Summary: Part 5 of our James series

Bona Fide

A study of James

Genuine Christian living

Part 5

“Getting Glad in the same britches you got mad in”

Today as we continue on or mission to discover

How to live as Bona Fide Believers in Jesus Christ

According to the book of James

We come to a passage of scripture that truly hits home with me

I can tell you

I don’t have any tattoos

I don’t want ant tattoos

I am not prejudice against those who have them


I believe that the Pharisees in today’s time that preach that they are unbiblical

Need to read their bibles in context

But for me

I have enough scars on my body

Due to things sometimes beyond my control

And sometimes due to my own stupidity

That paying someone to put more marks on my already marked up body

Does not compute

In my mind it just don’t make sense


If I were to decided to spend my hard earned money on some skin ink

I can assure you this is what I would have written on my body

James 1:19-21

Hits home with me

And I choose to hide this verse in my heart instead of having it written on my arm


I can tell you there are times when a visual would help me get past issues that I sometimes struggle with

Please open your bibles to James 1

Let me read verses 19-21 for you then we will come back and break them down and apply them to our lives

In an effort to become Bona Fide

“Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. 20 Human anger[a] does not produce the righteousness[b] God desires. 21 So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts, for it has the power to save your souls.”

James has been laying out principals for us

He has been drawing us a picture with dots

And for the last few weeks we have been connecting those dots

Last week we looked at the source of temptation in our lives

And we saw how God can use the storms and wrecks that come from surrender to temptation

And how Old slick can use temptations to lure us into sin

But that he can only use the ammo we give him

And we saw how it is our own hearts that is the source of temptation in our lives

Today’s message jumps right on that line of teaching

James gives us practical tools for Genuine

Bona Fide Christian living

I need you to hear me on this

The world outside those doors often sees Christians as Hypocrites


Because we often act different than our guide book tells us we should

We Read

This stuff

We talk about it

Even preach it

But we don’t apply it to our lives

And so when they look at a believer who does this

They instantly think

He ain’t Bona Fide

He ain’t genuine

So in order to help teach us how to be Bona Fide

And be seen as Bona Fide

James addresses so issues that are common to all humans

But that are obstacles to the gospel in the lives of believers

So the first thing James addresses from today’s teaching is listening

Notice first in verse 19 a

Who he is talking or writing to

“Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters:”

James is writing to the believers

The ones who have already placed their faith in Jesus for salvation

He is talking to those who have surrendered to his Lordship in their lives

We often make the mistake of holding non believers to the same standards that we are held to


They often don’t know the standards


We must introduce them to the one who laid out the standards and let him change them

So he continues

In Verse 19 b

“You must all be quick to listen”

Quick to listen

I understand quick on my feet

I very seldom am

Unless something is chasing me or about to fall on me

I understand quick witted

It often comes out as sarcasm

But I get it- I understand it

But quick to listen

When I first hear this I tend to want to think of a game show

Imagine sitting with a buzzer in your hand and

Trying to be the first to hear what is being asked


But that is not what James means here

What James means is

Pay Attention

Active listening is what he is talking about

You can listen without hearing—right

James is saying pay attention

When you are listening

Clear your mind

Give your full attention to what is being said

Quick to listen

Means getting quiet or being quite

A good listener is a good learner

But also a good teacher

In regards to our Walk with God

It means being attentive to his word and the Holy Spirit speaking into our lives

It means accepting his truth and following his desires for us

In regards to our relationships it means hearing what is being said

I can tell you this

Many marriage problems could be solved if one or the other spouse would listen and truly hear what the other one was trying to tell them

I also believe this spills over into any relationship we are involved in

Listening shows you care

Listening shows compassion

Listening takes works

Hard Work

We all have the right to remain silent

But few have the ability

But in order to be Bona Fide

We must develop this skill in our lives

Psalm 46:10


“Be still, and know that I am God!”

Stillness and quietness


Active listening

In 1 Kings Chapter 19

Elijah was in a tight spot

He was feeling neglected – dejected

And God told him to go stand on a mountain and he would show himself to him for comfort and reassurance

The Bible says there was a terrible windstorm- a tornado

But God was not in the tornado

And then the bible says there was an earthquake but God was not in the earthquake

And after the earthquake there was a fire


God was not in the fire

And then


A gentle wind blew

A quite wind

Just a whisper

And Elijah heard the voice of God

But he had to listen

Actively listen

Pay attention

In order to hear

James goes on in verse 19c

He says we need to be

“slow to speak”

I know there are people in other parts of the country who think we in Texas have this one down


James is not referring to the speed in which we talk

Michael Cain when being considered for a role in a western movie

Asked John Wayne

How should I do this?

The Duke said

Talk Low, Talk Slow and don’t say too much

This is not what James means

He means

In real common terms

Exercise your right to remain silent

In real terms

Shut up

Think before you speak

These tie directly to the listening part

You can’t listen

When you are talking

James is saying


Be quiet and listen

Then be slow to respond

Think about your words

I referenced the school yard song “sticks and stones “a few weeks back

Words unlike that song says truly do have the ability to hurt people

Slow to speak would mean thinking about a response

Responding instead of reacting I like to call it

We are called to speak truth

But we are called to speak truth in love

Sometimes that means we need to be quiet

We need to ask ourselves if what we are about to say is first off true

Is it true?

