A few weeks ago we noted a simple formula for life:
Good Decisions = Good Results! Bad Decisions = Bad Results!
Please open your Bibles to 1 Samuel 27…. Look briefly at v1-2 with me….
David made a decision! As we read the whole chapter and a few verses in Chapter 28, think about this question: Did David make the right decision? How well do we do in our decision making?
Read along with me now 1 Samuel 27:1….28:2
v1-2: David decided to move to the land of Israel’s enemy to get away from Saul. 2 questions:
1. Did David get help in making a decision?? – He made his own decision (thought to himself)!
2. Did his decision work?? – look at v4…
David’s decision to move to enemy country did keep Saul away; and we will see in later chapters that this; was the end of Saul’s pursuit of David!
And so did David make the right decision? Before we answer that question, let’s answer this question first: Did David really have to run??
Maybe David didn’t have to run but he was troubled by Saul repeatedly hunting him! David was growing in his faith with God but he was still a sinner in a sinful world; therefore there will be trouble and he felt he had to run away; and so, David made a choice to run away. Was it the right decision for David to run away and live in enemy territory?? Why or why not??
Good decision = good results! Bad decisions = bad results!
Let’s summarize the results of David’s decision:
v4 – Saul stopped chasing David! – a good result of David’s decision!
But in a year and four months (v7):
v8-10: David and his army raided communities and killed everyone!
and why did David kill everyone in those communities?
v11 tells us: David tried to hide his deeds! David did not want anyone to say anything about his raids!
And what happened to the hero David to Israel according to v12??
David became odious (despicable) to Israel!
28:1 – David was obligated to fight his own people Israel!
and what can we say happened to David based on v2 of chapter 28??
28:2 – David became a slave to his people’s enemy!
And as we will read in the rest of 1 Samuel, nothing really good resulted from David’s decision to live in enemy territory!
Yes, David had troubles and he had to do something; but what did David do wrong and who do we not hear from, this time, in David’s decision??
We don’t read David praying or God giving approval of David’s decision. I believe we actually hear God disapproving of David’s decision based on the bad results! You see, God allowed the bad results to teach David some lessons!
Biblical principles for us:
1. Like with David, God will allow people to make wrong decisions to learn from!
None of us are perfect while still here on earth and we will make bad decisions. God will allow these bad decisions and so the question we must ask ourselves is “What is God teaching me?”
And, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ tells us “In this world you will have trouble!”
2. In this world, trouble is inevitable for Christians (John 16:33)!
We will note in 1 Samuel 29:6 that David finally went to the Lord for counsel but much trouble already occurred because he did not seek God’s counsel about moving to the Land of the Philistines!
3. Let us not be like David who tried to run away from his troubles on his own!
With our troubles, let us seek God’s counsel, through prayer, God’s Word, and godly people!
Take a moment to quietly pray right where you are and ask:
a. Lord, what are you trying to teach me in my troubles?
b. Lord, how should I handle my troubles with __fill in the blank______________?
c. Lord, what does your Word say about my situation?
d. Lord, direct me to a godly person for counsel and support!