Summary: Wrap up sermon from Genesis- people relating to God series

Genesis – People relating to God

Part 9- Final

Wrap up


One of my favorite movies is actually 2 movies

Monte Walsh

The original started Lee Marvin

The newest one Tom Selleck

I would hate to choose between them

Both tell the same story

Both have the same characters

Both Lee Marvin

And Tom Selleck

Are convincing as the Character Monte Walsh

There are many lines from this movie that I use often

Many situations in my life mirror the story of this man and his friends

But today

I want to focus on the scene where


Rides down the bay

If you have seen the movie

You know Monte is a well know as a Bronc Stomper- he is good at breaking horses

But he has aged a bit

Slowed down a little

And it seems early in the movie that he has finally meet his match when it comes to breaking horses

A big

Rank bay horse

That seems to be unbreakable


Late in the movie


Struggling with his identify

Struggling with a changing world

Mourning the death of his friend Chet

Lamenting the fading away of a life style

A whole culture

Gets a chance to prove he still has what it takes

He meets back up with the bay in a little town

And the ride is historic

This old bronc does everything

And I mean everything to throw Monte

Without success

He falls on him

Bucks through a wooden fence

Through a house under construction

Though the general store- scattering the dry goods

Out the huge plate glass window

Finally the horse submits

He surrenders to Monte



Calmly, coolly steps off

Steps to the head of the horse

Strokes his muzzle

With the love only a true cowboy can feel for a horse and says to parphase as not to cuss in church

Heck of a ride son

Heck of a ride

I can tell you Kind of like Monte

I had no idea when I bit off our study in Genesis

Where it was going to go

I struggled each week to teach in our bible studies life lessons

Lessons we could use in our personal lives

Patti and I tried to study and prepare and teach you and ourselves in the progress

How to use the lesson and examples from the first book of the bible

In our own lives

We have strived to look at

I mean really look at with a discerning honest eye

An eye grounded in scripture

The lives of these great people of the bible

And prayerfully

We can see ourselves in both their strengths and weaknesses

Their situations and circumstances

Then I continued the ride with

Preaching from the same passages or stories

From a slightly different of completely different perspective

I can tell you it has been quite a ride

I know this study has caused Patti and I to study and prepare together

And it is my prayer that by

Getting the church

The whole church headed in the same direction


I mean

You and I

And those to come will continue to grow spiritually

We will do as God’s word says

In 2 Timothy 2:15

“ Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth.”

Other versions of God’s word say

Study to show ourselves approved

That is what this is all about

Studying to learn


Learning so we can teach

Learning so we can

Grow ourselves


Learning so we can show the world the Love of Jesus

The book of Genesis starts off with the words

“In the beginning”

It is not accident that the book of John which we will begin studying next week

Starts with almost exactly the same words

In the beginning

It has been my goal with guidance from God

Hours of prayer



And meditation

To Show you the relevance of the Old Testament in our lives today

It has been my desire to show you Jesus in the bible and in our lives

From the beginning of time

I have prayerfully showed you that

The bible is not some Old

Out dated

Writings by a bunch of dead people


It is the living

Life changing word of God

Just as real

Just a present

And just a relevant in our lives today

As it was to those who wrote it so many years ago

Just a real as it was to the first readers


Just as real as it will be to how ever many generations follow us

While we wait patiently On Jesus’ return as scripture describes

It is our duty as followers of Christ

As disciples

To proclaim God’s word to the world


In order to do that we must learn God’s word

We are on the right track

In our first study

Prayerfully we gained insight to the fact

That God- Jesus – and the Holy Spirit

The Trinity existed from before creation

We see all three in the beginnings of the book of Genesis

We see god the father early on as well as the Holy Spirit

Then we see Jesus

We see him as in the animal sacrifice that hid Adam and Eves nakedness and shame

And then again in the curse of the serpent

Where god gives Old slick a picture of what is to come

From Genesis 3:14-15

Because you have done this, you are cursed

more than all animals, domestic and wild.

You will crawl on your belly,

groveling in the dust as long as you live.

15 And I will cause hostility between you and the woman,

and between your offspring and her offspring.

He will strike[b] your head,

and you will strike his heel.”

We also saw

That all of our actions’ good or bad

Have consequences

We saw how a decision to Sin caused separation from God for Adam and Eve

And were learned that this is true for us as well

In our first sermon from this series

We looked at a few of thousands of ways that Satan tries to trick us

How he tries to deceive us- whisper to us

And how his ultimate goal is to cause or keep separation between us and God

In our next Lesson

We learned more about Adam and Eves sons

Cain and Able

In our classes we saw how God’s judgments also shows us God’s mercy

How he judged Cain

But even in Judgment he protected him

Proving that he is a God who loves us

In Spite of us

And that he has provided protection for us through his Son

In the sermon series

We look at where sin often starts

We learned that many times sin in our own lives starts with a thought

It begins in our minds

And how those thoughts often

Lead to actions

I told ya’ll how

As Romans 12 states

We must change the way we think in order to change our Actions

Be renewed

Transformed by the renewing of our minds

We saw once again

That although God is a God of Judgment

He is a God of mercy

Leading us to Jesus as a way to avoid the Judgment and truly receive his mercy

The next week in lesson three we began studying Noah

We learned in the study that

Without righteousness in this world

Wickedness will take over

We saw that the actions of Cain

The murder of Able

The mind problem of Cain

Lead to the whole world becoming contaminated by sin

But once again we see God’s deliverance through one man


A righteous man

Not a perfect man

But a sign of the one to come

One that would deliver us

Jesus Christ

The perfect and righteous savior

In our sermon series

I looked at the ones who did not get on the boat

A different way of looking at the passage

But a clear symbol of those in the world today that refuse to hear the Good News

Those who can’t or won’t hear God because of the mud of this world

And we saw how hearing is the first step to believing

And it is believing will change us

The next week we began studying Abraham

We saw how once again

In spite of the wickedness of the world

God’s plan of redemption marched on

Once again we see God working through one man

Making promises to his children – the whole world


We see God living up to those promises

We saw Abraham take hold of these promises in spite of his doubt and in spite of his own imperfections

