Experience the Glory of the Lord!
Ezekiel 1, 10
In what sense is God’s presence always with us?
PROPOSITION: Because Christ is the glory of the Lord, you ought to desire the fullness of His presence in your life.
I. Look to the glory of the Lord for your purpose! vs. 1:1-28; 3:12, 23
A. Ezekiel sees the glory of God (1:1-28)!
1. The time of the vision (1:1-3).
2. The elements of the vision (1:4-28).
B. Ezekiel is commissioned to be a “watchman” (2:1-3:27)!
1. He is sent to the children of Israel [10,000 exiles in Babylon (2:3)].
2. He is instructed to tell them, “thus saith the Lord” (2:4).
3. He is compelled to worship Him (3:22-23).
II. Forsake your pursuit of the glory of the world! vs. 8:1-11:25
A. God’s witness of Israel’s idolatry (8:1-18).
1. God shows Ezekiel Israel’s great abominations (8:1-16).
2. God proclaims His judgment because of their abominations (8:17-18).
B. God’s judgment on Jerusalem (9:1-11:23).
1. God was coming to destroy His temple.
2. God orders judgment on those who persist in their rebellion (9:4-11).
C. God’s glory departs from Jerusalem (11:16-25).
1. God’s glory will not be manifested in places where He is not wanted.
2. The Lord of glory did not forsake all His people.
3. The glory of the LORD moved east of Jerusalem (11-22-23).
III. Passionately embrace the presence of the glory of the Lord! vs. 40:1-43:1-12
A. The glory of the Lord returned from the east (43:1-3).
B. The glory of the Lord filled the temple again (43:4-7; 44:4-5).
1. There is going to be an establishment of a new temple.
2. It will be the center of worship for people of every tribe and nation.