Summary: What does it mean to be a doer of the Word?

Prove It

James 2:14-26

The preacher George Whitfield traveled America and started a revival in America called the Great Awakening. He once asked a coal miner what he believed. “Oh,” the miner answered, “that’s easy, I believe what my church believes.” George Whitefield asked, “And what does your church believe?” “Well, the church believes what I believe.” But, what do you believe?” The miner thought for a moment and said, “The church and me, we both believe the same thing.”

In our passage today James expands upon chapter 1:21-27. He explains what it really means to be doers of the Word. What it means to “be real” about our walk of faith. James told us that we are not to play favorites and points us to real Christianity 101. James shows us that faith and works are literally two sides of the same coin. 3 times in this passage, (v.17, 20, 26) he tells us that faith without works is dead. James is stating clearly that our faith in God and trust in Jesus must work in tandem with our actions.

Someone once said that we should consider faith as one oar and works as another oar. Just paddling with one or the other keeps us going in circles. But, when faith and works paddle together we can move mightily in the direction God has laid out for us.

James is the half-brother of Jesus. James was saved after the resurrection. Jesus appeared to James and this changed James life. He became the pastor of the church at Jerusalem. He saw religious works and legalism first-hand. James is not saying that works saves us. James is not fighting legalism here he is fighting laziness. He is saying to us “if you are really saved you will live out what you say you believe.”

Flying home from Memphis several years ago I had to stop and change planes in Atlanta. It was the Friday of the Florida/Georgia game. A lady mid-thirties came and sat down next to me and began to talk and talk and talk and talk… She asked me was I going to the game. No. she complained that her husband was already in Jacksonville, partying but she had to stay with the kids until they got out of school. She asked me if I was a preacher. How do they know that, do we smell differently than everyone else? Certain look…

I said yes, and then I said, “Are you saved?” She said yes her dad was a preacher. I said do you go to church? No. My husband is a Methodist. I began to tell her about churches in Atlanta, she had visited some and then a friend came over and off she went. God spoke this verse to my heart, Matthew 15:8, “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” (NIV)

This is America today. James doesn’t beat around the bush with this he lists 4 illustrations of real faith. Let’s examine them together.

I. The Approach of Faith (v.14) Here we see a proposal of what faith really is. This is what we are examining today. Can a man say I believe in Jesus Christ and live anyway he wants to live? Is it possible to be a Christian and never ever have a change in your life? The Bible says No!

Notice two questions asked in our text:

A.Can a man have faith and not do good works? (v.14a) A person who really believes something does something; he acts upon what he says he believes. This really is the curse of the SBC today. Millions have come forward professed Christ Jesus as their Savior and never once lived for Him.

Is it possible then to be saved, feel no conviction when they sin, live like the world all week and walk into church when they want to? Are they really saved?

The word profit also means what benefit or advantage is that kind of faith. How many say they believe in God or that they are saved and yet they are no benefit to the kingdom of God? How can anybody claim to have faith in Christ and yet never share the greatest benefit of their lives with another? Who does that kind of faith profit?

B. Can faith without works save a man? (v.14b) This question in the Greek is asked with an expected answer. No! This isn’t a question that we get to answer for ourselves. James asks it in the mood of absolutely not this kind of faith will not take a man to heaven.

Saying they have faith but never living it out is in violation of real faith. The Bible says in Philippians 2:12, “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;” (NKJ) If salvation has come, really come in a life it will eventually come out and be real vital faith in our lives.

False faith is a faith in speech not in actions. They behave just like the world, and see no reason to change. Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t want people to think I’m a Christian I want them to see I’m a Christian. Let others see Jesus in you. If you are truly saved then your life will be your witness. That’s what real faith is.

II. The Appraisal of Faith (v.15-18) Now we see what this dead faith is really worth. We saw that false faith benefited no one and here we see that dead faith is useless. Here we have a real need. Someone within the church doesn’t have the basic necessities of life.

A. the Claim (v.16) a church member has a real need and another church member says be warm and fed but cares nothing about getting involved in meeting that need. Is that faith worth anything?

Jesus put it this way in Matthew 25:41-45,"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in,

I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.' "They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' "He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'” (NIV)

God doesn’t look at the intellectual claim of faith God knows what is really in the heart. Anyone can claim to know God but real faith is moved in service for others.

B. the Conclusion (v.17-18) James gets to the “bottom line” of the issue. He insists that real faith is a belief that behaves differently. James is saying some people say they have faith but have nothing to back it up. I can show you by what I do that my faith is real.

Even in his student days George Verwer decided to demonstrate that James 1:18 was real in his life. He set his sights on reaching Mexico he mobilized the students of Moody Bible Institute to spend their Christmas vacation reaching the lost people in Mexico. Those were the days when Catholicism was in control in Mexico.

Someone told George he would never get past customs with his suitcases full of Spanish Bibles and tracts. When they arrived at the Mexican border the custom agents were all drunk, so the missionaries rode right on by.

