Federal Control –a Christian’s Reaction.
The young missionary arrived early in the morning at a native village where he was to share the word of God through an interpreter. The fellowship meeting would not take place until the next day so the missionary was given time to get better acquainted with the village and its people. One of the first things they did was walk down to the river and met the fishermen of the village. The young missionary thoroughly enjoyed visiting with the men and through the interpreter he shared with them stories about the Apostles and their fishing adventures with Jesus. After meeting the fisherman, one of the men escorting the young missionary wanted to show him how they trap animals in the jungle. As they set out walking into the jungle the young missionary absent mindedly took his last stick of gum out of his pocket. He unwrapped it and casually threw the wadded up wrapper to the side of the path. Instantly the man who wanted to show him how to trapped animals dove on the wrapper and retrieved it from the weeds along the path. The young preacher felt terrible for what he had done and he instantly apologized for throwing the wrapping alongside the path. The man who had retrieved the gum wrapper simply smiled and motioned for the missionary to continue down the path.
After walking for some distance they came to a clearing. The native led them over to a log that turned out to be hollow. He tore a small piece from the wrapper and laid it shiny side up near a hole in the log. He then slightly wrinkled up the gum wrapper, being careful to leave the shiny side out. He carefully dropped the wrapper through the hole, alongside of which he had laid the small piece of gum wrapper. The native then led them back to the village.
Later that same day the native led the missionary and his interpreter back to the clearing with the hollow log. When they arrived at the clearing a monkey was setting on the log with his hand in the hole. To the missionaries astonishment they monkey seemed to somehow have its hand caught in the log. The native had no problem approaching the monkey and he swiftly dispatch it. At which point the native simply lifted the monkey free from the log. The young missionary was astonished. He clearly saw the monkey was initially trapped but now it was somehow instantly freed … without any effort on the part of the native.
Through the interpreter he asked the native how the money was trapped. The native took a sharp pointed stick and used it to retrieve the gum wrapper from the hollow log. He then placed the wrapper in the palm of the missionaries hand and gently closed the missionaries hand upon the wrapper, thus making a fist. The native said when the monkey did the same thing his fist was too big to pull out of the hollow log, and so he was trapped. The missionary asked why the monkey did not simply let go of the shiny gum wrapper. The native smiled and said: monkey wants what monkey wants … even if it kills him.
Americans Want What Americans Want
Yes, Americans do want what Americans want, even if it kills them. And, what is it Americans seem to want the most? Like all humans they want health, wealth and happiness. But, more than this they want succor and security from some greater power. This desire seems to be hardwired into the human psyche. This is why earthly leaders and kings and governing bodies have forever held sway over the masses. Oh yea, the less benevolent leaders also incorporated the use of force to achieve dominance over the more unruly masses. Still, the majority have discovered that giving people food and assumed protection will pacify them, even when they are being seriously exploited by the government. Today, the American people are rapidly turning to the federal government as their refuge; as their primary source of comfort and protection; as the guarantor of a bright future … as their God if you will. And, the people are allowing the federal government to prepare to use force to achieve its goal of supreme benefactor.
Our nation began as a confederation of states with very strong Christian beliefs. These states created a republic with a form of democratic representation and with a governing body that was strongly influenced by Christian beliefs. Time changes things, however, and today we are a strong federation increasingly ruled by a covert oligarchy, which labors to convince the people they are still a representative democracy. In reality, the rulers of the United States all set atop a two party dictatorship, which is underpinned by a representative democracy that represents the oligarchy and not the people. This is totally acceptable to the American monkeys; because, American monkeys want a very strong central government over them, that they may be like all the other nations. The American monkies wants a strong federal government to take care of them, and to protect them, and to raise their children, and to set moral values for them, and to judge them, and go out before them and fight their battles. (1 Samuel 8) The American monkeys cannot let go of this dream, even when they see themselves being enslaved by the very thing they seek to deify. The American monkeys want what the American monkeys want … even if it enslaves them.
