Summary: Part on of our study of Joy though the words of Paul to the church at Philippi

Joy to the world

Part 1

Philippians 1:1-11

As we begin nearing the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

The word Joy

Becomes a common word

The rest of the year

It may only be mentioned outside of church

When you are trying to decide if you feel like a nut or not

Almond Joy or Mounds

But at Christmas we see the word on signs and banners and wreaths

We hear it in Christmas carols

Joy abounds in December

At least in theory

Or in word


Many in the world

Even believers

Often confuse

Happiness with Joy

Happiness is an emotion that is dependent on circumstances

Happiness can fade

When the gifts under the tree become worn out

When the wrapping paper is in the trash can

When the hard times come

When the party is over

And life comes roaring back in

Happiness often flies right out the window

Despair and depression can take its place

And it can happen in the blink of an eye

But Joy

True Joy

Comes from the Lord

It is a gift of the spirit

Joy runs much deeper and is much stronger


Is the confidence we have as believers that we know that no matter what

God is in control

Joy is confidence in our salvation through Jesus and the assurance of that salvation


Is the assurance of God’s love


Is the assurance of God’s provision


Is the assurance of God’s protection

You see we can and should have joy when we have Jesus

In all circumstances

But happiness can fade

Because happiness depends on people and circumstance

But Joy depends on The Lord

Today we are beginning a short series on Joy

I can think of no other book of the bible that describes joy better than Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi

In the short 4 chapters of this great book

Paul outlines joy

He shows us how to



And pass on

The joy that comes though Jesus

Let me start with just a short history of Paul’s circumstances surrounding this letter

The Apostle Paul

Writes this letter to his friends

To his

Brothers and sisters in Philippi

While he was in chains for his dedication to Jesus

He had been persecuted

He had experienced wealth and poverty

Times of plenty and not times of not enough

He had been in a Roman prison in Philippi when he had been there before

And was now being held against his will

Guarded by Romans soldiers

There was not much in his life at this time that would lead to happiness

But still he writes a letter

That is known as Paul’s letter of joy

Over the next few weeks

Prayerfully we will be able to look at the source of Paul’s joy

And apply it to our lives

And with the right mind sets and attitudes

We too can learn to experience the joy that he found

Today we are going to begin this series

With The Joy of our Christian relationships

Please open your bibles to Philippians 1

Keep your finger in there or throw in your bulletin as we will go here several times this morning

Philippians 1:1-2

This letter is from Paul and Timothy, slaves of Christ Jesus.

I am writing to all of God’s holy people in Philippi who belong to Christ Jesus, including the church leaders[a] and deacons.

“2 May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.”

Paul has been separated from people he loves and cares about by distance and circumstances

But he sends them a letter so full of love and a desire to see them that it is truly moving

Verse 3

“Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.”

He says in plain terms

Every time you cross my mind

I thank God for your presence in my life

Every time you cross my mind

I thank God for your friendship

Every time you cross my mind

I thank God for your love

We can learn so much about attaining joy in our relationships by Paul’s example here

When you think of friends

When you think of family

When you think of your brothers and sisters in Christ

Do you give thanks to God for them?

We often as sinful human beings

Want to focus on the bad

We remember the faults and forget the good things

Paul’s say he gives thanks to God for his friends

This is a good starting place to finding joy in our relationships

Look for the good and thank God for it

Verse 4

“Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy,”

He goes much further

Paul says

Not only do I thank God for you


I pray for you as well

And praying for you brings me joy

If you truly want to take an account of your own spiritual growth

Look at your own prayers

Do you pray




Prayers all about God give me this

Or help me with that

Or do your prayers tend to focus on others

Let me tell you a little secret

It is very hard to stay made at someone

When you are praying for them with all your heart

It is hard to hold on to hurt when you are lifting the person who hurt you up to God

It is hard to hold a grunge against someone while asking God to bless them

It is hard to focus on the bad when your are thanking God for the good in them

And let me add to that secret

God hears those prayers

And he sees your spiritual growth

And he will reward that growth and some or those rewards will be joy

And some of that joy will be in your worldly relationships

Verse 5

“for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now.”

Paul goes on to give another reason for his joy in these relationships

He says guys --we are like minded

We are walking the same path

We are kindred spirits

In cowboy terms

He says

We are riding for the same brand

And that brings me great joy

Serving together

Fellowshipping together

Doing life together

With like minded people should bring us joy as well

Verse 6

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

Paul continues giving reasons for his joy in relationships


Reminding the audience and us

That he knows


That God will finish what he started

God started a good work in us when we accepted Jesus as our savior

And he will continue the good work in us

If we allow him to do so

I can tell you for Paul there was little that brought more joy to him than to see God working in the lives of those he was called to minister to

I can tell you that he is not alone

There is not much that can compare to the joy I or any person called into God’s service

To seeing God work in peoples’ lives

To see the progression of spiritual growth that occurs with obedience to God’s word

To see people go from broken to better

And from better to solid Mission minded believers

Is amazing

Paul was amazed and overjoyed

I am amazed and overjoyed

And I pray that as you progress into joy filled relationships

You too will experience this joy and amazement as well

Verse 7

“ So it is right that I should feel as I do about all of you, for you have a special place in my heart. You share with me the special favor of God, both in my imprisonment and in defending and confirming the truth of the Good News.”

