature of God

When we choose to disobey his word

Listen to me

God wants you to hear his word

He wants you to read his word

But then he wants you to follow the instructions you heard and read

He wants you to do what it says

Verse 23-24

3 For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. 24 You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like.

Imagine going to the mirror

The real mirror

Not one of the trick mirrors

And looking at yourself

And then walking away and not remembering what you look like

Not likely – right

We know what we look like

Now imaging going to the mirror

And looking at yourself

And finding mud or dirt on your face

Three days stubble on your chin

Crud in your eyes – Mom always called it sleepy – but it was crud

Messed up hair-----

Women ----makeup gone wild or just gone

And then walking away without doing anything about it

Just going about your business as if nothing was out of order

That just makes no sense

Why did you look in the mirror in the first place?

To attempt to remember what you looked like?

Or to recognize and correct imperfections in your appearance

I think most of will agree

The latter applies

Not the former

You see the mirror shows flaws

And we make corrections according to the image we see

God’s word

Is a mirror for our lives

It is designed to show us where we fall short

Places where we need to make changes

Holes we call them in cowboy terms

But it also gives us instructions as to how to make corrections

But once again

If we don’t use it

It don’t work

You see

The real sign of an effective bible study

A productive bible study

Is the amount of change that it stimulates in your life

When we apply it- Do what it says

It affects our speech, our actions. Our thoughts

Our very being

When we don’t

We just keep on like we are

Flip back to James 1:25a with me

25 But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free,

The perfect law that sets you free

The mirror of God’s word- The perfect law

Many people want to think of God’s word as restrictive

But notice here

James says it is the word that sets you free

Free to do anything you want?

You can ---if you want to live in disobedience to God

We have that ability

We have free will


We will miss out on his blessings when we do

What James means here

Is not free to do as we wish


Free from the fear of death

Free for the fear of hell

Free to be forgiven of all of your sins

Free to live as a custom made-Bona fide believers in Christ

Free to grow spiritually

Free to find and receive the blessing he wants for you

Free to live

Free to love

Free to receive love

We are freed from our old lives

Our old sins

Our old hurts and hang-ups

Our old bitterness and unforgiveness

Our old anger and resentment

We are freed to walk in the glory of our savior

Not perfect

Not by a long shot

But perfectly forgiven

Here is the icing

Not only do you receive the desired outcome in your life when you follow the instructions

Not only are you set free

James says we get more

Verse 25b

“And if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.”

If you read it

Listen to it

And do what it says

Apply it to your life

Just do it

He says God will bless you for doing it

Blessings from our Lord

Nothing this world has to offer can compare with that


So let’ put feet to this

Here are a few practical ways that we can do as James teaches

If you want truly effective

Life changing bible study

Pray before you read or listen to God’s word

Ask him to show you what he has for you

Ask for his wisdom and guidance for understanding

Then open the word

Don’t try to read it all at once

Read small portions

Think about what you read

Read it again

Ask what does this mean for me and my life

Write down scripture and your thoughts

By reading or hearing and then writing down what you learn you are actively applying God’s words to your life


Make changes in your thoughts, words and actions

When the mirror of scripture shows you what is out of order

Seek Godly council when you don’t understand what you are reading

Memorize scripture

I know

This I hard


Let me remind You Jesus used scripture hidden in his heart to withstand to attacks of Satan in the dessert


Applying God’s word in all areas of our lives becomes habit

And soon

Like tying your shoes or going to the bathroom by yourself

It becomes second nature

And soon you can spend your time reading and applying the instructions for the bigger things

Cause the small stuff takes care of itself

You see

When we say we are Christians

And we don’t do what the instruction book says

We ain’t Bona Fide

Stop fooling yourself

Just do it

You will never be sorry

Close from the heart
