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  • Out Of Context

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on Apr 23, 2018

    Taking a verse out of context and using it to support our opinion can put us on thin ice with the Lord, especially when we stretch things too far.

    Out of Context Introduction When we make a statement or a write about something it is very important to be sure we remain within the context of what we are referencing. It may be a true statement that we once saw a man catch a 150 pound catfish; however, if we make this statement, while writing more

  • Fellowship For Discipleship

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on Jul 10, 2017

    Church is not about entertainment, nor about being made to feel good, nor about promises that God will give you health, wealth and happiness ... it is about becoming a mature disciple for Christ.

    FELLOWSHIP FOR DISCIPLESHIP ILLUSTRATION If you go on line and look up the basic needs for camping you will be amazed at what some folks think is essential for camping. They talk about bringing tables, and chairs, and portable camp fires, and solar cells for recharging batteries, and fans, and more

  • Christian Service

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on Jun 28, 2017

    Sometimes our zeal for evangelism and for secular service is so great that we neglect the need for service within the Christian family.

    Christian Service Illustration A young child was sitting in class listening to the teacher explain a government generated lesson on what service means. The teacher carefully explained that, from a public standpoint, service is an important and useful action, which is performed to meet a specific more

  • Dealing With Sin

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on Mar 15, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Whether ignorant or evil, they are working for Satan who spread the lie that all ours sins, past-present-future, have already been forgiven; thus, we do not have to worry about sinning.

    Dealing With Sin Illustration It is remarkable what people will do in response to hearing what they want to hear, or in response to getting their own way. For example: there is a TV show called ‘Big Bang Theory’ and in this show there is a wimpy nerd, named Leonard, who will say and do more

  • Lamb’s Book Of Life

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on Oct 12, 2016

    When we take into consideration what will transpire in the judgement it certainly is not unreasonable to believe God has recorded, in heaven, the names of those who have been born again and He has also recorded what they have done as disciples.

    THE LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE ILLUSTRATION Many years ago there was a very small country church that just had a sanctuary and one small class room. For heat there was a coal stove in the basement, and there was an outhouse located along a hedgerow at the edge of the churches property. Physical more

  • Countering Drip-By-Drip Change...

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on Jun 10, 2016

    Sometime change in our, and our churches, Christian perspective is so slow that we fail to recognize what is happening. It is like the drip-by-drip change, which Nazi ideology brought to Germany.

    Countering Drip-by-Drip Change... Illustration We need to take the time to question how the German people could have allowed Nazi fanatics to turn their country into a Satanic tool that killed Jews by the millions? While it is true that early on some Germans openly adopted pagan and irreligious more

  • The Self-Worth Struggle

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on May 24, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Most of us develop a sense of self-worth based on our ability to meet personal standards, which we have generated from our perception of social, cultural, and peer standards. As a result, our self-worth is generated by worldly values not God's.

    The Self-Worth Struggle Introduction … source of our self-worth Self-worth, often referred to as self-esteem, is considered to be indicative of a person's basic mental evaluation of their value or worth. In developing self-worth a person judges their ability to meet personal standards, more

  • The Beauty Of Repentance

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on Feb 3, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    We can never maintain a right relationship with Jesus without a repentance that comes from Godly grief.

    Beauty of Repentance Illustration – Affluenza Under almost all circumstances, if a person receives a conviction for vehicular manslaughter, due to drunk driving, that person will receive a lengthy prison sentence. This was not the case, however, for 16 year old Ethan Couch, who is a young more

  • Is What Sounds Good Always Good?

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on Jan 18, 2016

    What pleases the ear is not always sound doctrine; yet, what pleases the ear is what people want to hear. What is sound doctrine regarding Jesus' return?

    Illustration: What sounds good does not always end up being good. By the time the Nazis came to power in January 1933, the German people were totally fed-up with the incompetence and corruption of law enforcement under the Weimar Republic. Hitler, on the other hand, posed as a champion of law and more

  • Disputing Disputable Matters

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on Jan 6, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    We are not all at the same level of spiritual maturity, and we do not all walk the exact same path with Jesus; therefore, let us not get disagreeable over opinions.

    Disputable Matters Illustration – The Hatfield and McCoy feud (1863–1891) In most cases, when a dispute ends in violence there is a bit of history behind the dispute. Probably the most famous dispute in America was between two families living in the West Virginia/Kentucky area along more

  • Endure

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on Dec 21, 2015

    We can neither escape experiencing the evils of this world nor can we avoid God’s testing the quality of our devotion by letting us experience reality. It is important, however, that we do not let the hard times damage our faith and service to Christ.

    Endurance Illustration: The Battered Bastards of Bastogne Most people recognize endurance to be our not quitting an endeavor; especially when we are experiencing an unpleasant, difficult, or dangerous situation. A perfect illustration of endurance was demonstrated by the 101st airborne division, in more

  • Qualifying Sin

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on Sep 21, 2015

    It is very simple, when we fail to obey everything Jesus taught we are sinning; when we continue to sin we are living a sinful lifestyle; when we live a sinful lifestyle we are lost and going to hell.

    QUALIFYING SIN Blinded By Ignorance People do not seem to enjoy hearing sermons about sin; perhaps that is why we seldom take the time to really preach on the definition of sin. We leave people with an unclear perspective on sin in their lives. As a result, people consider sinning to be more

  • Consuming The Gospel

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on Jun 5, 2015

    According to surveys 78% of Americans are Christians but only 9% of Americans read the bible every day. Perhaps this is because one must go beyond reading the bible merely for the sake of reading the bible; we must truly consume the bible.

    Consuming the Gospel Illustration Remember the vision of glory that Ezekiel had. The Lord spoke to Ezekiel saying: “Now you, son of man, listen to what I am speaking to you; do not be rebellious like that rebellious house. Open your mouth and eat what I am giving you.” Then Ezekiel more

  • Federal Control - A Christian Reaction

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on Apr 10, 2015

    People have willingly allowed the government to gain influence and control over almost every facet of their lives, just because of their need to believe in the existence of a higher power who offers them succor and security.

    Federal Control –a Christian’s Reaction. Illustration The young missionary arrived early in the morning at a native village where he was to share the word of God through an interpreter. The fellowship meeting would not take place until the next day so the missionary was given time to more

  • Manifesting The Manifold Wisdom Of God

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on Apr 3, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    When people come to the realization that God's divine plan requires self-sacrifice and service to Christ they rebel, and the true Christian becomes a serious minority.

    Manifold Wisdom of God Illustration Statistics would have you believe that over 80% of Americans are Christians, and historians would have you believe that American colonial patriotic zeal was shared with over 80% of the colonist. Sometime what is shouted the loudest and the longest is assumed to more