Summary: Part 9 of Believe in Jesus and live

John – Believe in Jesus and live!

Part 9

“Stay hooked”

John 15:1-8

For many years I have loved fishing

All the way back to my very early years my fondest memories of my Dad and my Granddad on my mother’s side revolve around some type of fishing

My Dad loved to fish for crappie and sunfish – you know minnows – worms – crickets and bobbers

My Granddad was a bass fisherman- his favorite lure was a hot spot

I actually have one of them in a frame in my office

These were my roots in fishing

I added trot lining - fly fishing and saltwater fishing to the list and have passed those memories down to my kids and grandkids as well as adding to my own memories

All types of fishing

Whether with tiny flies

Rattle traps

Mullet or minnows

Have one thing in common

In order to put fish in the boat

Or in the freezer

You have to hook the fish

But they have to stay hooked

Many a time I can remember

That Giant fish

A world record

Coming right to the boat

So close I could almost touch it

And then

Coming unhooked

It is ironic that it is always the big ones that get away


Truth be known

They are always remembered and described bigger than they were

But big or small

In order to catch the fish they have

To get hooked

And to stay hooked

In my younger – thinner years

I rode Bulls and bareback horses

Same deal

In order to make the buzzer

In order to get a buckle or a check

I had to stay hooked

You cutting horse folks

Ya’ll know that a horse that does not stay hooked to a cow

Is not a very good cutter

And certainly won’t win much money

It is so amazing when I begin my studies to bring you a message

God opens my mind and causes me to remember things in my past

Good things

Bad things

Things that at time seemed insignificant

Even things that I had thought I had forgotten

Or wished I had forgotten

And he shows me how to use these things to preach his word


How to use real life situations to bring clarity to spiritual situations

This is the case here

I have for years when counseling people told them

To stay hooked

I actually learned this from Mike Morrow over at Cross Brand

As a lay Pastor there

He often told me and the others to stay hooked

You see

If you want to grow spiritually

You must

Stay hooked

If you want to straighten out the mess of your life

You must

Stay hooked

If you want to fix your marriage

Stay hooked

Even Jesus himself tells us to stay hooked

You may be asking


Where in the bible does Jesus Christ

Say to stay hooked?


I am glad you asked

Please open your bibles this morning to John chapter 15

We are in part 8 of our study of John

And have been studying what it takes to live in Jesus

We have over the last couple of months

Seen and learned that it is belief

That brings life

Eternal life

Abundant life

Life to the full

Belief in Jesus

Belief that he is the only way

Belief that he is the answer

So now in John 15 we see Jesus tell us to stay hooked

Let’s read John 15:1-4

“I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. 3 You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you. 4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.

In the book of John we see have read many I am Statements from Jesus

And this morning he says

“I am the way to stay hooked”


That is not really what he said

He said

I am the True grapevine

And my Father is the gardener

So you may ask

Preacher how do you come up with stay hooked from that

Ok let’s read verse 4 again

Verse 4

4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.

Remain in me

Abide in me some versions say

Hooked to the vine

Hooked to Jesus

Look at verse 5-6 with me again

Let me replace the word remain in

With “stay hooked ”

And you will see what I mean

“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who stay hooked to me, and I to them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. 6 Anyone who does not stay hooked to me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned.

Remain in me—abide in me---stay hooked

Jesus says

Apart from me you can do nothing

Without him

Our witness

Our studies

Our preaching

Our prayers

Our Christian walk

Our works

Our good deeds

Our money

Or our charity

Are like a dead branches

Without Jesus

They are

Of no value

Here is where I want to focus our teaching this morning

In our spiritual life

If we are not hooked to Jesus

Like a branch to a vine

We cannot produce fruit

And it is fruit that blesses us

It is that fruit that Blesses others’


It is that fruit brings glory to God

Last week we saw how

Jesus is the only way to the Father

How he is the only way to heaven

How many people in the world are trying to tell you?