Is it necessary?

Is it kind?

Does it build up or tear down?

I will add

Is it biblical?

And would Jesus say what you are thinking of saying

Being slow to speak gives us time to show the love of Jesus

This is important as well

Being slow to speak minimizes the need to recant what we said

Or to apologize

Judgment of others, gossip, slander, rudeness is not considered slow to speak

I could go on and on

Most of these come from the lack of slowness in our speech

James says think before you speak

In cowboy terms

Engage your brain before you engage your mouth

James continues


“And slow to get angry.”

This is the part

That I need tattooed on my arm

Slow to get angry

I can tell you honestly

I get mad often

Sometimes my anger is justified


Most of the time it is not

You may ask what do you mean Justified

I can tell you I get mad when I see someone abusing a child or someone weaker than themselves

I get mad when the society we live in calls the murder of our unborn children a choice

I get mad when some bleeding heart liberal changes or attempt to change God’s word in order to justify their sins

I get mad when my fellow brothers and sisters, those serving Christ here and in faraway lands are abused, mistreated, and even killed for Christ

I get mad when my God given rights to worship and pray and stand a give glory to my maker are removed or stepped on

I get mad when the name of Jesus is blasphemed

I get mad when I hear false teachers and prophets telling lies and using the name of My Lord to sell their lies and leading people who God loves and created into the darkness

This is the same kind of anger that Jesus had when he cleared the temple

This type of anger is justified



We cannot sin even in this anger

Violence is not the answer

Hatred is not the answer

The love of Jesus is


We must try to change these things that make us mad

By doing what we are called to do

Spreading the word in love

Teaching the unbelieving world about Jesus

Speaking up

In love

Unifying our voices in love

But not sinning in our anger


This is not the anger James writes about

And oh how I wish this were the only anger I struggled with

The anger he writes about

Like the temptation that we discussed last week---comes from our hearts

Human anger he calls it

Getting mad because you were wronged or feel you were wronged

Getting mad because someone disagreed with you or your opinion

Getting mad because you did not get your way

Or you were criticized, overlooked, unnoticed, misunderstood, ignored, and unloved

Getting mad because you were unappreciated, overworked, under paid, left out or disappointed

Getting mad because someone said something you did not like’ or did something you did not like

Or looked at you in the wrong way

Disrespected you

Sometimes getting mad – Just for the sake of being mad

Like we hear so often

This is the anger James is teaching us about

But like we hear so often

“ You can get glad in the same britches you got mad in”

What this means is we need to get over it


Well Let’s read what the bible says

Verse 20

20 Human anger[a] does not produce the righteousness[b] God desires.

You see God expects us to get upset

Expects us to get mad over the things that go against him

Things that hurt others

Things that lead people into the darkness

He wants us to act

He expects us to act

He wants us to spread the word

He wants us

To stand up to the attacks of Satan

But he does not

Want us to sin


But this human anger

That James teaches about

Does not please God

Human anger is inconsistent with the command to love our neighbors as ourselves

Human anger usurps God’s role as judge

Human anger keeps us from living as God desires for us to

Our human anger comes from selfishness

Self centeredness, pride

A focus on self instead of Christ and others

Ironically so does not listening

Ironically so does talking before we think

And these things do not show the love of Jesus

These things do not please God

So we have to ask ourselves

When people are talking to us

Are we truly showing the love of Jesus by actively listening to what they have to say?

Or are we more concerned with what we have to say

When we speak

Do we speak love?

Do we consider others feelings before we blurt out a comment?

Do we engage our minds?

Or better of hearts before

Before we shift our mouths into gear

Is judgment





Leaving your mouth

Or is love the focus of your speech

When we get mad

Righteously mad


I said


Not if

How do we respond and react

In violence

Or in a desire out of love to change the circumstances

Do we respond in hate or in love?

What does the world see in our actions?

What does it hear in our words?

In the area of personal anger

Human anger James calls it

When we get mad

Notice I said when again

Not if

Now do we act?

What do we show the world?

We must look at human anger

And find the root


I can tell you

It ain’t from God

It ain’t from Old Slick

It is in our hearts

We must work hard to put away anger

Put away the selfishness that often causes this type of anger


When we do

We are moving more towards becoming Bona Fide Believers

Genuine believers

Believers that when the world looks at us

They see Jesus

Not a hypocrite

Who says one thing and does another

Let me close this morning with this

James 1:21

1 So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts, for it has the power to save your souls.

You see in order to be Bona Fide

We must rid ourselves of the things that separate us from the word of God

We must accept his word

All of his word

And use it to change first our own hearts

Our own desires

Our own actions’ and then by example

We can use it to help to change others in this world

You see the word has the power to save souls

And your words, lack of words and your actions

Have the ability to spread the word

Close from the heart
