Summary: Sometimes we need information or material for our bulletins or minute lessons. Maybe these will start a thought?

I call this minute sermons or bulletin fillers.

I gladly give permission to use these and you need not give me any credit.

Sometimes we just need a little thought to fill in space.

Where are you today? Are you where you want to be? How long will you stay here? When

will you change? Are you mad at the world? In what are you investing your Time? Talents?

and Energies? Are your efforts building sand castles on the sea shore? Will the waves of

time erase your work? Are you investing in the eternal? Is what upsets you what upsets God?

A member of the church, who previously had been attending services regularly, stopped going.

After a few weeks, the pastor decided to visit him. It was a chilly evening. The pastor found the

man at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire. Guessing the reason for his pastor's visit, the

man welcomed him, led him to a comfortable chair near the fireplace and waited.

The pastor made himself...lf at home but said nothing. In the grave silence, he contemplated the

dance of the flames around the burning logs. After some minutes, the pastor took the fire tongs,

carefully picked up a brightly burning ember and placed it to one side of the hearth all alone then

he sat back in his chair, still silent.

The host watched all this in quiet contemplation. As the one lone ember's flame flickered and

diminished, there was a momentary glow and then its fire was no more. Soon it was cold and dead.

Not a word had been spoken since the initial greeting.The pastor glanced at his watch and realized

it was time to leave. He slowly stood up, picked up the cold, dead ember and placed it back in the

middle of the fire. Immediately it began to glow, once more with the light and warmth of the burning

coals around it. As the pastor reached the door to leave, his host said with a tear running down his

cheek, 'Thank you so much for your visit and especially for the fiery sermon. I will be back in

church next Sunday.' We live in a world today, which tries to say too much with too little.

Consequently, few listen. Sometimes the best sermons are the ones left unspoken. (Unknown)

I would like to find that place, they say it is home, home on the range, where the deer and the

antelope play, where seldom is heard a discouraging word, and the skies are not cloudy by day.

We create our own moods then we tend to blame the whole world for the mood we have created?

Encourage someone today on purpose, make a plan to edify another. That will help the mood.

Paul been reassured do not be afraid, God has a plan. The shipwreck and then to be bitten by a viper,

dead man? No, shake it off in the fire and go on...

My friend sometimes you have to just shake it off and go on... SHAKE IT OFF ...

Did you hear about the lion that had a rabbit cornered and was preparing to eat the rabbit, when a big deer went running by... The lion caught a glimpse of the big deer and he said... That is a lot better meal than this little rabbit... So the lion started a chase with the deer. The deer had a head start and the lion could not catch the deer. So the lion returned to eat his tasty rabbit after his failure.. The rabbit was gone and the lion was so hungry. I am not sure what this story is about, hope you can make some sense of it? Looking for a smart friend.

I think I can honestly pray the last verse of the Bible today. EVEN SO COME QUICKLY LORD JESUS. The news from any source is bad... Jesus rescue Your people.

The problem of the heart is the heart of the problem. We try to fix all the external issues and the social injustices and sin scars without ever addressing the real root of the problem. Fix the internal heart sickness and we will cure the hurt.

Is it easier to complain than change? Someone explain to me what profit we find in complaining and belly aching? Does complaining bring joy or peace? If there is a trap and I willfully go after the cheese, and if I made the choice as to how I got here? How smart would I be to develop a strategy to rise out of this mess? Why stay here when God has greater...

Of course you are heavy, brokenken and spilled out. You have been so.special and a crutch to lean on ... Lean on your friends --- Press on toward the mark of the high calling... We have a home where sickness and death will never be made know... We have a home where Jesus himself.will be the light, we have a home where all the ages will gather to be together eternally... There is only one way to get there... That is to lay down our life's here.

The was a little caterpillar that crawled his whole life in the mud. Caterpillar loved his family and friends... He knew there was more. At times crawling in the mud almost seemed a trap that limited what he could do. He had dear caterpillar friends and one day they would just disappear. He could not understand why they would leave him.