He shows us that a life of obedience is what God wants

And that he blesses those who are obedient to him and do what he says

In our sermon series we saw how God extends a call to all of us

First in Salvation

Accepting Jesus

Then in service and blessings

Through a relationship with our savior

And we saw how when we answer the calls

We get greater and greater and blessing

And greater and greater calls

The next week

We Studied about Abrahams other half


We saw that through the

God honoring marriage she had with Abraham

That the promises that God made to Abraham were made to her as well

She was part of His plan

We saw how her doubt and her laughter

Turned to belief and joy


She laughed at God because of her doubt

And then she laughed with joy because of his promise

In our sermon series

I asked the question from Genesis

“Is there anything too hard for God?”

It is my prayer that we learned that

With man lots of things are impossible

But though God

Though his Son Jesus

Through the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives

Nothing is too hard for God

And that


Which is absolutely impossible by our own deeds and works

Impossible by our own hand

It is not only possible


Easily accessible by simply asking for the gift

It is God’s desire

His great joy

That we come back into fellowship with him as he designed

That we get to spend eternity with him as he planned

The next week we began our study of Jacob

In our study on Sunday morning

Jacobs’s life showed us that God can use

Anyone for his glory in spite of their owns faults and weaknesses

And that he will with obedience

Bless and use us and uphold his promises to those who obey in spite of their shortcomings

He shows us that he will use those he chooses

In addition

Jacob’s life and his choices

Often painfully show us our hidden selves and our hearts

But we also saw Jacob overcome his own character and cry out to God

Accept God as his God

No longer did he refer to God as the God of my father

The God of my Grandfather

He cried out MY GOD – a cry that we all need to make ourselves

In our sermon series

I went just a little different route and focused on the older brother Esau

We looked at his bad trade and his actions and attitudes that followed his bad decisions

In doing so

Prayerfully we shed some light on how we often trade the good things in life for things that will not last

We looked at what Jesus- did-was and is willing to trade for our old lives

And we saw that what we see in ourselves as of little value

Jesus placed enough value on to die for

To deliver us form the junk of our lives

Then we began a 2 week look at Joseph

Jacobs’s favorite son

In our fist bible study

We bit off the topic of temptation

And saw how we like Joseph

Like Jesus are going to be tempted

Not if

But when

We looked at how to fight against temptation


Using God’s word



And running

We also learned that giving in to temptation is a sin against


The people in our lives

But more importantly a sin against God

Most of us learned that it does matter where we go and what we do and that our actions. Words, attitudes and beliefs affect those around us

As well as our witness—our integrity and our Lord

And that we should always strive to lift up ----not trip up those we have the chance to impact

In the sermon on that day


Looked at how we are to live when we feel life has ripped us off

Joseph had all his plans changed

All his hopes dashed

His future looked dim


He continued to look up

He continued to look at himself and make changes in the way he thought and acted

He continued to trust God


God fulfilled his promise

To his Great Grandfather Abraham through him

We saw how when we focus on Jesus


Make honest assessments about ourselves


Trust, Worship and Praise God though the storms

While in the pit

He will deliver us and bless us

Last week

We finished up with Joseph and took our last look at People relating to God from Genesis

In our Round pen studies

We saw how we fit into the puzzle of God’s purpose

That each of us has a part to play

And we saw how our obedience once again brings blessings on those around us and on ourselves

In the sermon series

I finished up with

How God’s plan will always outweigh the plans of the world’

And the plans of Old slick

We learned and reinforced how God can use

Anything and Anyone

For his glory

He can make the bad things of this world into good things

Sow’s ears into silk purses

When we let him

I pray that you have been blessed by these studies

And I pray that you have developed a desire to learn more


To truly apply God’s word to your life

I pray that you have maybe for the first time been able to see the importance and relevance of the entire bible Old and New Testament

Mostly it is my prayer that you have seen Jesus through this study

Seen Jesus in the bible but more importantly in your life and in the world


That you have either accepted him as your savior

Or that you

Made a commitment to make changes in your life in order to grow closer to him

Or that

The stories and lives that we have preached and taught has inspired you to more and greater service in the Lord

It has and always will be my goal to show you Jesus

He and he alone

Lived a perfect life


He and he alone

Can change your mistakes



Into something good

The Apostle Paul writes in Romans Chapter 7:15-24 and this really hits home with me

And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature.[d] I want to do what is right, but I can’t. 19 I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. 20 But if I do what I don’t want to do, I am not really the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it.

21 I have discovered this principle of life—that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. 22 I love God’s law with all my heart. 23 But there is another power[e] within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. 24 Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? 25 Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.

My life to The T

Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death?

25 Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Close from the heart
