Summary: King Solomon's wisdom reminds us that we need to follow the wisdom of the true King. This wisdom enables us to look back and learn from our past, as well as look forward and believe that we are cared for by our King.

You can listen to the full message here:-


1 Kings 3:1-28

“Choose Wisdom Every Time”

It is not easy to follow in the footsteps of great men.

Billy Graham

- many still organize evangelism rallies.

- Franklin Graham (son), Wil Graham (grand son).

- it wasn’t the same as when Billy did it.

Billy’s legacy is huge.

Another hard act to follow would be king David.

Remember Scripture is selective?

David gets

• 16 chapters of 1 Samuel.

• All of 2 Samuel … 24 chapters.

• 14 Chapters in 1 Chronicles.

• Plus all the Psalms that he wrote.

Jesus gets the most space, then possibly Moses gets more space, but that is it.

David truly is a key player in God’s hand in the OT.

The kingly covenant is made with David. So powerful that even in failure, it still stands.

Talk freely but use these texts.

Regarding division of the kingdom.

Yet I will not tear the whole kingdom from him, but will give him one tribe for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem, which I have chosen.”

1 Kings 11:13

Regarding Abijah an unfaithful King.

Nevertheless, for David’s sake the Lord his God gave him a lamp in Jerusalem by raising up a son to succeed him and by making Jerusalem strong.

1 Kings 15:4

Regarding Jehoram who walk in the evil was of the Israelite kings.

Nevertheless, for the sake of his servant David, the Lord was not willing to destroy Judah. He had promised to maintain a lamp for David and his descendants forever.

2 Kings 8:19

Which raises the question. What sort of King would Solomon be?

Read 1 Kings 3:1-15.

What sort of King would Solomon be?

That looks like a pretty good start doesn’t it.


Solomon Marries Pharaoh’s Daughter.

It was done as a political way to make alliances => brief expand

It shows how powerful Israel has become … Egyptian Pharaohs don’t just give their daughters to anyone.


• wasn’t Egypt the arch-enemy of Israel, kept them in slavery for 400 years.

• Pharaoh’s daughter doesn’t have the same religion – we know this is going to be an issue in the later years of Solomon’s life.

True Worship was Being Compromised

The place of worship up to this point was the tabernacle.

Brief history

Ark of covenant was in Jerusalem, tabernacle was in Gibeon about 5 km away.

Accessible yet people, even Solomon were worshipping in High Places.

Application: We need to honestly evaluate our relationship with God.

Many of us live good Christian lives.

But what are the snares?

What are the areas of life that get us and make us stumble?

Talk freely

They may only seem like little things, but in the end they could be the very things that spiritually make us stumble in the long-term.

Read 2 Kings 11:1-6, 9

Always we need to be reflecting on the decisions that we make in life.

Solomon was faced with that decision … it was a

A Key Decision

What do you want me to give you … anything.

Wow … expand, what to ask for.

Solomon thinks carefully about it.

Solomon reflects on the past

You have been faithful

2 Samuel 7:16 – the covenant God made with David

16 Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever.’”

Despite what Adonijah tried to do Solomon is on the throne.

Application:- Use the past actions of God to direct the present.

How easy it is to be stuck in the moment.

Personal struggle with medication => gives a skewed picture of the present.

7 “Will the Lord reject forever? Will he never show his favour again?

8 Has his unfailing love vanished forever? Has his promise failed for all time?

9 Has God forgotten to be merciful? Has he in anger withheld his compassion?”

10 Then I thought, “To this I will appeal: the years when the Most High stretched out his right hand. 11 I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. 12 I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”

Psalm 77:7-12

Talk freely about how this is put into practice … leads us to gratitude.

Solomon Acknowledges His Weaknesses

I’m not up to the task and I need your strength God.

The people are very difficult people to lead.

• easily distracted to other “gods” (it will be their downfall)

• love the culture of the world too much (temptations of the world)

• they don’t quickly listen to the word of God through the prophets.

Solomon acknowledged that he is just as guilty, and that he needs wisdom to be connected with Yahweh as he leads the people.

Application: Choose Wisdom Every Time.

Everyone things that knowledge is the answer, when we know more the issues will sort themselves out and the world will be a better place.

Talk about the amount of knowledge we have … has it made this world any better?

i.e. The trap of self-diagnosis, all it does it create greater fear and worry.

Wisdom is lacking

We live in a world where, we are easily distracted to other “gods” – things like materialism, and self-centeredness, and success.

We love the culture that we are in – when it comes to the saying to be “in the world but not of the world” we love the “in” part – and find ourselves very much of the world.

We have God’s word … heaps of tools at our disposal to understand it.

• online bibles … able to compare versions.