One day caterpillar fell a strange feeling. He climbed a tree and looked down on his history. He was happy and sad both at the same time. He knew there was a plan beyond the mud. He calmed down and trust the plan of God and his life. He crawled in to a cocoon, this felt like death to him. He missed all his friends, the mud seemed so distant. His friends looked for him but he could not explain what was happening to them...

He was not dead, he had new life coursing through his veins. He was no longer a caterpillar crawling in mud. Caterpillar felt the son warming his little cocoon, he felt the wind blowing. What, what is this? There is feeling? The wind blew him off the wind, he ell fall? No, wait a minute, the new feeling was flying away... The wind beneath his wings, wow, he loved flying, he remembered all his caterpillar friends in the mud, and decided to return and tell them he was not dead he was flying and soaring to new heights...

As much as he tried to tell his old friends do not worry, someday you will understand we have a higher call to ride the wind. The dirt was wonderful, but we have a greater plan... Tried to tell the other caterpillar friends wait and serve God until your change comes. Don't allow the dirt side hide God's plan. I live you, but I have heard the call. I am flying home, I will see you soon, not in the mud, but in the celestial. Be faithful, hang on, we will be together forever.

May the butterfly kiss and assure you this is why we have been here, to change... We have hope. Our change will come, until then be the best caterpillar you can be, your day is coming. Love you, trust the plan.

Today I shall not mourn for those gone on before, I shall celebrate the gift of those still here. Thanksgiving is not a day, it is a life style. We seem to miss the miracle of daily life. 3,000,000 people, complaining, murmuring people... 9 million meals a day. 63 million a week? And all the people could see was stupid manna, they missed the God of provision. Over 40 years, that is around 135 billion meals... We miss God in the menial every day chores... Thank you Lord, there is a roof up above me, shoes on my feet, food on my table and I can not seem to focus on the God that gives. I shall rejoice as that is what each day is designed to be.

My heart is so full, memories explode, hope grows greater. Thanks has taken a form, and they roll down my face... Not sad tears, never, happy tears, joy erupts as I consider my wonderful God and the gift of his son, family and friends. Just let me sit in the corner and sing praise in my heart. Happy Thanksgiving to all, put forth extra effort and on purpose build a precious memory that we be here when we are not...

Have you ever tried to make oil and water coexist? They will mix but when the dust settles they will separate. Can complaining and murmuring really coexist with thanksgiving. Complaining is an addictive behavior. The more ground you give the negative the deeper in the quicksand you will sink. Thanksgiving is more than a day, it is a life style. What memories will you build this week? Go ahead and forgive, build bridges.

The police officer pulled over an old man, suspecting he was under the influence. The officer asked the old man to roll down his window. The man complied, the police man placed his head in the window, and said I believe you were speeding and you have been drinking, I smell booze on your breath. The drunk man said Sir, I smell donuts on your on your breath, and how dare you accuse me of speeding, I was just in a hurry to get where I was going before I forgot where I was going.

What was your best Christmas present? While in the 7th grade, I asked for a speedometer for my bicycle, the gift was hide under the tree? I thought I did not get it... There it was. Wow! I also got a Philco Transistor radio that my dad got a real bargain on... It never did work, but it looked good. We could not take it back because it was on the bargain table.

I dream of having my Father's eyes. I know there is a plan and a purpose my Father has before me... This journey seems so twisted and I just do not understand. I do not need a change of scenery, I new eyes to see clearly the truth. I do not define truth, our society does not define truth, God defines truth in the light of eternity. I accept His rules as what is best. For I know that discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but rather having new eyes... Lord, teach me to invest my time, talent, and energy in things of eternal value.

Same words, different outcome: CAN GOD? vs. GOD CAN! Why let the storm's winds sink the ship? It is not how much water the boat is in... It is how much water is in the boat? Pray all you want to change the wind, or learn how to set your sails wisely. If God does not calm the storm ... He can keep you calm during the storm. Dark may be the night, but the dawning of a new day is sure...