The monkey sitting on the log did not know he was trapped; all the monkey knew was that he had a shiny prize in his hand … and he wanted it. The American people do not know they are enslaved; they just know they have a very strong central government promising them succor and security. These people are totally oblivious to the fact that the federal government has totally ensnared every aspect of their life with the net of government regulations. They do not even see the regulations because their eyes are focused on governmental succor and security. The fact that the American monkeys cannot see the regulations does not do away with them. In fact, since the middle of the 20th century there has been an explosive growth in the number of new regulations generated each year. The tragic truth is that the American people have sold their soul to the government in exchange for the promise of succor and security, which is freely available from God.
Look at it this way, people want to feel they have the opportunity to live a life that is safe and meaningful. For this to happen the people need to believe there is a higher power that is working in their best interest; a higher power that will protect them from terrorists and will aid them in accomplishing their objectives. The people see this to be the federal government; thus, they bestow the federal government with the necessary power and authority to promise them succor and security. In exchange, the federal government demands from the people monitory support and total authority. Through taxes the government gets its monitory support and through federal regulations the government gets its power, or at least the basic foundation of its power. Federal rulemaking is the most important mechanism through which the federal government generates and implements policy. And it is through this mechanism that the federal government overtly and covertly infuses federal desires into individual state regulatory processes.
In the original confederation design of our nation the bulk of power was to be left in the hands of the individual states and only very special and limited power was to be given to the federal government. In fact, our constitution and bill of rights were designed to protect the people from a federal government that sought to exercise total authority over the people. Well, we have tossed much of the original design and plans for this nation aside and we now have a federal government that is running roughshod over the constitution. It has reached the point in American where the authority of a state is almost totally from, and regulated by, the federal government. Therefore, the original design for Americans to make their own destiny has been replaced by dictates of federal regulations, which are enforced by our local legal, judicial, penal and law enforcement systems, which are becoming totally controlled by the federal government.
Even when entrapment is very slow, and even when those who are entrapped are very very stupid, there comes a time when the human monkey will let go. The government is fully aware of this; and, this is why there is such a strong effort to have mechanisms in place to control the masses. It is also why it is essential for the federal government to covertly control destabilizing mechanisms, which make popular resistance almost impossible. Racism, immigration, economics, ethnics, sex, religion, education, drugs and the media are all examples of tools used by the federal government to destabilize the American populous and keep us from uniting against the ruling oligarchy. And, it is all working because the American monkey is still firmly grasping the shiny bauble in his hand … the American monkey wants what the American monkey wants.
The only official revelation of evil infesting the federal government is the Federal Register, which is the government’s way of officially establishing requirements and policies the people must obey. Yet, most Americans have no idea the federal register even exists, which is perfectly fine with the government. Most Americans function under the illusion that rules and regulations stem from our legal, judicial, penal and law enforcement systems. The American people actually believe these systems exist at the behest of the people, by the people, and for the people. In reality, these systems exist primarily to support our government’s insane obsession with ‘continuity of government.’ In other words, the primary reason these systems exist is to ensure that the people are placated with a sense of being protected, when in reality they are being controlled. It works this way; the government generates thousands of new regulations and modifications to existing regulations every year. Buried deep within this morass of bureaucratic paper work is a network of regulations designed to slowly enslave the American people. Because the mass of regulations are so enormous and growing at such a rate, the average American has no idea what is happening; even though it is all written down in the federal register … well much of it is.
The federal government defines what it wants to control and how it wants to control it and then our legal, judicial, penal and law enforcement systems function to regulate and enforce the obvert and covert will of the federal government. In other words, our legal, judicial, penal and law enforcement systems primarily exist to protect the government from the people rather than to protect the people from criminals. Of course, if the government were really of the people, by the people, and for the people, it would not have to fear the people. The fact is, however, the government does fear the people. In the last decade the government has created a top-secret bureaucracy so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work. Every day the government collects massive amounts of data on the American people in an attempt to quench its paranoia, but this effort simple deepens their thirst for more data. In fact, this control-the-people bureaucracy is so huge that it publishes over 50,000 secret intelligence reports each year … so many that most are routinely ignored. On top of this, every first responder from a policeman to a fireman is obligated to feed information into this bureaucratic monster; the very existence of which is proof that our government fears the people.