Convince you and the world that they have a better way

But they are mislead or misinformed

Or they are liars

Snake oil salesmen


False prophets


They are not connected to the true vine

And as a result

They cannot produce spiritual fruit

They don’t even know what true spiritual fruit is

Jesus says

In plain language

That unless you are hooked to the vine

Hooked to him


As far as spiritual things are concerned

You are dead

Just Dead branches

And that

You will be cast aside

I think it is important to stop here for a second and clarify something

Jesus is talking to believers here

Not the lost

And as a result

Many of those false prophets use the following verse to try and prove to you that salvation is not assured

They say that no one can ever be sure that they are truly saved

They say that you can lose the gift that was given to you through the blood sacrifice of Jesus

They say that only if you live a good life and get lucky will you go to heaven

First let’s look at one of the strongest statements about assurance of salvation in scripture

I love these verse – these are what allow me to get up in the morning and lay down at night

From Romans chapter 8

First verses 1-2

So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. 2 And because you belong to him, the power[a] of the life-giving Spirit has freed you[b] from the power of sin that leads to death.

There is no commendation--- No hell

For those who are in Christ Jesus

Skip down to verses 35-39

Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? 36 (As the Scriptures say, “For your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.”[o]) 37 No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.

38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[p] neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Why do I use these verses so often?

Because assurance of salvation is the key to salvation

A gift that can be lost or taken away is not a gift at all

Jesus died to give you this gift

And IF you accepted the gift

It is yours


It will always be yours

Nothing can ever take it from you


Let’s look again at John 15: 4-5 and then I will do my best to shine some light on this

“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. 6 Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned.

All of the branches here are from the vine

The burning of the branches is not a symbol of hell

But instead

It is a metaphor about pruning and culling of limbs

All of the limbs that are discarded are from the vine—they are in Christ

They are not of a different vine

They are part of the vine

But those dead branches produce no fruit—Many Christians in this world do not produce fruit

But if—they accepted the free gift of Salvation

They are in Christ

They are of the vine

Let’s think for a minute about pruning of fruit trees or grapevines

Productive vines are pruned in order to make them more productive

And unproductive vines are removed

Both the branches in this story

Both the unproductive and the productive are the followers or believers in Christ

They are both in Christ

But some produce fruit

Others do not

The ones who produce fruit

Thrive and receive the rewards of the fruit

The ones who do not

Obviously do not receive the same rewards because they are not hooked to the vine

The fire simply signifies the deadness of the unproductive Christian

Not their loss of salvation

So let’s talk about the fruit

What is this fruit that the productive branches produce?

We often think of and talk about the fruit of the Christian life and of a successful

Sold out

All in believer

Being that of

Leading others to Jesus

We know and have studied about how this is our purpose

Our commission and our responsibility




Showing love and kindness

To others

So they can have what we have



That fruit is important

That fruit is amazing

And when we are productive the blessings we get from this type of fruit can be so sweet


We also produce fruit that is for us-----

We often only think of fruit as our reach for the kingdom

But some of the fruit we produce is for us

Galatians 5 lists the fruit of the spirit

I have preached on this fruit man time

Today I want to focus on this type of fruit

The fruit that is for our benefit

It is this fruit that the productive branches – the ones that are hooked receive

And it is this fruit that the unhooked branches miss out on

Flip over top Galatians chapter 5 with me and let me read for you these fruits

Ya’ll have heard this before if you have spent any time here at Caney Creek at all

22 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control.

You see the first 3 fruits are for us

The others help us show Jesus to the world

They help people see Jesus in us

The last 6 can identify us as Christians to the world

We will be known by our fruit

And these are very important

But God in his infinite mercy gives us three gifts that are designed for us and for our benefit

And it is these gifts that the ones who are believers


Who have come unhooked

Miss out on

Love, joy, peace,


A couple of weeks back we learned about

Pure love

Unconditional love

Sacrificial love

We saw the pure love that is Jesus put himself aside and wash the disciple’s feet

