Motivation in Fasting
Matthew 6:16-18
We have taken a rest stop on fasting for a few weeks. From Luke 2 we saw two God centered old saints who were not satisfied with the status quote who hungered for more of God and for him to work on behalf of his people. Anna in particular gave herself to prayer and fasting for God to move on behalf of his people.
Then we looked at the example of the early church fasting and praying in Acts 13 and saw God responding to the cry of their hearts and the result is that the course of history is forever changed.
Last week we looked to the example of Christ himself fasting in Luke 4 and saw the spiritual value of fasting in that it gives us spiritual strength and exposes the heart.
Today I want us to look at the motivation for fasting so that we do not endanger our souls. I am asking you to join with the staff and elders in fasting to seek Gods direction for our church, that God would awaken and revive us as a church, for our children and young people to be radically god centered.
1. Followers of Jesus are expected to fast
In previous weeks we have seen that Jesus expects his followers to fast. We get this from verses 16 and 17, ‘when you fast.’ So we saw the early church in Acts 13 when they fasted together to seek God’s direction. In Acts 14 we again see the early church fasting as they appoint church leadership. If you are a follower of Christ it is just as normal for you to fast as it is to attend church, to pray, and to read your bible.
2. The key to authentic Fasting is the motivation of the heart
ESV Matthew 6:16 "And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. I.e. Carson historical, p. 72
Something that started out with the right intention and motivation but the sinfulness of the human heart left unchecked, led to self righteous self display. They fasted to be seen by others disguising it as doing it for God. If your motivation for anything as a follower of Christ is to be seen by others because you want their approval, applause, or affirmation then that is your reward. That is all you will get (v.16b).
Why are they hypocrites? They fasted to be seen by others disguising it as doing it for God. Fasting is to show your heart for God and not for human admiration. Fasting says my heart is hungry for God. Yet they did the opposite – fasted to be rewarded by others and disguising that fasting as a love for God. That is why they are hypocrites. Piper, p. 72.
Does this mean that Jesus excludes public fasting? There are many examples in both the Old and New Testament of corporate or public fasting. We saw one such fast in Acts 13. There is another corporate fast in appointing elders in Acts 14. So I do not think he is eliminating corporate fasts. What he does do is warn us about the dangers of fasting. Are we fasting to be seen or are we being seen fasting. Fasting to be seen and being seen fasting are not the same thing. Fasting to be seen is motivated by a desire for others to see us and think highly of us. Being seen fasting is being found out and does not necessarily destroy the value of the fast. The value of fasting is not destroyed if you are seen fasting but the value is destroyed if you are fasting to be seen. The goal is to be seen by God not by men (v. 18). Wallace, p. 39.
3. The promise of fasting is the reward of the Father
V18 tells us the right motivation in fasting. It is to be seen by God our father and seek his reward. Fast to be seen by God. Fast to get his attention. Jesus is testing the reality of God in our lives. Do we really have a hunger for God himself and only for him or do we hunger for human admiration. All that matters is God, who he is and what he thinks and what he will do. That leads us to the last phrase of verse 18, ‘your Father who sees in secret will reward you.’ Fasting is for God and his approval and what he thinks and that he will do in response to our fasting. He promises to reward us and his promises are sure. The reward is the gracious response of God to an act of faith and prayer. Fasting or any act we do is not a business deal. That would make it works oriented - God the employer and us employees and thus deserving wages. That belittles God and exalts the human heart. The reality is that God has initiated the fast and God is sustaining us so it is all about God. Fasting and every act of faith is in him and through him and for him. Hebrews 13:21 equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us1 that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. Philippians 2:13 for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
So each response of God to faith is a free act of grace on his part. Piper, 178. God loves to respond to fasting because he sees that we have a longing that is pulling us away from the routines of life in order to fast. He sees that our hearts are not seeking physical food but spiritual food. He sees that we are not acting out of our own strength to impress others but have come in weakness to express to him our need and our longing for the fullness of God in our lives. So God acts. God responds. God rewards.
But what is the reward that God gives? It must not be money as v. 19 and following tells us to lay up treasures in heaven. If we look back to the previous verses, we see in Jesus teaching on prayer. Prayer and fasting go together so it is here that we can look for what the reward is that he is talking about. In Jesus’ teaching on prayer we see three main longings of his heart: Gods name be hallowed, his kingdom come, and his will be done. He gives this teaching on fasting after he tells them how to pray to show them what to fast and pray for. That is the main reward God gives us in our fasting:
• We fast out of a longing for his name to be hallowed – to be seen and to be savored.
• We fast for his kingdom to be expanded and consummated– his power and his presence is present among us, we are seeing people give their lives to him, we are seeing lives changed, we are seeing his healing touch and we long for his return.
• And we fast for his will to be done everywhere with the same passion and devotion it is done in heaven.
Do we want our children saved? Do we want our wayward children to come back to Christ because that would hallow his name? Do we want to see his kingdom power and presence to invade our meetings and invade Homer and invade unreached people groups because that would radically alter the way people live their lives so his will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Do we want CCC to be revived and awakened with a consuming appetite for the glory of God, with divine power, with love and joy and authentic community because that glorifies the name of God and advances his kingdom and brings about his will. This is what Jesus is calling us to – radical God centered fasting. For the sake of your own soul, for the sake of CCC, for the sake of Homer, for the sake of missions.
So three things I am asking us to pray for:
Me and the leadership team: God’s direction for CCC especially vision and mission.
CCC: we would be revived and awakened with a passion for God and his kingdom.
God’s power and presence in our midst and in Homer.
For our children and young people to radically God centered in their lives.
Our missionaries – see back table.
Where the rubber meets the road: (power point only)
Will I fast one day a week for CCC?
Are you regularly praying and fasting for God to move in your life, in your family, in our church?
Do you want more of God?