George began a regular invasion of school recess telling children and youth about Jesus. Then he established several bookstores. Because George had faith that works he also had common sense. He went to local radio stations and told them of all the bookstores he owned and soon George was on the air. “Ladies and gentlemen, we have a special offer this week. We have secured some copies of Billy Graham’s book, Peace With God, do you have peace with God? Let me read you a paragraph from this book…

To claim you are a Christian and never attempt anything for God is at best a wasted life. Young people if you go back to school this year and waste what God showed you and told you at camp, you’ll deeply regret it. Christian if you claim Him then live for Him.

III. The Application of Faith (v.19-20) If my faith is real then I should be able to answer the question what is faith really good for? Here James shocks the church of Jerusalem. Remember he is trying to get the laziness out of the church. He tells them and us that even demons have faith. They believe in God and they too believe that

Jesus is the Son of God. Mark chapter 3 and 5 tell us this.

A. The Claim (**v.19**)

The good Jewish person claimed Deuteronomy 6:4 everyday, “Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord!” The Bible says the demons believe that and they even are touched emotionally. They tremble they shudder in fear of who God is but even that kind of faith is not real saving faith.

If we stop and think about who Jesus was the hardest on in the Gospels it was the Religious leaders. They believed in one God but they lived like God didn’t exist.

B. The Conclusion (v.20) “foolish man,” the word means empty man. In v.17 James simply stated, “faith without works is dead.” Here in v.20 it’s like writing it with an exclamation mark at the end of it. “Empty man, what is that kind of faith good for!

James is restating what Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-23, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. "Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'” (NKJ)

Jesus said we have to do God’s will and live a lifestyle of following God. When people live like there is no God they are foolish men. The Bible says in Psalm 14:1, “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.” (KJV)

I’ve heard many a testimony of people that said they felt for years a huge void in their lives. They felt empty inside. That’s exactly what it means to be without Jesus. It’s a life that is meaningless, with no purpose or direction. Do you today feel empty inside? You don’t have to continue that way come to Jesus and discover what faith, what life is really good for.

IV. The Appeal of Faith (v.21-26) James ends with a call upon a higher authority to prove his point. He appeals to Abraham the father of the Jewish nation and to Rahab the harlot and hero of Jericho. James offers two Witnesses. This is essential because according to Jewish law it is required that two witnesses give evidence against the one on trial. (Deut. 17:6, 19:15) James is saying here is your proof of faith.

A. Abraham (v.21-24) Abraham’s faith was made perfect, made complete and proven to be true because he followed God completely. He proved his great faith by placing his son Isaac on the altar. God provided a sacrifice but Abraham’s faith proved to be true because he was willing to act on what he believed. Not only that, but Abraham’s faith was proven to be true because it fulfilled Scripture. Righteousness was placed in Abraham’s account because he believed God and trusted God.

Verse 23 is a quote of Genesis 15:6 and this quote about Abraham in Genesis 15:6 was spoken 30 years before Abraham actually exercised that faith. So Abraham was called a friend of God because of his faith in God demonstrated by his works.

B. Rahab (v.25-26) Why even mention Rahab? Why not end the discussion with the most respected man, the father of the Jews? The word justified is used in v.21,24,25. It refers to the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Jesus died to justify us, to pardon us from our sins. The word means God doesn’t count our sins against us. Everyone needs what Jesus has already done for them. Jesus didn’t just die for the rich, well connected, very influential, he died for the prostitutes also.

Rahab was a Gentile a native of the city of Jericho. When the Jewish spies came to town because the Promise Land was about to be given by God to His people, Rahab hid the spies. Rahab said this to them in Joshua 2:9,11, “I know that the Lord has given you the land of [promise]…for the Lord your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath.” She had faith in God and she proved it by her actions. So God spared her and her family. She became part of God’s family, adopted into the

Jewish nation and get this Rahab herself, we learn from that she became the wife of Salmon, and the mother of Boaz, Jesse's grandfather. Jesse was the father of king David and Jesus is from the seed of David.

Listen is doesn’t matter how good someone thinks they are or how bad they think they are if they come to Jesus in faith, Jesus Christ will change their life. Jesus said in John 6:37, “All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.” (NKJ) That’s the highest authority.

Conclusion: Someone has said, “If you were on trial for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you.” That’s what our text is saying…Prove It!

In 1904 William Borden heir to the Borden Dairy Estate, graduated from a Chicago high school a millionaire. His parents gave him a trip around the world. Traveling through Asia, the Middle East and Europe Borden got a burden for the world’s hurting people. He wrote home and told his parents God was calling him to the mission field.

When he made this decision he wrote two words in the back of his Bible. No Reserves. After graduating from Yale he turned down several high paying job offers and he wrote two more words in the back of his Bible, No Retreats. He completed his studies at Princeton Seminary and sailed for China to work with Muslims. He first stopped in Egypt to prepare for the work. While in Egypt he was stricken with cerebral meningitis and died within a month.

Some would say what a waste. Not in God’s plan, because the last two words William Borden wrote were No Regrets. Someone said, “What you are is God’s gift to you, what you become is your gift to God.”

Church let’s go out in the world this week and prove that the Jesus we praise on Sunday is the Jesus we’ll show on Monday.