I think it is easy to miss God's voice searching for the "fire, the earthquake and the mighty wind" --- when sometimes God is the still small voice within... Two of my Biblical heroes are Aaron and Hur, they were not big famous successful trophy TV ministers. Their ministry was simple supportive roles... They were what I call ARM LIFTERS... Hebrews 12:12-15... Lift up the arms which hang down... ... They loved God's man, and knew Moses was far from perfect and they lift his arms anyway. They realized Jesus is not about religion, Jesus is about relationships. So I CAN CRY IF I WANT TO... vs. I CAN find joy in little things. Someone is fighting for their spiritual life, they do not need to be analyzed or critic, they just need a friend to lift the arms which hand down. ARISE MY BELOVED, GRAB AN ARM AND HOLD IT HIGH... VICTORY IS BEFORE US... God open out eyes of my heart.

I love friends. I love real people. Real people often have hang ups and problems and little quirks, that is ok I am far from perfect or good. So my friends and I are like peas in a pod. Some people look for perfect people to be friends when they are far from perfection. If I can help a friend that is wonderful, if I can pray for friends I am a better person. Thanks all to all that accept me as I am ... I am a millionaire in friends.

Did you realize the person that needs your love the most probably deserves it the least? Forgiveness is a gift from God, that we can share with others... LOVE NEVER FAILS...

What kind of church would my church be if every member were just like me? You are a model, your life walks the runway and people are watching you. You are a mentor, coach and teacher and you are teaching lessons to some people? Have you looked at your lesson plans? Are you teaching wisely. You are a motivator... you must get off the couch. Have you read more Bible than watching movies? Like it or not you serve in these 3 roles... others are watching you, your best sermons are not words, but deeds and actions. Model, mentor, motivator...

Seems we hear a lot about revival, to move toward real revival we must have personal revival. You can not have corporate revival without personal revival? Were we closer to God two years ago than today? Did you used to give more? Lord, revive us again.

Perception can be perceived as reality, real or not.

Did you know that good comes.out of bad...???.Sometimes what appears to be a terrible thing, may be the best thing...? In 1964 a restaurant owner in Buffalo, New York ordered many chickens to cook. When the chicken got to the restaurant the whole order was nothing but chicken wings. Teressa Bellissimo was in despair with all those wings. She and her husband tried several things, they ended up frying the wings with barbecue and hot ... The named the hot wings Buffalo wings, what was a bad mistake turned into a very profitable business. Maybe we should trust the unseen hand of God to turn our mistakes into good things?

1:25 am, searching for a pondering on defining FRUSTRATION beyond the dictionary? To put forth your best effort and to find it is not enough... To come up short of the goal... To not to be able to fix your problem after great effort... To angrily fail to be successful... To fall into the trap of always staying the same... To compare yourself to elevated trophies? Help me define frustration... Or tell me how to beat that giant?

Does chronic come into play? How about confidence... Could it feel like beating your head against steal plated concrete? Could it be the lack of praise or applause... Maybe forgetting the eternal ... Think about the lady that came to spent all and RATHER GREW WORSE...


When life gets so difficult we must realize our daily choices choose where we focus. I seen people grow in the strangest valleys, I have seen the weirdest problems teach some great lessons. We are all on a journey to somewhere. At times the hardest lessons come by faith alone. We must remember life is but a testing zone, and our emotions will play mean tricks on our faith. It is in the ditches of trouble God calls us to trust him... We may cry in lonely fear in the night, but by faith, hope and trust we Dream of a new dawning beyond our visual fields, with many tears we pray. Dawn bright...

Tomorrow and years down the road life's bumps will make special memories of love. We must learn to laugh and look to the bright side. Sometimes we with adult children wish we could take them back to earlier times. Enjoy life and laugh a lot.

I read a story about this eagle that was grand and beautiful. He could fly to lofty heights and dive to even greater speeds. He was almost invincible? A hunter studied the eagle's habits and prepared himself for the hunt. The man was very patient. One day he had the opportunity to get a good shot at the mighty eagle. The arrow buried in the eagles chest. --- As the noble eagle lay dying he looked at the end of the arrow's shaft to realize the feathers glued to the tip of the shaft was his own. His feathers guided the arrow that snuffed out his life. How sad he thought? Did you know your enemy has no effective weapon to harm you with unless you give him the ammunition to hurt you?

