Summary: Will God be able to say “good and faithful servant” to a weakling like me? When were not growing your dying - We grow a lot, At some point, will I stop growing and fall away? I am concerned.

Unfair, trying so hard, I fail to overcome, will I loose my Salvation?

will God be able to say “good and faithful servant” to a weakling like me? When were not growing your dying - We grow a lot, At some point, will I stop growing and fall away? I am concerned.

We are on this narrow road, and we are bombarded by Satan, we seem to forget that God is bigger than Satan. God is bigger than sin. there is not even one sin He can not overcome, he died for it He paid the price and He established the victory, all you have to do is to stay in fellowship with Him, stay connected and He will be your victory, just stay the path. Never give up. Jesus will come back before you know it, just wait and see, Be ye therefore ready and don't neglect your salvation. He will uphold you and He will not let you fall. He is your strength

Isaiah 42:3King James Version (KJV)

3 A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth.

Hebrews 7:25King James Version (KJV)

Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

God is reaching out to you, as you stretch your hand out to God, He grabs your hand and He draws you closer to Himself. When you accept God as your Savior, and you follow Him with every fiber of your being, you will find yourself growing at a steady pace but with leaps and bounds: At times you will find yourself falling and growing at the same time. How bad would it be if you should lose your eternal after trying so hard, will I end up lost because i cant overcome?

life but should I fail, I will be lost, right? How bad would it be if I love Jesus this much and I end up being condemned anyway? Let me add, being condemned as a result of my keen knowledge of God’s Word and my sincere desire to draw even closer. - How sad will it be!?

Sometimes we look back at our salvation experience and we ask: Where did my Spiritual High go? I am afraid to grow so close to the Lord that the temptations get, so tough, that I would not want to overcome anymore.

I accept Jesus as your first love. I wholeheartedly and unconditionally surrender my life to Christ and we start on this journey, living a life of victory. You get a spiritual high and you are floating on cloud nine, doing just great! For a while at least! But then you look back and you realize that, slowly but surely, you became stuck in rut. – It happened!– You become so busy and so preoccupied with things, that you just can’t seem to find time for God anymore. Then, desperately we try to make time for God. - What must you do? You should spark up a relationship with the help of the Holy Spirit; but you get bombarded with responsibilities.– The story of your life became a never ending cycle of crisis management! You battle with that eerie nagging feeling that you are in a war against time and circumstance, but you are not growing-Spiritually-You are not where the Lord wants you to be, and you know it. You, so want to relive the honeymoon of your born again experience- But no matter how hard you try you can’t seem to make it happen – Victory is just out of reach. You unwillingly find yourself devoting all of your time to other purposes and concerns. You really don’t want to engage your mind with other things, but you just cannot break free. but the Holy Spirit is still impressing you to spend time with God. But you stare at the shore as you drift away. You are determined to get rid of these “time bombs” but you can’t seem to shake it. Face it spiritually you are sinking.

Being haunted by your past failures, you become very concerned, you start to wonder, and you ask yourself – am I where Jesus wants me to be? did I honestly make a full commitment -Am I really saved, or am I kidding myself? Will I make it? Surely God won’t say “good and faithful servant” to a weakling like me? Your past sins haunt you, and you worry. You are asking yourself. Will I fall back and can someone like me, really stay committed. Listen up and listen real good! These thoughts are messages coming from the Holy Spirit, impressing your conscience to turn to Christ. Whatever you do- do not ignore these messages! I know you are concerned and deeply troubled by your lack of devotion. You are anxious and worried that you would lose your first love – and you should be! Let me say it again YOU SHOULD BE!

Today, I will tell you a true life story: it is a part of my battle contending with God and it is very real! And you need to plead with God till you get victory – Don’t stop-ever!

I want to share with you how God has touched my life, rescuing my life from spiritual suicide (inactivity) Giving me peace and relieving me from an intense fear of being lost.

My clean slate was stained at best. When we slide back, we seem to fail to take action; there is a failure to follow through. I want to tell you a secret – The single most important thing you could do to obtain a life of continual victory is to get up! Always - but always GET UP! Do not stay down, no matter what – Even if you feel worse than the devil himself. GET – UP already! Ask, seek, and knock – desperately, urgently and continually.. It spells A.S.K Ask, seek, and knock and it will be opened to you, you will find and you will go in and the Father promised the Holy Spirit to those who ask for it! Ask like the Lady did in Luke 18

You might feel as I felt. So let me tell you about it: I gave my life to Christ and He saved me. I was baptized, and I started growing in the Lord, through continual Bible study, He has asked me to draw closer and become more like him by surrendering my will to His commandments (a reflection of His character).

Well, I have asked and I seeked and I had knocked (continuously) asking that the Lord would save me no matter what it takes! it! And I meant I truly meant it, I pleaded with God. I have done this sincerely and persistently enough to the point where I experienced true repentance (Try this – it really works) I can safely say, I really had an experience with God. I mean - a complete change of heart! The Holy Spirit started working through me to overcome many of my sins. However. I am constantly being bombarded by the devil. Every trial seems to be harder than the previous.

