Summary: It is very difficult to recognize that which we are convinced cannot exist in our life time. This then is the point; the rapture is real but pre-tribulation-rapture doctrine has a very high potential for supporting Satan’s deception, which masks the coming of the antichrist.



There has always been someone who was willing to sell worthless crap to those gullible enough to buy it, and this is also true for Christians. Christendom is over flowing with those who are simple enough to buy almost anything the snake-oil-doctrine purveyors are selling … just as long as it tickles their ears. Nowhere is this phenomenon more pronounced than in Christians who are falling all over themselves to purchase “pre-tribulation-rapture” snake oil. In many cases, these purchasers of resurrection snake oil have also stocked up on health, wealth, and happiness magic beans. My heart goes out to these good people, but it would appear their understanding is limited because of the ignorance that is in them; ignorance that is due to Satan’s deception and his hardening their hearts. (Acts 26:18, 2 Corinthians 4:4, Ephesians 4:18) Just remember, it is easy to sell a man a lie when that man first wants to buy the lie, and willfully ignores what is truth. Pre-tribulation-rapture snake oil contains such a lie; it is a lie that has its origin in the bowels of hell. It is a lie that tickles people’s ears and possesses the power of deceitful spirits and demons, thus luring people away from sound doctrines. (1Timothy 4:1) Pre-tribulation-rapture teachings have the potential to be such a doctrine.


In opposing pre-tribulation-rapture doctrine we in no way discredit rapture doctrine; although, the name is unscriptural. Regardless of what you call it, there will be a resurrection from death for all peoples: both the righteous and the wicked. (Acts 24:15) All who are dead will hear the voice of Jesus and they will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment. (John 5:28-29) It is good therefore; that people believe in the resurrection of the dead, for it is truth. It is very important, however, that we know what to expect when this resurrection of the dead will take place.

It is very important to understand the events surrounding this rapture because this knowledge will have a major impact on our reaction to what is happening in the world. For example, if we were to believe the resurrection of the dead will take place before the coming of the man of lawlessness then we would have no reason to be looking for his coming. In other words, if we believe we are going to be raptured before the antichrist gets here then we have little reason to be looking for the signs of his coming. This means there is a significant portion of scripture that is irrelevant to us. In the same way, if we are confident that we will never encounter this beast from the sea then we will not believe it can happen in our lifetime and we have no reason to be concerned about his coming. Now think for a moment, if we are totally convinced that we will be raptured before the tribulation it will be impossible for us to recognize the beast from the sea. It is very difficult to recognize that which we are convinced cannot exist in our life time. This then is the point; the rapture is real but pre-tribulation-rapture doctrine has a very high potential for supporting Satan’s deception, which masks the coming of the antichrist.


Do not think for one moment that it is not Satan’s plan to deceive mankind in the last days. Deception is part of Satan’s plan and it is a fact that many people will be deceived because they have been taught they will not be living on earth in the end times. Thus, they will place their faith in half-truths and even in lies told to them from the pulpit by charlatans and simple minded preachers. (2 Timothy 2:18)

The success of any deceptions is made more certain through the ignorance of the beholder. We do not have to be ignorant; however, for scripture reveals the end times. The tribulation period is seven years in length, the middle of which is marked by the death of the Two Witnesses. The last three and one half years we suffer under the rule of the antichrist. The end of the tribulation is ushered in by the 7th trumpet sounding and the pouring out of seven bowls of God’s wrath. The antichrist is destroyed and Satan is bound … the tribulation is certainly over. After the 7th trumpet has sounded there are two resurrections. First is the tribulation martyrs and then the rest of the dead are resurrected. When we set human opinions and perceptions aside, and we ignore our desire for detailed explanations, we can focus on facts and escape Satan’s deception.

Of course, facts mean nothing to someone who is devoted to grandpa’s teaching or the opinion of a charismatic preacher. These folks will probably never entertain the possibility of having to go through the tribulation. What we must do is see to it that we do not let the dynamics of Satan’s deception turn us into a rapture-ignoring preacher who place their flock in danger. Yes, it is hard to preach end times events. Yes, it is hard to deal with people who demand to know exactly: when, where, why, and how things will transpire. It is made even more difficult to preach the truth because the pretrib lie is filled with all the warm and fuzzy answers itching ears want to hear. Yet, we were not called to preach what people want to hear. We were called to preach the truth and the truth is that scripture points to a post-tribulation rapture not a pre-tribulation rapture.

If we set aside the fabrications of Satan’s deception we can consider, in the power of the Holy Spirit, the following facts.

1. The dead are resurrected after the antichrist is revealed.

Paul warns us not to be confused or shaken or deceived by a lot of false teachings and reports regarding the second and last coming of Jesus. Jesus will not return unless the apostasy comes first; the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4)

2. Jesus returns before we are raptured.

Jesus will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. (1 Thessalonians 4:16)

3. The dead are resurrected after the last trumpet sounds.

At the last trumpet call (7th trumpet) the dead will be raised imperishable, and then the living shall also be changed. (1 Corinthians 15:52, Revelation 11:15-19)

We know it is after the two witnesses have been killed that the antichrist declares himself to be God and takes his seat in the temple of God. Paul made it a point to tell us that the rapture will not come until after the antichrist is revealed. We can add to this the fact that there is no reference to a resurrection prior to the 7th trumpet sounding. Now if we discard all the pre-tribulation mumbo jumbo invented in the mind of man the mist begins to life from our eyes.