Paul goes onto to explain more reasons for his joy

You see Paul loved these people

He loved them with a burning love

This is how we find that same joy

Do you love your brothers and sisters with that same love?

Do they hold a special place in your heart?

He says

You have been there for me in the good times and the bad

And I have been there for you in those same circumstances

You see you really see who loves you

Who is your true friend in the hard times?

I can tell you nothing will build a strong relationship better than working together for a common goal

And helping each other through hard times

If you want to find joy in your relationships come together untied for Christ and be there for others when they need help support and comfort

Verse 8

“8 God knows how much I love you and long for you with the tender compassion of Christ Jesus.’

God knows how much we love

God know everything

But do the ones we love know how much we love them?

Do we tell them with our words?

Do we show them with our actions?

Do we work to discover their love language?

Make them feel special

Do we build them up or tear them down?

You see this is one of those areas where by giving we receive

When we give love we get love

When we show love we are shown love in return

When we share the gift of joy

And we also receive the gift of joy

The last half of that verse says it best

Let me repeat it

God knows how much I love you and long for you with the tender compassion of Christ Jesus.

The tender compassion of Christ Jesus.

This is how we are to love

Use Jesus as the model of love

He is the perfection of love




Being there for someone in the good and bad times and them being there for you

This is how we are to love and it is this type of love that should give us Joy

Jesus never turned anyone who was seeking compassion away






Demon possessed

Men, women, boys and girls

Jews and gentiles

They all came to Jesus for compassion and they found it

If we want true joy in our relationship we must

Must strive to find that type of compassion

Verse 9

“I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding.”

I want you to notice how many times in this short passage of scripture

Paul says that he prays for them

But look at his prayer

He does not pray for healing

He does not pray for a change of circumstances

He does not pray for any physical thing for the ones he loves

He says I want your love to over flow

I want love to

Fill you up to the brim and then spill out

Why does he pray this?

Because he knows that we will grow in all of our relationships when we find that kind of love

And when we grow in your understanding and knowledge


When you we

We will find the joy we are looking for

And it will endure in all seasons and situations in spite of the circumstances

Verse 10

0 For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return.

You see Paul knows something

He knows something that I know

He knows something some of you know

But he knows something that some of you don’t know

He knows


True joy in this life comes from Jesus

And he knows that true joy comes from living an obedient life to The Lord

You see

We can never find joy while we are living apart from Jesus

We can be saved

And make no mistake we will have eternal life if we have accepted his gift of salvation

But to receive the kind of joy Paul is describing we must strive to live pure and blameless lives

I need you to hear me on this

None of us are perfect

And we never will be in this life


The joy we seek lies in the seeking of perfection and that perfection is found in Jesus

I want you to think for a moment the feeling you have when someone has done you wrong or you have done someone wrong

Think about the strained relationship

The broken communication

When we are disobedient to God’s word

This is how our relationship with him is

Strained to say the least


May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ[b]—for this will bring much glory and praise to God.

Paul goes on to pray that all who read these words will be filled with the fruit of their salvation

The fruit of the spirit

Some call them the gifts of the spirit

These are the blessings God sends to us with the Holy Sprint

At the time of our salvation

We receive them

But we must learn to use them

And when we do

The blessings really begin for us and those in our lives

Let’s look at the fruit from Galatians 5:22-23

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!

Galatians 5:24-25

Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there. 25 Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.

If you want to find joy in your life

Find Jesus and follow him

Philippians 1:27

“Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ”

If you want to find joy in your relationship with your families

Your spouse your children

Your friends

Your church family

Paul gives us a simple plan here in this short letter

First Jesus is the key

Trying to find Joy apart from Jesus is an effort in futility

We can’t get it

Happiness comes and goes

But Joy comes from the Lord and is everlasting


Know Jesus


Give thanks to God for the people he has placed in your life

Remember the good

Look for the good

Forget the bad

Forgive and move on

Pray for the people in your life

Pray they will be filled with love that overflows

Pray that they will grow in knowledge and understanding

Live a pure and blameless life and set an example for others to follow

Seek him in all you do imitate him and his character

I can assure you

You will find joy

Next week we will look at finding joy through service

If you want to read ahead read Philippians 2

If you don’t have joy in your life or your relationship

You need to look in the mirror and ask

Do I have Jesus in my life?

Close from the heart