Look at it this way, when cancer invades a human body it generally remain undetected until its presence is manifested by its damaging functions of the body; it is the same way with the federal cancer infesting our legal, judicial, penal and law enforcement systems. The average American has no idea just how much influence and control the federal government has over our legal, judicial, penal and law enforcement systems. To really see the federal evil that has infested these systems a person must closely examine what is taking place. To begin with, the federal government initially labored to defragment the system; now the feds are laboring to control the entire system from the national level to the state level, all the way down to the town level. For example, it is the federal government that is behind programs to:
• alter public opinion of the police;
• neuter fundamentalist organizations;
• hiring of more police;
• seizure of private property;
• reinforced the police with paramilitary equipment;
• define special psychological selection in recruiting;
• federal designed and funded training;
• modernized police equipment and facilities; and
• reinforce local police with federal agents.
In the future we can expect the federal government to extend its programmatic to include:
• almost total control over our legal, judicial, penal and law enforcement systems;
• combine the police with national security;
• fused federal ideology into all activities;
• link the police with all ‘first responder’ elements; and
• focus police activity on "preventive action," i.e. police can make an ‘arrest’ on the belief someone is about to commit a crime or has the potential to commit a crime.
Eventually our legal, judicial, penal and law enforcement systems will totally function as arms of the federal government, which first act to protect and serve the federal government. As this transition to a police state continues in the United States we can expect to find law enforcement has been given a wide latitude in arrests, incarceration, and the treatment of prisoners. This will be especially evident in the loosening of definitions of exactly what is a crime, such as the current nebulous hate-crime or terrorist activity. As a result of blurring the definition of crime, police will be given the right to take "preventive action," which is action without the need for evidence of a crime having taken place or without court supervision. This will allow the police wider latitude in arrests, incarceration, and the treatment of prisoners; i.e. police can beat someone or kill someone because they are of the opinion that it is the optimum method for the given situation. Of course, for this transition in our legal, judicial, penal and law enforcement systems to work it must take place slowly … drop by drop if you will.
One might question what all of this has to do with a Christian; after all, we are not of this world. While it is true that a Christian is not defined by who and what they are in this world, we still have to live in this world, and we will certainly react to this world. More importantly, we must act and react in such a way that we show the world we are Christians. If we are faithful to learn and obey all that Jesus taught, and if we love one another with the love of Jesus, then all men will know that we are true Christians. (Matthew 28:16-20, John 13:34-35) Therefore, it is very important that we are taught to recognize the evil that has infested our government and is now in the process of enslaving the people. We must react to this evil as Christians and not worldly people.
Christians need to accept the fact that we are scripturally obligated to submit to government authority; even when that authority is under the influence of Satan. As long as we are not asked to compromise our walk with Jesus we must submit ourselves, for the Lord’s sake, to every human institution, whether to the federal government, or to local governing authorities. Just remember, there is no authority in existence without God being aware of it; and, the very concept of authority was established by God. Therefore, whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God and they are in rebellion toward God. (1 Peter 2:13, Romans 13:1-2)
A Christian is scripturally obligated to submit to all legal governmental authorities. Christian compliance with government authorities, however, does not mean we endorse these authorities, nor does it mean we have to remain silent in our opinions. To that end, there is more than ample justification for righteous condemnation of our current legal, judicial, penal and law enforcement systems. Please understand, this does not mean we condemn all the individuals caught up in serving these systems. We stand in condemnation of the systems themselves and in condemnation of the government propitiating the evil behind our enslavement. We object to the fact that we are being passively programmed to eventually accept local law enforcement as an arm of federal government; with the authority to exercise total control over the people. This is what we all should stand in objection to … not the individual policeman. We should stand in objection to those who exercises the authority of their master, who is now deceiving the earth and those that dwell in it. We object to the one who will use local law enforcement to cause all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. We object to the one who will use local law enforcement to cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed. We object to the one who will use local law enforcement to make it so that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark. (Revelation 13:11-18) Thus, we object to the ongoing transformation of our legal, judicial, penal and law enforcement systems into a federally controlled instrument of Satan.
Yet so it is, the people have willingly allowed the government to gain influence and even control over almost every facet of their lives, just because of their need to believe in the existence of a higher power. In our case that higher power is rapidly becoming the federal government … the giver of succor and security. This is just the beginning of birth pains for the American people; but, it will happen because the American monkeys want what the American monkeys want.