For those who still are not convinced that pre-tribulation-rapture is unsound doctrine, please consider some other significant truths that support a post-tribulation rapture.

1. There are two resurrections of the dead and both are after the tribulation.

The first resurrection is for those who were killed because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand. Those of the first resurrection will reign with Christ for a thousand years. The rest of the dead will not come to life until the thousand years are completed. The first resurrection is before the 1,000 year reign and the second resurrection is not until the Great White Thrown Judgment. (Revelation 20:4-5)

2. The second resurrection of the dead coincides with the final judgment.

And the sea gave up the dead, who were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. (Revelation 20:12-13)

All these events take place after the 7th trumpet has sounded … it is all after the tribulation. When the mist of Satan’s deception clears it is obvious that resurrection does not take place before the tribulation.

Still, we need to be prepared for the fact that people will not believe this simply because they do not want to believe it. People are so frightened by the thought of the tribulation that they run to embrace a preacher who will tell them that it will all be OK. Preachers have let Satan conjured up lies in their minds; and now they sell these lies to a people who will be ill prepared to face the tribulation.


Satan has conjured up ear tickling lies in the mind of preachers; lies which assure those weak in faith that they do not have to go through the tribulation. Satan knows that if people are convinced they do not have to go through the tribulation then they will be just as convinced that what is happening in their lifetime cannot be a part of the tribulation. Bible prophesied events will be taking place and the people will refuse to believe it is happening. People will say: “I know we are not experiencing the tribulation; therefore, this great leader who is doing such wondrous things cannot possibly be the antichrist.” (Revelation 13:1-10) Christian people will sell their souls to the great deception because they are convinced they will be resurrected before the tribulation and thus what is happening cannot be the tribulation; even if it looks like the tribulation is taking place. This is why the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth will be so successful in deceiving a world filled with men who had their ears tickled.

It is not all ear tickling. Pre-tribulation-rapture advocates are not without their demon inspired rational. One of their most flawed pieces of logic is: ‘The Seventh Trumpet blown in Revelation 11:15-18 is not the same last trump Paul spoke of in 1 Corinthians 15:52; because, John wrote Revelation 40 years after Paul wrote his first epistle to the Corinthians. So how could Paul refer to something that was not yet revealed?’ What these shallow charlatans of Christianity fail to realize is the fact that Revelation was already written in the mind of God before Paul wrote his first epistle to the Thessalonians. We are servants of the Alpha and Omega. Our God knew us before He formed us in the womb. What is happening is exactly what is supposed to be happening, according to God’s plan, which existed before He created the universe. It is a man of little faith who does not believe the letters of the New Testament were all written in the mind of God before they were put to ink and paper. In any event, pre-tribulation rapturist also like to quote Jesus when He said: "Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh" (Matthew 24:44). They claim the only time frame where we would not know that Jesus is coming would be before the tribulation. This is ridiculous. We will know the return of Jesus is imminent because Jesus has told us what to look for. (Matthew 24 & 25) Paul told the Thessalonians that they already had been told about the times and the epochs and knew exactly what would be the indication that the day of the Lord was about to take place. Therefore they should not be foolish like those who are ignorant about the second coming, but they should be alert and sober. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-6) We will not, however, know the exact day or the hour. This also holds true even in post tribulation times. There are a lot of things that have to happen after Jesus takes over and sets up His kingdom … over a thousand years of stuff … even Satan’s release back on earth. But, those who are frightened by the tribulation will not believe this. They will grasp at any scrap of warped hermeneutics logic that can be twisted to support a pre-tribulation-rapture theory. This is why pre-tribulation-doctrine is almost solely dependent on emotions and on the desires of itching ears, and … in the world of humans, our emotional wants generally triumphs over sound logic.

So there you have it! Charlatans and idiots will stand in the pulpit and sell bible snake oil to people who are clamoring to buy it; and, those who stand in opposition to them are called heretics. Jude, however, told us that we should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. (Jude 1:3-4) Jesus said that we should take heed that no man deceive us. (Matthew 24:4-5) How then can a servant of the Lord possibly ignore Christian leader who are teaching a doctrine that endangers or perhaps even condemns those who embrace it? If God called us to shepherd His flock then God expects us to protect His sheep. We may not be fully convinced about the exact timing of the rapture, but we do know for certain that teaching the absoluteness of pre-tribulation-rapture doctrine endangers all who fall under its evil spell. What kind of shepherd is it then who lacks the grit to stand in opposition to the dangerous doctrine of pre-tribulation rapture? Read the word of God and pray about this issue. Don’t be a passive ninny who refuses to handle hard issues. Don’t be afraid that you will offend the flock with the word of God. God’s word clearly preached in the power of the Holy Spirit will do exactly what God wants it to do.

Will God have mercy on those spineless preachers who are endangering the souls of the flock by leaving them exposed to the doctrine of demons? I think not! God is never pleases when people are getting their ears tickled by preachers reaping an earthly reward … all may be cast into the lake of fire.