Summary: Paul reminds Titus of his mission on Crete. He was to solidify a witness for Jesus Christ by appointing leaders. All church leaders are to meet the standards set forth here & guide others to greater maturity in their relationship with Christ.

TITUS 1: 5-9


Paul here reminds Titus of his mission or what he would have him accomplish while in Crete. It was no small job for Paul wanted Titus to carry out the arrangements which would organize the churches there. He starts off with the qualifications and responsibilities of the pastor, presbyter-elder or overseer.

Stuart Briscoe writes about a funeral for a war veteran in which the man's military buddies had a role in the memorial service. The friends requested that the minister lead them to the casket for a moment of silence. They would then follow the pastor out a side door.

The plan was carried out with military precision--until the minister marched them into a broom closet. The soldiers had to make a disorganized retreat.

That pastor made an honest mistake, but it illustrates that leaders must know where they are going. As go the leaders, so go the followers.

The apostle Paul left Titus on the island of Crete to solidify a witness for Jesus Christ. Titus was to appoint leaders for the growing band of believers. Except for preaching the gospel, nothing Titus did for the Christians on Crete was more important than finding them the right leadership. [Robinson, Haddon. Marching Into a Closet. Our Daily Bread. Radio Bible Class.] All church leaders are to meet the standards set forth in Titus 1:6-9 and to guide others to greater maturity in their relationship with Christ (CIT).

Let me add that the only leader worth following is the one who is following Jesus. If he's not you could wind up somewhere much worse than a broom closet.

I. ELDERS, 1:5.


Paul's ministry in Crete must have been fantastic. He left churches and converts wherever he went. But churches need pastors if they are going to be established and become spiritually strong. Paul thus asked Titus in verse 5 to consolidate the works there by appointing church leaders. "For this reason [the common faith of verse 4] I left you in Crete, that you would set in order what remains and appoint elders in every city as I directed you."

Paul's strategy for church planting included the eventual selection of leaders from among the converts to oversee the ministry and spiritual growth of the community (Acts 14:23). In this way the missionaries could move on freely to expand the work in new and unreached areas. As Paul's team of trained coworkers grew, he entrusted a good deal of the work to them. In the case of the Cretan churches, Titus remained behind to train the new Christians and develop them into a cohesive unit.

Paul spells out his purpose in appointing Titus to the work in Crete in verse 5. It has two parts. He was to organize the church structure and he was to select the developing pastors for the individual churches. Titus' first responsibility was to set in order what remains or the things left undone. "Set in order" literally is to set straight [epidiorthose]. The term was used by medical writers to describe the setting of broken limbs or the straightening out of crooked ones. It takes time to straighten out lives sufficiently so that they can come together to create a new church, who become unified believers around the goal of seeking to glorify Christ and extend His Kingdom in the world. While Titus taught the believers their responsibility to worship and win their part of the Island [Crete was one of the largest [4th] and most important islands in the Mediterranean Sea] leaders would begin to emerge. Not every one who steps up to lead is fit to pastor the church, thus qualifications were established.

The word elders is presbutérous which is sometimes transliterated as presbyters. These "elders" in Titus 1:5-6 are further described in verses 7-9 under the title of "overseers" [akin to 1 Tim. 3:1-7; also 2 Tim. 2:24-26]. It can be used as a designation of age as well as a title for office. [In the Jewish culture of the day it was used to denote a leader of a group like the Sanhedrin (Mt. 18:2; Mk. 7:35) or other governing body or synagogue.] Paul equates the Elders at Ephesus as overseers who shepherd the flock (Acts 20:17, 28) [Walvoord, John & Zuck, Roy. The Bible Knowledge Commentary : An Exposition of the Scriptures. Wheaton, IL : Victor Books, 1983, p. 762.].


There's no room for political maneuvering in spiritual leadership. So next a list of qualifications or the necessary requirements for the office of elder or overseer is given. [Four major texts deal with the qualifications of the pastor or elder (1:5–7; Acts 20:28–35; 1 Tim. 3:1–7; 1 Pet. 5:1–4).] Verse 6 begins these characteristics. "Namely, if any man is above reproach, the husband of one wife, having children who believe, not accused of dissipation or rebellion."

The Greek tense [pres. act. ind.] stress this is to be the man's present condition which seems to allow that he may not have been this way in the past before he came to know Jesus. "If any man be above reproach." The Greek word for "blameless" [anenkltos, "unreprovable"] indicates "one against whom no charge has been brought, not be able to call to account, bring charge against." The presbyter must live an exemplar life so that there is no occasion to call him to account or bring a charge against him. He must not be a reproach upon the cause of Christ.

