Summary: Part 13 of our Hebrews series

Hebrews- Encouragement for a life of faith

Part 13

“Peace, love and Jesus”

Hebrews 12:14-15

In the winter of 1914 all along the western front of World War 1 in an area that covered some 27 miles a strange and very unusual event occurred on Christmas Eve and Christmas day.



And even commercials have been written about this event

It is commonly known as the Christmas truce

On a very cold night after 5 months of heavy fighting

The men of both the German army and the British army

Refused to continue fighting though Christmas

The event started with the Germans singing Christmas carols

With The British soon returning the favor with their own songs

At some point in the night both sides sang silent night

The next day, Christmas day

Soldiers from each side began making their way into what is commonly known as no man’s land

The area between the German trenches and the British trenches

Throughout the day the soldiers from opposing sides

Exchanged gifts of hats, coats, buttons, tobacco and food items

It is reported all up and down the line

Impromptu soccer games broke out

It is also reported that in the heart of a terrible a bloody war

No shots could be heard

And the sound of laughter and singing filled the air

For a short time

There was peace

Today we are going to continue our study of the great book of Hebrews

Our writer has taken us though much soul searching

Toe stomping exhortations

He has mashed on us and stepped on us

And as a result I have done the same to you and to myself

All of this mashing is to get us to a place where God wants us

As we studied last week

Discipline is designed to mold us

Shape us


Better Christians

In the hard topics prayerfully we saw ourselves in a clear light

And prayerfully we took stock of our lives

Took stock of our commitments

And we have been encouraged by what we are doing right

And convicted by the things that the two edged sword of scripture showed us we were doing wrong


In an effort to cause spiritual growth in the readers of Hebrews

Then and now

Our writer moves to another bit of encouragement

Let’s open up to Hebrews 12: 14

In an effort to help us truly receive all God has for us

And in order to get us doing what he has called us to do

He tells us

Verse 14

14 Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord.

Work at living in peace with everyone

Work at living at peace with everyone

Even those we don’t like, there are some

Even those who hate us

Even those who have different views



Even those that----

God through our writer does not say

Work at living at peace with those in your church

Or those in your family

Or those you like

He says

Work at living at peace with --- EVERYONE

When we talk about peace in church

When we peach on peace many times we focus on peace with God

We do know that this is important

We need to understand how to have peace with God

Without Jesus we are enemies to God

But Jesus makes us friends

But more importantly Family

God’s children

Next we want to focus on our peace

Peace of heart


Peace that comes with a true and life changing relationship with the savior

We need this peace

This peace is a fruit of the spirit

This peace is what helps keep us focused

This peace is what lets me personally get up every morning without fear

And go to sleep at night with contentment

Peace with God is life changing

Peace within is amazing


Today our writer is talking about peace that crosses borders

Peace that crosses differences

Peace that causes others to see Jesus when they look at you

Wednesday night we continued our study of Matthew

In this study we heard how Jesus when asked what is the greatest commandment


Matthew 22:36-40

“Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?”

37 Jesus replied, “‘You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’[e] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[f] 40 The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”

Love God above everything, with all you have

And Love your neighbor as yourself

Loving others as we love our selves develops peace

Jesus tells us to live at peace with others

He says we are to love our enemies

He says we are to pray for our enemies

He says we are to show concern


For everyone

Including our enemies

He says the peacemakers will be blessed

We as believers are to work at

Work at

Work at

Living at peace with everyone

That means with our families

Those at church



Those who believe in Jesus

And those who do not

All still means all

So we see that we are to live at peace

We see that our Lord and savior places great value on living in peace

So how do we do that?

Let’s go back to Hebrews 12:14b to the first way

“And work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord.”