Forgive someone today, and SET YOURSELF FREE.... Metal bars vs mental bars...? FORGIVE...

Few realize the insanity of sameness? If you do what you've always done, you will always get what you've always got. Change is necessary if you want a different outcome. It is insane to think you can keep doing what you have always done and expect a new results? Change your words, your attitudes, your actions, your reactions and you will change the world.

Do we spend more time mourning death than we do celebrating life? Make the choice to celebrate the good and bury the negative. Do not mourn my passing, make life a celebration? A willful choice? The grave is a changing closet... I think every one gone on before would suggest if you saw what I see, you would not mourn for me, you would celebrate, I am a winner.

Did you hear about the huge buck, what a beautiful deer he was... He was greatly respected by all the does. When he walked around everyone admired his rack. No one had ever seen such wonder antlers. Often he would go to the pond, the water was so still, the pond was like a mirror. He would stand at the waters edge and look at himself for hours and pridefully peer at how wonderful his antlers were.... He would hear all the other animals whisper how beautiful he was. He would stand for hours observing this horns. He quit running and exercising and become so fat and lazy. He spent much of his time mouthing how wonderful his rack was, he was an expert at bragging ... One day he gazed in the water and noticed how weak and small his legs and muscle were. But he had a huge trophy rack. One day the lion was so hungry, he chased the big, slow, heavy deer. The big buck's rack caught him in the thicket and he became an easy prey ... As the lion ate the delicious meal, he left the huge antlers as a testimony of his victory, what became a show, he was prideful over, quiet a showoff, became the trap of death. Vanity can become a death trap... Make sure you invest your time wisely... Develop the right priority value system... Do not build on shifting sand. Life is deeper than sight. Keep the main thing the main thing.

Do we ever ponder: "WHY DO WE NEED TROPHIES?" ID, EGO, SUPEREGO? I ponder how many trophies did Jesus win? His boys? There comes a day when many that are first will return to the back of line? And those in the back of the line will stand amazed? Applause is first class vanity? It can quickly change? What are requirement to join the club?

I have pondered the power of erosion undermining the foundations of our families, our society, and our churches... ARE WE REMOVING THE ANCIENT LANDMARKS?

It may be too late to sharpen your sword when the battle trumpet sounds? May be victory comes after preparation? Are you ready?

Is it possible to find glory in a cross? Suffering may be the greatest tool in God's tool box. Despised, shame, cruel, human meanness at it's worse... Some seem to think they should be exempt from suffering, God's only son asked if any way possible may this cup pass, but Father I will glory in the cross...Father just hold my hand... I will trust the journey with You. Thank you Jesus for washing feet even when you were the KING OF ALL... Few understand the lesson ...

It is so easy to believe your eyes, and think the negative situations around us will drown our dreams and hopes. It is always too soon to quit. Darkness can not smother the light, for the darker the night the greater the light. Your emotions can push you to fear, our foundations may shake, but you can never sink through a solid rock. Rest if you must, but never quit. Satan's pictures always distort faith. By faith ...

It is a choice... Fester and fuss or praise and joy...

I will make the choice to give hope, by God's help I will try to encourage and refresh people, even those that may not deserve it ... I will make the choice to bite my tongue and spread kindness... I want to redeem the time and choose hope. If I knew tonight would be my last? What would I say to my family and friends? Would I be crying over how few trophies and success sheets I have accomplished? Would I regret the hours in the nursing home? I hate it that I have not lived to the expectations others? I would love to set the world aflame with forgiveness and kindness. God make me a HOPE GIVER!!!! Try more smiles and less judgment? Is this the hill on which I want to die?

Did you know October 5 is the most common birthday in the USA? September 16 and May 22 tie for the least common birthday. Did you know Paul McCartney' s birth certificate was auctioned in March 1997 for $84,146. I will sell you mine?

Permission granted to freely use, my name does not need to be mentioned.

His servant, Wade Martin Hughes, Sr.