Summary: Why did the flood came and why did Good save Noah?

For entertainment, many of us like to go to a theater and watch a movie. Many of you know that in a few weeks a movie titled Noah, starring Russell Crowe - picture, will be shown in many theaters. As our relatives and friends will likely ask us about it, How should we handle this upcoming Noah movie?

Let us note first of all that the movie is promoted with this statement: The film is inspired by the story of Noah. While artistic license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values, and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide. The biblical story of Noah can be found in the book of Genesis.

So, what are the producers of the film saying right off the bat? Just like any other movie which depicts a real life story, there will be things added in this movie of the Biblical Story of Noah for artistic and entertainment value!

If our relatives and friends asks us about the movie, I believe this is the first thing we should tell them. 1. The producers themselves, of this Noah Movie, tell us that there will be additions to the biblical account for artistic and entertainment value!

Should we then tell our relatives and friends not to see this Noah Movie? The 2nd thing we must do for this upcoming Noah Movie is to have a prayerful attitude. 2. Ask God if you yourself should see this Noah Movie and pray what you would share to your relatives and friends.

And of course, as we had recently learned to pray “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”, we are to pray about evangelism, sharing the Good News of God and how His Kingdom expands through Jesus Christ. And so, if a relative or a friend asks you about the Noah movie, 3. Be ready to tell them about the Good News of the ark and what it represents. How can we be ready? We are to be ready to tell the truths from God’s Word. Why was there a flood? Why was Noah and his family saved? What else were saved? What actually happened during and after the flood? What is the significance of the ark?

Let’s open God’s Book and learn and be ready to tell the truths! Let’s look at Genesis Chapter 6 today….

Read along with me starting with Genesis 5:28 and then Chapter 6……

When I saw the movie trailer for Noah, it featured Russell Crowe talking to an old man, who was Sir Anthony Hopkins; I thought for sure Anthony Hopkins was Noah’s Father Lamech; but came to find out that Anthony Hopkins plays Methuselah, Noah’s grandfather! And so, were Noah’s grandfather or father around when the flood came?

Look ahead a bit with me to Gen. 7:6….

Now going back to Genesis 5:28-32, if we do the math,

Gen. 5:28-32 – Lamech was Noah’s father but died just 5 years before the flood!

And so what about Methuselah, since he is in the movie? Methuselah was the oldest man who ever lived! How old was Methuselah when he died??

Gen. 5:25-27 – Methuselah lived 969 years and so (again if we do the math) he was around when the flood came!

And so, is the movie right? Methuselah was around when the flood came BUT here’s what’s interesting, God does not mention him in the flood story. In the Bible, we do not hear anything from Methuselah regarding the flood; but in the movie, Methuselah speaks; why? Don’t you think they had to pay Sir Anthony Hopkins some pretty good money to be in the movie? And with all that money, do you think they would have kept Anthony Hopkins not say a word? With big time actors Russell Crowe, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Logan Lehrman, and Jennifer Connely in the movie, are you getting the idea yet why they made this movie?

God tells us that we really don’t need to hear from Methuselah, but the producers of the Noah movie think we do. We should not close our ears to what the worlds is saying but we should know the difference and choose the truth!

Let’s listen more to what God has to say to us about Noah and the flood. Now, I preached on Genesis a while back, so we will only look at the major events in the story. This morning we will answer 3 major questions: Why was there a flood? Why did God save Noah? How did God save Noah?

Why was there a flood?

Gen. 6:7 & 17….. God decided to wipeout all creatures on earth.

God is the only one who has the right and the power to fully flood the earth. A creator can really do whatever he wants to his created!

And why did God decide to wipe out all creatures including people on the earth with a flood?

Gen. 6:5 – hearts of all people were evil!

Gen. 6:11-12 – all people were violent and corrupted their ways (i.e. sinning all the time)

Why did God save Noah?

We just noted that all people on earth before the flood had evil hearts; all people included Noah! God affirms this in Romans 3:23 – all people have sinned and fall short of the glory of God! But what do we note in v8 of Genesis 6?............ other English translations tell us Noah found grace from God!

When you do someone a favor, what are you doing??

You do a favor out of the goodness of your heart!

A favor or grace is a gift not deserving!

Gen. 6:8 – God saved Noah because God chose to save Noah!

Again, Can God really choose what He wants to do?

God can choose whatever He wants to do because He is God who created everything! God didn’t have to choose to give favor to Noah but He did! Let us make sure we understand this; Noah did not deserve to be saved but God gave him grace!

But, did Noah play a role in being chosen? What do we note in v9?.........

Gen. 6:9 – Noah was not perfect but stood out among men! We note from the beginning of Genesis 6 that there was a population boom on earth before the flood; in other words there were many people in the world already at that time and all were wicked but Noah stood out! And how did Noah stand out?

- a righteous man (a just man) = tried to do what was right

- blameless or perfect among the people (so different from the others)

- walked with God = always mindful of God

Perhaps we can picture the situation this way, all the people in the world (including Noah) had dark wicked hearts; Everything in the world was dark and wicked but Noah helped himself to be chosen by God by holding up a light! How dark is our world today? How are we doing in holding up “the light”?

How did God save Noah?

Gen. 6:14 – God told Noah to build an ark to save them from the flood.

Gen. 6:18 – God made a covenant with Noah (a promise)

Now, God could have just built the ark Himself right? Why didn’t God just create an ark for them? Why do you think God asked Noah and his family to build the ark themselves??

Here’s an added bonus to think about: Compare Jesus Christ to the ark: How did Jesus end up on a cross? How was Jesus taken down from the cross? How was Jesus buried? In essence, God could do everything by Himself but he calls on people to participate in His work! Are you and I participating in God’s work on a daily basis?

Back to the story of Noah….

God saved Noah not only by God’s grace but also by Noah’s faith in God!

And how did Noah show his faith in God?

Gen. 6:22 – Noah obeyed God and built the ark! It took Noah 120 years to build the ark!

God affirms all of this in Hebrews 11:7…..

By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.

Next week we will look at Genesis 7, telling us the details of what went in the ark, how it was secured, and what really happened during the flood.

What can we highlight from what we talked about today?

1. Pray and be prepared to respond to inquiries about Noah and the Flood.

2. Know the biblical answers to why the flood and why and how was Noah saved.

3. Share to those who are seeking how the story of Noah and the flood applies to us today!

Cite Matthew 24:37-42…..

37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left. 42 "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.