Once again we see the words “work at”

Work at living a holy life

A holy life

First off I need to tell you

On our own

No matter how good we think we are

We are not holy

We are sinners

Who struggle

Sometimes with the simplest of things

On our own we are we are just about the polar opposite of Holy

But though Jesus we are made holy because he is Holy

A few months ago we preached about pure hearts

How we

As we strive----Work at


More like Christ

Can begin developing pure hearts

We can develop holiness in the same way

By keeping our eyes on Jesus

And imitating him

By imitating his responses, reactions and interactions with the world

We become holy though him

But this takes much work – not salvation

Salvation is by grace not by work

But sanctification is by work

Peace does not just happen

All of the Generals and commanders on both sides were against the Christmas truce

Some even ordered the fighting to continue

But the Men worked at Peace

Holiness does not just happen

Holiness starts with Jesus


And continues with study and prayer and growth and interaction with other believers

Holiness and peace grows even more as we take these outside of our comfort zone of people like us

As we show love to those in our lives

Those in the world

Those with different beliefs

We become more like Christ

And peace is often one of the outcomes

But it takes work

Let’s go back to Hebrews 12 for another way we can develop Peace

Hebrews 12:15a

“Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God”

Look after each other

Show concern

Show compassion

Show respect

Show love


That none of you

No one fails to receive the grace of God

You see though our work at peace

Though our work at being holy though our work of love for others

Many have the chance to receive grace


Though our witness

Many will have the chance to receive Grace

God does not want any to perish

That means he wants all to come to salvation

We know not all will


It is our job to present the opportunity

We can’t take advantage of the opportunities

If we are not striving for peace

We can’t take advantage of the chances if we are fighting with ourselves due to lack of holiness

We can’t reach others if we don’t show them love and compassion

Verse 15b

“Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many.”

Bitterness causes a loss of peace

When you harbor resentment against someone

Against a certain type of people

Different color

Different language

Different belief

When you harbor resentment against those who have done you wrong or hurt you in some way

When you harbor resentment against anyone or anything

That resentment turns bitter

And bitterness takes root in your heart

Bitterness is poison

Bitterness is like a dark black cancer growing within

Bitterness steals joy

You can’t have joy if your heart is in turmoil

Bitterness steals peace

You can’t have peace with the world if you don’t have peace with God or with yourself

Bitterness steals holiness

Harbored bitterness is sin and there was no sin in Jesus

And apart from Jesus we are not holy ---not even close

Most of you are familiar

With the story of the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s

A horrible

Feud that caused the death and torment of many for many generations

It all started with bitterness

The two men- the founders of this feud

Ance and Randal had been friends

They had served in the war together

But a belief by one that he had been wronged by the other turned into bitterness in his heart

And the rest is history

Peace can’t exist in the presence of bitterness

We must get rid of it

We must forgive as we are forgiven

We must love as Jesus loves

Then we will find peace with God

Then we will find peace within

Then we can work at living at peace with everyone

Verse 16

6 Make sure that no one is immoral or godless like Esau, who traded his birthright as the firstborn son for a single meal.

You may be asking


How does being immoral get in the way of peace

I am glad you asked

Last week we talked of God’s discipline

How he is molding us

Shaping us

And training us

How he is teaching us

To be more like Jesus

Remember there is no sin in Jesus

And remember that sin causes a separation from God

And remember that when we chose to sin we are not living in God’s will

And if we as his children are not living in his will the peace in our hearts if we are truly his children will become turmoil

We can’t have peace with God while blatantly choosing to sin

Think about the feeling you have when you know you have wronged someone or owe them money

How the relationship changes until the issue is resolved

That’s how sin affects our peace with God

And if we can’t have peace with God

We can’t have peace with ourselves

And if we can’t have peace with ourselves

We can’t live in peace with everyone else

You see Esau traded his birthright for a single meal

He lost what was most important to him

For a bowl of stinking stew

A fleeting moment of pleasure


All types of immorality and godliness

Cause us to trade the good stuff

For a stinking bowl of Beans

You see Christians

True Christians

Who choose immorality

Are putting up a road block to peace in their hearts and peace with the world

Very few people can truly say that they can be happy with those around them if they are not happy with themselves

So in real simple terms

How do we live at peace with everyone?


Love God

Love like Jesus

Act like Jesus

Care like Jesus

Forgive like Jesus

Live like Jesus

We are to show the love and light of Jesus to the world

A world that desperately needs him and his grace

If we want No peace

We can keep fighting

Keep arguing

Keep judging

Keep the disunity


Dissension Going

We can allow unforgiveness and bitterness to grow and poison our heart

We can whack people over the head with our bibles and preach hellfire and brimstone

Or we can love them to Jesus

By showing love and working at living in peace

Living at peace does not mean compromising our beliefs

Living at peace does not mean embracing theirs

But loving them through the differences

No Jesus

No peace

Know Jesus

Know peace

Close from the heart
