Summary: Jesus is in the wrong hands with the wrong attitudes and wrong justice, yet this is necessary


Matthew 26:57-68

Jesus Professes ... The Sanhedrin Permits

Have you ever looked at a situation and thought to yourself, “That’s just wrong!!”.

(put up some pictures to give an example)

There are all sorts of situations that fit into the “That’s just wrong” category … aren’t there.

Some of these situations are funny, but some are more serious.

Blank Screen.




Human Rights Abuse.

The list goes on and on doesn’t it.

You can find these situations everywhere – you can also find it in the Scriptures.

Let’s read Matthew 26:57-68

There is so much about this passage that is just so wrong. Let me show you what I mean.

The High Priest

This was a very special calling. Firstly only those who were a direct descendent of Aaron – the brother of Moses – who was the first high priest.

So it wasn’t a job that just anyone could take.

It was also a job that came with a very significant responsibility.

The day of atonement.

This happened once a year.

Going into the Most Holy Place – to sprinkle blood on the Atonement Seat (expand)

- He had to dress a certain way; there are very exact instructions.

- He had to offer a series of sacrifices; following a very precise procedure.

- The sacrificial goat and scapegoat.

What was the purpose?

Atonement is to be made once a year for all the sins of the Israelites (Lev 16:34)

It was like a reset button – except everything was rest as if no sin existed.

Expand briefly on the significance of this.

What sort of man would be given a responsibility like this?

One who was respected.

A holy man among holy men.

One who had great wisdom.

Knowledgeable in the Scriptures.

Able to make sound judgements.

This is the sort of man that Caiaphas the High Priest would be.

Highly spiritual.

Highly esteemed and regarded.

His very job was to remind people that atonement was possible.

Jesus had been teaching that He had come to deal with sin.

He had been teaching that He was the way to the Father God.

Jesus was atonement in action.

Yet Caiaphas just scoffs at Jesus.

That’s just wrong!!

If anyone was going to understand who Jesus was and what He came to do it should have been the high-priest. Yet here he is throwing respect, and holiness, and wisdom, and sound judgement and Scripture out the window.

It’s wrong and it shouldn’t be happening. But it is happening.

The Court

The court was meant to be a place of deliberation and discussion. People are given a chance to present their case and mount a defence. Time is given for prayer and searching the Scriptures. The resulting answers were usually fair – based on a measured consideration of all the issues.

But not today!!

We all know that this whole situation is justice at its worst.

Even before they begin they have already made a verdict.

They were looking for evidence so they could put Him to death.

They know they are completely ignoring the system.

They were looking for false evidence. They had many false witnesses.

In fact there is a document called the Mishnah Tractate:- Pharisees which talks about how these proceedings should go. Let me give you a few examples.

When judging capital cases (i.e. cases where someone is put to death)

The judges go apart in pairs and take food--but they drink no wine--and discuss all night the section of Scripture bearing on the case … on the morrow they come early to the court, and the officers call on each judge to give his verdict.

This case should have at least gone into another day … but this is ignored.

The blasphemer is not guilty until he has expressly uttered the Name

Has Jesus expressly uttered the name of God in blasphemy?

All perjurers (i.e. false witnesses) are subject to the same death penalty to which their victim has been condemned.

Where are all the false witnesses who were meant to be crucified?

That’s just wrong!!

This is not a court … it is a sham. Justice is being scorned at every level.

The group who lead this are Scribes and Pharisees and respected lay people in the community. The whole process was made so that people who needed justice would be protected.

Yet that is missing here.

Instead of justice that all have determined what the outcome will be even before Jesus steps through the door. All they want to do is have Jesus put to death and out of the way.

It’s wrong and it shouldn’t be happening. But it is.

It’s just plain wrong!!

That is what many people see when they look at this passage.

Indeed, for many, this is the passage which proves that the Jews where the ones primarily responsible for putting Jesus to death.

Talk about the history of this attitude.

And the resulting racism and hate.

But let’s stop and have a closer look.

Yes there is a lot going on in this passage that is wrong.

But wasn’t it wrong that the disciples fell asleep in Jesus hour of need?

And wasn’t it wrong when they ran like rabbits when Jesus was arrested?

And later we will see Pilate giving into the demands of the crowd – that is wrong as well.

An innocent man will be wrongly crucified by the Romans.

The beatings, mocking, abuse, punching, hatred, anger ... the whole passion event. Really it is all wrong isn’t it.

Or that is what we see.

Stop and have a closer look.

Don’t you think it is significant that the high priest … the key individual who most directly deals with issues of atonement … don’t you think it is significant that he is the one who is leading the charge against Jesus?

What we have here is the imperfect, sinful, temporary high-priest being confronted by the perfect, holy, eternal high-priest.

Without even knowing it Caiaphas is condemning the very One who will make a sacrifice that brings about atonement … not just for one year … but once, for all, for all eternity.

It looks wrong … but Jesus is using the situation to make everything right. Jesus is using the situation to bring about a permanent answer to the problem of sin.

And isn’t also significant that, by their own admission, the court is unable to provide and evidence against Jesus in any way.

Even when they resort to false claims and false witnesses.

Even when they totally turn justice on its head.

Even then they cannot find one thing against Jesus. Their lack of evidence is a declaration of His sinlessness. A sinlessness which is the exact requirement needed for Jesus who will atone for our sin.

It looks wrong … but Jesus is proven in this very court to be the perfect and right sacrifice. He is the only One who can go to the cross and make a difference on humanity.

Only when these two truths are established does Jesus open His mouth.

And what he declares … what He professes with the utmost clarity … is that He is God.

And he does it in a very clever way.

Psalm 110:1

The Lord says to my lord:

“Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”

Daniel 7:13-14

In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.

Every Jew knew that these passages talked about the coming Messiah – the One who is from God who will bring about the transformation of the nations. The One to whom all people will give their spiritual allegiance. God on earth. Heaven established. The divine kingdom coming in power. Jesus is saying he is this One.

And while everyone is running around tearing their clothes yelling “Blasphemer, Blasphemer”.

While they all rejoice in their hearts because now they know they can get rid of Jesus.

While everyone stands around like the bunch of cowards that they are beating and mocking a man – who we know from John’s Gospel – is already bound with ropes.

While all this happens – all this which looks so wrong.

While all this happens – we are shown the truth.

Jesus is going to be condemned to death because of His willingness … and only because of His willingness … to take our place.

Jesus sees all the wrong in this world.

(Expand and talk about the effects of sin)

Jesus sees all that and He makes sure He is in a position to fix it.

Jesus sees us who are wrong

(Expand and talk about our short-comings)

Jesus sees us and He wants to bring hope.

So when you see a passage like this stop and have a really close look.

This isn’t wrong.

This is necessary.

So when the Judge does come on the clouds of heaven.

We won’t have to run and hide in fear.

Rather we can stand and welcome Him with arms open wide and joy in our hearts.

Faith will be turned to sight … and all that is wrong will be over … for eternity.