Those who are not still hooked miss out on that love

I am not saying that Jesus does not love them- he loves us all

Remember he washed Judas feet as well


It is only when we are hooked to the vine that is Jesus that we can ever





Or show

This Love

True love

Pure love

We can only give love when we know love

And we can only know love when we are hooked to the one who is love


The only way we ever experience joy is through Jesus

You see the world seeks happiness

Even our constitution talks about the pursuit of happiness

But happiness is conditional

God’s primary goal for believers is not as many wrongly believe or preach

Is our happiness

This world is filled with times of trouble and hardships and pain

Even for believers

But it is his desire that we know Joy

Joy does not depend on how much money you make

How popular you are

Joy does not depend on another person’s love or even hate for you

Joy comes only from the Lord

Joy is a gift from God

It comes with the gift of the Holy Spirit

And only

Those who reside in the Lord

Those who abide in the Lord

Those who are hooked to Jesus

Will ever know Joy

All believers have it in their hearts to know Joy

But only those believers that are hooked with Jesus will ever find it

Joy is that gift that tells you that no matter what happens

God has got this

A cancer diagnosis without Joy can be devastating

With Joy it can be just another way to glorify the Lord

Joy does not fade like happiness


Only those who are in Christ

Those who are hooked will ever know joy


This is a big one for me

I love the song that the band sings

An old Eagles song that has been rewritten

I’ve got a Peaceful easy feeling


This is a true gift and a sweet fruit

To know peace

And feel peace in any circumstance

To stand against all comers

Whatever happens?

Whatever Old slick can throw your way

Whatever the world brings


Have peace in your heart

To know it is all going to be alright

To know at the end of the day

At the end of the road

At the end of this life

There is more

So much more

Than we could ever hope for

Wish for

Or want for


That is peace

And only those who know Jesus and are hooked to Jesus will ever find or know this peace


I have been talking about

Being hooked


Residing in

Abiding in

The vine

Jesus Christ

So what does all this mean?

How do we stay hooked?


In order to stay hooked

First you have to get hooked

That means you must be saved

You must have made a conscious on purpose decision at some time in your life to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior

You must know that you are in Christ

That you are of the vine

That you belong to God

Listen to me because this is important

If you are not sure that you are saved-----repeat

Then I can tell you

You are not saved

You must know that you know that you know

If you don’t- you’re not

You are still lost

But the good news is

But you don’t have to stay lost

So let’s say you’re saved

You are sure you are saved

What’s next?

How do I stay hooked you may ask

Well first

We must be obedient


Our fist act of obedience as a believer is baptism

This is showing the world that we want to be known as a believer

It is showing the world that we are in the vine

That we want to start over

Not for salvation---The water just gets you wet


As a confession of your new found faith in Jesus

In cowboy church we like to say that you are accepting his brand and telling anyone who will listen and all who see

That you are going to ride for his brand

You are now playing for the another team

The right team

Before salvation

Even if you were a good person you were on Satan’s team- just like I was

Riding for his brand

And Now

You are riding for Jesus—baptism shows the world who you ride for


Open your bible

Read your bible

Study the bible

Apply the bible to your life

Jesus says if you live me you will follow my commands

That you will do what he says

How in the world can you follow commands that you do not know

How can you do what he says if you don’t know what he says

That is being hooked to Jesus

I don’t know how many times

I have cried with and talked with people in life wrecks and when I ask them how often they read their bibles, they just kind of stare at me

They never open God’s word

Their bibles are on the coffee table except on Sunday

On the dash of the truck, holding down the plastic and gathering dust

Left at Church in their chair

Left in a bag

Only taken out on Sunday

And even then

We project the scripture so maybe it is only carried to church

Not opened

Not read

As much as I wish it would

The bible can’t be put to use in our lives if it is not opened

Not studied



Talk to God

Tell him your concerns

He already knows what they are

Tell him your desires

He knows them too

Tell him about your life

Confess your sins to him

He already knows what you’ve done

But he knows that by confessing them

You are cleaning the junk out of your own life

Moving out the rubbish to make more room for Jesus

Pray and thank God for your blessings

Even the things that often don’t seem to be blessings

Praise him in the storm and in the calm

When you get where you can do hat

You are truly hooked to Jesus

Then hang out with other believers

Go to church

Go to bible studies

Go to church activities’

Surround yourself with other branches that produce fruit

See how they are blessed

Listen to their testimonies

Share your testimony with them

It is amazing that when we share our Jesus story

That when we talk about our problems

We soon see that we are not alone

That other people have the same problems

Same hang-ups

As we do

And that God loves them and us anyway

So Jesus in cowboy terms tells us

Stay hooked and you will produce fruit

Stay hooked and you will receive the blessings of that fruit

Stay hooked and others will see the fruit and the blessing


They will want what you have

Verse 8 says that when we stay hooked

Not only do we become his true disciples

But that the fruit that we produce will bring glory and great Joy to God

Close from the heart