"The husband of one wife" in Greek literally is "a man of one woman" (no definite articles). The wording doesn't simply indicate a man attached to only one woman but means one who is "a one woman kind of man." It should be his nature to direct and centralize his love. It does not indicate that the presbyter or the pastor must be married, but it forbids wandering desires and bigamy under any circumstance. [In my opinion, the Greek present tense might allow a remarried man to serve if he presently is meeting all the other qualification.]

The next qualification is that the elder has "children who believe." The pastor's children are to be faithful in obeying him as head of the house. His children are not to be unruly, rebellious or uncontrollable. The pastor's ability to keep his own house in order is indicated. The children should be submissive to discipline and restraint while they are living at home.

For ministry to extend beyond one's family it must first be established within one's family. So get your kids grounded and walking with the Lord. Whatever you want to do in ministry, do with your kids! Lead them in worship. Serve them communion. Preach, teach and devote with them. You will never regret investing such time and ministry in them.

The next qualification for a pastor is that he is not "accused of dissipation or rebellion." Dissipation is living in abandonment or a squandering type of life. Rebellious [anupotaktos, literally "not sit under"] is "uncontrollable, disobedient to authority." He is not to be one who pleases just himself.

The term elder is interchange with the word overseer in verse 7. "For the overseer must be above reproach as God's steward, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not addicted to wine, not pugnacious, not fond of sordid gain."

The "overseer" or bishop's character is analyzed even further. The word Greek word overseer means "to look upon, watch over, investigate, search, to care or protect someone or something." He is "God's steward." Steward is µ from , house and µ meaning the law where by the house is administrated or governed. Thus it refers to the responsibility of managing a household (Lk. 12:42; 1 Cor. 9:17), or here indicating a local church. He is to watch over people, things and circumstances committed to his care and protection.

Additionally, the overseer is not to have the following negative qualities. He is not to be "self-willed" [ from µ - he- 3rd person pronoun & µ - to enjoy one's self]. The word could be translated "self-pleasing, self-assertive, overbearing, or arrogant." He is not to be a person always pushing to get his own way.

He is not to be "quick tempered," prone to anger, or one who does not have his passion of anger under control. He is not to be "addicted to wine." Literally it means one who comes alongside wine. Despite the fact that wine was the common beverage of the day, it was not to be common with the pastor. Nor was he to be "pugnacious" (2 Cor. 11:20) or one who is prone to be argumentative, or a quarrelsome person. A person "not fond of sordid gain" or not allured by dishonest or easy gain. Completely honest in financial matters with a detached attitude toward wealth.

The strong conjunction but [ allá] transitions verse eight into some [six] contrasting positive qualities."But hospitable, loving what is good, sensible, just, devout, self-controlled."

The elder is to be "hospitable" [ , from philo, friend, and xenos, strangers,] literally "a friend of strangers." One who reaches out to minister to someone in need or lonely (Rom. 12:13; 1 Pet. 4:9; Heb. 6:10; 13:2-3).

Taking time to be hospitable is tough for those of us with a "Martha mentality" (Lk. 10:40-42). A key to hospitality is just being yourself, not trying to impress people, but simply enjoying fellowship with another.

"Loving what is good" [ , literally, a friend of goodness]. Devoted to things that promote and produce good, i.e. good books, activities, thoughts, etc. He is to be "sensible" or serious, earnest, sober. A serious minded person. Just or righteous is one who observes divine commands and human laws. A man of integrity who practices what he preaches. Devout, or unstained indicates being free from wickedness; one pure and holy. Self controlled is one who has power over and able to keep in line fleshly appetites and actions. Self controlled is also a gift of the Spirit (Gal. 5:23).

Don't miss the strong emphasis upon "sound doctrine" in verse 9. The exemplary life of the elder is a product of sound doctrine. "Holding fast the faithful Word is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict."

The pastor is to "hold fast the faithful Word." He is to hold to the Word because it is worthy of trust. The Word he is to hold to is the totally of the revelation given in Christ. In accordance to the teachings means the message, the doctrine, handed down by the apostles. Elders must not be those that toy with fade teachings.

Two reasons are given for holding on to the reliable Word. The first duty of the pastor is so that he can "exhort in sound doctrine" which enables the leader to encourage and produce healthy believers. The second reason or duty is so that he can confidently refute those who contradict. The word refute [èlégchein] is convict, expose or reprove. The pastor must feed and weed. He must feed the sheep and drive away the wolves.


Notice that the qualifications are more concerned with character than they are with knowledge or skill. A person's lifestyle and relationships provide a window into his or her character. It is important to have a pastor who can effectively preach God's Word, but it is even more important to have one who can live out God's Word and be an example for others to follow.