Summary: This sermon is a look at the opposites that are described in Philippians 2:3-4. The first part is the way of war and strife. The second part is the way of peace and joy in the Lord.

Philippians 2:1-11 (Read from the Bible with the congregation)

As I’m sure you noticed, our new memory Scripture is found in this awesome passage. Let’s take a look at the first part …

Philippians 2:3a

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit …

Selfish ambition or vain conceit

What is selfish ambition or vain conceit? It is simply this: I am the target of all my passions?

Selfish ambition or vain conceit says, “My purpose of my life is to please me. If others are hurt or lose out that is OK with me; that’s their problem!”

Selfish ambition and vain conceit flows out of an orientation of this world and this life only. Grab all you can get.

I know this is probably going to get some people irritated but an analysis of our spending would most likely reveal how “me-centered” I am.

“A checkbook is a theological document. It will tell you who and what you worship.”

- Billy Graham

Just think about this; after necessities are met and I mean necessities, an adequate roof over our heads, enough food for health and survival, heat for the winter, a modest vehicle for transportation, medical needs and things like that.

If you added them all up for the past year and then you took everything else, all other expenditures for the past year.

Think about how much you spend on the non-essential items:

The newest cell phones with data plans

TV cable or satellite services including expensive movie and sports packages

The TV itself or multiple TVs throughout the house


Multiple vehicles (if not necessary)

Motorcycles / ATVs / Motor homes / campers /

Cigarettes / chewing tobacco / alcoholic beverages / soda / candy / coffee

Internet services

Multiple computers/tablets

Gaming devices Xbox, WII, etc

Extravagant vacations

Movies at theaters or rentals

Sporting equipment - guns, fishing gear, golf clubs and fees

Clothing other than what is necessary for modesty and utility


Piercings and the associated jewelry

Extravagant rings and necklaces and watches

Purebred pets and the associated vet bills

Expensive artwork

All of these and much more are not necessary but many people run out of money well before the end of each month because of these things.

So, if you were to add up all that you spend on these non-essential things and compare them to what you give to help others and to the Lord’s work how would it all stack up?

Is Billy Graham correct in saying that, “A checkbook is a theological document.

It will tell you who and what you worship.”?

How far is self-centeredness from selfish ambition and vain conceit?

Self-centered, selfish ambition and vain conceit.

The realm of Christianity is not immune from such thoughts either.

Just listen to these totally insane lyrics from a Southern Gospel song!

Southern Gospel music (which I like for the most part) kind of has a real grasp of, “He Thought of Me”

He said “Father if it be Your will” as the sweat turned into blood

All at once His heart stood still overcome by love,

With 10,000 reasons why it didn’t have to be

In mercy, love and mercy HE THOUGHT OF ME

From the garden where He prayed straight to Pilate’s hall

Where His perfect innocence took the blame for all

Hanging on that rugged cross, tho’ He spoke not a word





Tho’ the soldiers tore His flesh in anger


Way before He ever cried it’s finished

Long before I ever bowed the knee

About the time He said father forgive them

Without a second thought, HE THOUGHT OF ME!

What this song is saying is, “I’m the pinnacle of God’s creation.”

What is the end result of selfish ambition and vain conceit?

Isaiah 14:13b-14 ESV

“I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God. I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”

Who said that? (satan)

What was the result?

Isaiah 15:15 HCSB

“But you were brought down to Sheol into the deepest regions of the Pit.”

That is where selfish ambition and vain conceit will take you.

Selfish ambition and vain conceit will result in brokenness on many levels; families, friendships, churches.

If God doesn’t want selfish ambition or vain conceit from us what does He want?

Philippians 2:3-4 NIV

“In humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others.”

Obviously, Jesus is the best example of this kind of humility.

I hope you have read many times the account of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. That was one of the lowest forms of servant work at the time of Christ.

Do you remember John the Baptist saying that he was not worthy to even loosen the straps on Jesus’ sandals?

For some reason the feet were, and still are, very offensive in that area of the world.

Do you remember when that Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at President George W. Bush? That was his ultimate insult toward President Bush.

So, when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples it was an example of humility.

I was trying to think of what would be a comparable example in our society. It might be like taking care of an invalid who can’t get out of bed for any reason; not even to use the bathroom. And, you need to clean up after they soil the bed and change the sheets maybe for the fifth or sixth or seventh time that day.

In the Bible one of the best examples of this is Joseph, son of Jacob.

Joseph’s life was totally awesome. He was his dad’s favorite and even had dreams about his dad, mom and brothers bowing down to him. And, then, something awful happened.

Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers

He’s BOUGHT as a slave by Potiphar, not hired but BOUGHT

Joseph could have been self centered or conceited.

Joseph could have just said, “Fine, I’ll do what I have to do but no more.”

But Joseph was humble and looked to the interest of his owner and the

Lord caused him to prosper.

Joseph is falsely accused and thrown into prison

Joseph could have been self centered or conceited.

Joseph could have said, “That’s it. I’m done. I’ll just rot here in jail.”

But Joseph was humble and looked to the interest of the warden and the other prisoners and the Lord caused him to prosper.

Joseph was a righteous man who was humble and looked to the interest of others and eventually ends up overseeing the nation of Egypt through what would have been a disastrous drought and the Lord uses him to save his family; the family chosen by God to bring His glory to the world.

And that begs the question; what about you? What about me?

I may think I have it bad! Or, I may think I have it great and that I am so awesome that I am God’s gift to the world. Whatever … If it’s all about me in the end this is what my life will amount to … (10 second video of a toilet flushing)

Joseph’s life could have been a waste but in horrific circumstances the Lord used it for good.

Howard Hughes, the billionaire who died in 1976, could have lived a life given to Jesus that would have had eternal benefits and yet he died in seclusion with five heroin needles broken off in his arms; a wasted life.

OK. So, let’s get to the bottom line on this Scripture.

Let’s split the Scripture into two pieces …

Philippians 2:3a NIV

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit …”

Philippians 2:3b-4 NIV

“In humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others.”

There is a book that has a three word title. That book in its English translation is 1,424 pages long. The title of that book perfectly describes the two sections of this Scripture. Does anyone know the title of that book?

War and Peace

Selfish ambition and vain conceit will do nothing but produce war and strife in your personal life, in your social life, in your work life and if you attend a church it will most likely end up causing war and strife in the church as well.

On a national level a country with selfish interest and vain conceit will end up in war and strife as well.

Why? This is the domain of the devil, the ultimate embodiment of selfish interest and vain conceit.

Now, our sweet, sweet Jesus on the other hand …

How do we get from selfish ambition and vain conceit to humility and valuing the welfare of others?

John 3:30 NASB/NLT-

“[Jesus] must increase, but I must decrease.”

“[Jesus] must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.”

This process of God remaking us from the inside out will make us actually useful for Him and His kingdom.

This is radical upside down thinking. It’s God’s way of thinking!

The two great commandments - Matthew 22:37-40 (quote)

God and others; that’s what we were made for!

Trying to find true joy in self centeredness, self gratification and vain conceit is like trying to use a jackhammer to do brain surgery; it will only cause pain and death.

True joy and peace is found only in living for the Lord and looking for others as we look out for ourselves.

True joy and peace is only for those who are saved?

What does that mean? (Explain)

Do you want that?

Conclusion and possible invitation