Having had this experience, I now find myself in a great and a very real dilemma. finding myself being drawn into a relationship with God, and experiencing growth as never before I longed for an even deeper relationship with my Lord. and the growth continues constantly. I've been growing constantly as a result of this relationship. I am

I “naggingly” prayed for this growth, and that's what I got! (Try this - LUKE 18)

However, in the process of overcoming sin; the temptations being thrown at me became harder and tougher to overcome. This scared me; I became worried that I would grow so close to Jesus, that I would be left with so big a temptation, that will leave me unable to overcome it. But, even in my worries, I am still being transformed by the renewing of my mind. I know that God gives the ability to overcome (He gives a way of escape with the temptation) Leaving me without any excuse. I also know that we won't be tempted above our own power, if we rely on The Help of the Holy Spirit- but will I always faithfully choose the victory over the temptation?

This is a lingering fear and it is very real. True, God may give me a way to escape, but I might not take it! Should it become that hard! I know so much about the Word, Jesus' character, my responsibility and the sin against the Holy Spirit. I am afraid that this knowledge will cause me to be condemned, should I fail to want to overcome anymore. I am afraid I would be unable to resist temptation due to my vulnerability (I am professing: I will rather die than sin, and I am dead to sin) but it is not that easy! What if I find myself Unable to stay on the narrow road? (It's not called the narrow for nothing, you know!) It's got a steep incline! what will my end be if i am overcome by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, unable to stay the path, unable to resist anymore. Satan knows our weak points very well and our weak points are truly weak. I admitted,

Furthermore, I am fully aware of my shortcomings and my weakness, and if I put the Holy Spirit to shame when I turn against him. Will I then be worse off than when I first believed. Is seven daemons breaking down my door. Should I desist from seeking God so diligently, am I setting myself up for condemnation, because of my knowledge and experience of salvation. I mean, I don't want to lose my salvation because of knowledge. Is ignorance bliss? Should i stop learning to prevent myself from stagnating? and all the wile the words are echoing through my mind -I love Jesus so much! I am falling and growing at the same time, but should I fail, I will be lost? How bad would it be if I love Jesus this much and I end up being condemned anyway. Let me add, being condemned as a result of Biblical knowledge and my sincere desire to draw even closer. - How sad will it be!?

First off, don’t panic: The fact that you are struggling with sin and temptation is proof positive that the Holy Spirit is working with you – follow His lead! You will struggle and fall till the day you die. This is what living in a sin invested world means.. 1 John 2:1 "My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.

Claim the promises of God. He promises, you are forgiven in Jesus. You are saved by grace through faith, and by Claiming Jesus Christ as your Savior, He gave you victory. Claim the righteous that Christ offers you; He will keep you in spite of yourself. The righteousness that comes by faith. But be sure to keep on asking! Nagging is important! Pray without ceasing – Do this as much as possible, pray throughout the day if possible. even if it is silent prayers. Learn to multitask, pray while doing other things, even while talking. God loves nagging but He hates silence! Ask the Lord to give you true repentance. ASK God, Lord please show me, what it is that you need to repent off; what do I need to pray for Lord? Ask for forgiveness and His leading – Be specific; if you want to grow, specify what you want to grow into! Read your Bible over and over, and over again (especially the new testament and the book of John). Mark each and every verse that point you to a victorious life.

The Holy Spirit is working in your life, big time. But don’t allow Satan to discourage you with your sins. When he reminds you that you are a sinner, recognize it, but claim the Blood of Jesus over you, He died for sinners. You are the apple of His eye, and you belong to Him, through His righteousness you will stand. Have confidence! Pray that the His words would stay in your mouth day in and day out-all of the time – And make sure it does! When your boat is starting to be filled with water, ask God to risqué you, but don't stop rowing. You are a sinner, of course you will fall. You are helpless and lost in your own power – This is precisely why Jesus died for you, claim these promises and trust in Christ’s salvation and His saving Grace. Keep on dialoguing with God, remove yourself from bad influences, as far as possible, and read your Bible constantly. By doing this you will stay on your spiritual High! If not, you need to draw closer by praying more and asking more! And make time for God, (seek first the Kingdom of God) – by making His cause priority over each and every other distraction, over time and life itself!) When you seek God, and when you pray – Be honest and intensely sincere, this is key!

God will save you, if you abide in the vine, remember He is the vine. He is the root, He nourishes and He holds you up, but stay connected, at all times! – This is abiding in the vine! This is being in Christ. Do not stay down! Study to show yourself approved. study with the intent to find Gods will and direction for your life: John 6:27-29.

Here is the victory, I am growing constantly. The impossible is starting to happen; I am feeding of God, (the bread of heaven) There is no room for doubt anymore, I know, when fall, and I will, God will catch me. I will not go to ruin, God said He would fulfill it to the end, I am experiencing it, God is making it possible for me, He, began a good work in me and will complete it to the END. I am praying, Lord, I don't know where you're leading next, but please, that which you have planned for my life, please let it realize - Keep on praying, keep on being sincere, even in times of drought, God will bring you out of it, just don't take your eyes of God, He will water, and he will bring the increase, He will make you grow and He will direct your steps, He will not leave you, neither will He forsake you. DONT FORGET TO ASK. Asking is the single most important things you can do to stay close to God, and with it: Never stay down, Keep on getting up!

God bless you richly more than you can think - His grace is sufficient for you.

God will say to you: come on in good and faithful servant, come and inherit the Kingdom of God prepared for you, based on His merits and not your own