• easily do word studies.

Knowledge isn’t the problem … it is the wisdom needed to apply the Word.

13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. 14 But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. 15 Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 16 For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. 17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.

James 3:13-18

God Answers

Notice God would have given whatever Solomon asked for.

We have a lavish God who is generous and loves to bless His people.

Believe this to be true

Come in prayer and be prepared to see answers

God does far above what we ask for or imagine.

BUT … it isn’t just a Santa Claus list.

God promises a blessing to Solomon … but it has conditions.

Solomon needs to keep walking in the way of the Lord

There is a call for faithfulness and walking the ways of God.

We need to walk faithfully before God, trusting in His generosity, but also living in obedience.

Which brings us back to the question what sort of king is Solomon going to be?

Now if you were going to pick a story which showed that wisdom in action, what would you pick?

• A great act of diplomacy … sorting out a long standing issue between two neighboring countries.

• Maybe snippets of a round table discussion that Solomon is having with his nobles.

• Perhaps a great victory in war.

None of these are chosen, rather we get this story.

Read 1 Kings 3:16-28.

The repetitiveness of this passage makes it clear what the issues are.

The two women are alone in a house together.

A child has died.

Now there is an accusation of kidnapping.

And there are no witnesses.

The issues are obvious.

What easily gets missed is the fact that this is an argument between two prostitutes.

Everyone can tell they are prostitutes because of the cloths they wear, and the eye make-up on their faces. Most of the people in the throne room would be disgusted by their presence. Prostitutes have lowered the standards of God and they deliberately lured young men to their homes in order to make them stray from God's commands. In the minds of many they don’t deserve any justice. They certainly don’t deserve a hearing with the king.

Yet here they are, before Solomon the king, and they are receiving justice. Solomon’s wisdom isn’t just in the decision which was made. Solomon’s wisdom shows that every person,

no matter what job,

no matter what status,

no matter what actions they have committed,

no matter how important or lowly they are.

Every person in Israel has a right to seek an audience before the king. Solomon even allows these two women to get into a verbal argument, right before the throne. They are fighting over the baby, like two children fighting over a toy.

“He’s mine”.

“No. He’s mine”.

“You have stolen my baby”.

“How dare you accuse me of such a thing. It’s you who is trying to take what is not yours”.

To bring an end to the discussion Solomon calls for a sword and, in no time at all, the true mother is revealed. And everyone is going around talking about the wisdom of Solomon to administer justice.

Solomon may have his flaws and weaknesses, but He is a king appointed by God who can properly direct the affairs of all His citizens, from the least to the greatest.

Remember the group who are the original audience? The ones in exile. They would be looking at this story and saying … if only

… if only we had access to a king with such wisdom that even the least in the kingdom gets justice.

… if only we could get away from this terrible place which makes us weary and gives us a despairing heart.

… we have been taken from our land, our family ties are broken, our homes and farms are lost.

The prostitutes may be considered to be the lowest in society – but at least they lived at a time when even the lowest in society had access to the king. When you are in exile you do not have such privileges.

Do you see what is happening? Through this passage a yearning is being built into the lives of the people in exile. God is building a desire in thme to want to follow a true King.

… a King who is wise and understanding.

… a King who is able to be fair in all quarrels, no matter who is involved.

… a King who judges fairly.

A King very much like Jesus.

You see, in the kingdom of Jesus we have a King who deals justly with all. No matter who they are.

King Jesus cares, no matter what background you have.

Be it a “bad” back ground.

Be it a “good” background.

You can be sure that no matter who you are Jesus cares about your situation.

He cares when we are hurt and feel that the world is against us.

He cares when we feel alone because of the actions and betrayal of others.

He cares when we feel afraid and hopeless as we look towards the future.

His care is not limited by how important or faithful we are.

His care is not reliant upon our obedience and service.

His care is not conditional upon our love and devotion.

He just cares.

If you want to be sure that He cares just look at what He has done. Because Jesus has proven His care by His actions.

He was the ruler in heaven, yet He came down and was born in an animal stable.

He was in perfection and holiness, yet He entered this world stained with sin.

He was the Creator of all the rules, yet He suffered on the cross for our sins.

He watches as we chose death, yet He came to give us life.

No king has ever acted like this. But because Jesus did we have a King who has proven that He will bring justice in our lives no matter what.

You who feel unworthy … look at what your King has done.

For if it was possible for this sinful prostitute to receive justice from a human king … how much more will we receive justice from our heavenly King Jesus who considers us to be His holy precious child.

Come to your King in confidence.

Come knowing that you will never be refused on any occasion.

Come because you are a child of a King.

For what heavenly King is able to ignore His own, dear, precious, children?
