Summary: A sermon on Romans 14:5-12 on how to view Christians who are different from us (Material adapted from Dave Swavely's book, Who Are You to Judge?, chapter 8, What To Do When Someone Is Different From You)


What to do when someone is different from us and claims to be a Christian- motorcycle club ministry. Very different from my ministry so I might be tempted to judge them and what they do


Already talked about one principle from Romans 14:1-4, the principle of acceptance. Need to understand that we are talking about disputable matters, not matters settled by the Bible.

In vs. 1-4 Paul begins to talk about the controversial issue of eating meat. Some thought it was fine to eat meat, others thought it was bad to eat meat because might have been offered to a pagan idol.

Vs. 5- Here Paul introduces another controversial issue among Christians of the day- the observance of the Sabbath. This is still controversial today in some circles.

The basic principles of the Sabbath are still sound today. The two main principles are rest and worship. “There are six days when you may work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of rest, a day of sacred assembly.” Leviticus 23:3, NIV.

The NT never says that the Sabbath day is binding upon Christians. In the NT, we observe the Lord’s Day. This is different from the Sabbath Day. One obvious way it is different is that the Lord’s Day is observed on Sunday while the Sabbath Day is observed on Saturday.

The question that remains Paul alludes to in vs. 5: Are the restrictions from the OT about the Sabbath Day binding upon Christians who now observe the Lord’s Day? How much of the Sabbath Day is transferred over to the Lord’s Day observance? For instance, “While the Israelites were in the desert, a man was found gathering wood on the Sabbath day. Those who found him gathering wood brought him to Moses and Aaron and the whole assembly, and they kept him in custody, because it was not clear what should be done to him. Then the LORD said to Moses, “The man must die. The whole assembly must stone him outside the camp.” So the assembly took him outside the camp and stoned him to death, as the LORD commanded Moses.” Numbers 15:32-36, NIV.

Are these kind of restrictions and punishments about “sacred days” binding upon NT Christians? Here is the sticky part: The NT never says anything about this. Basic interpretation principle: If it is repeated in the NT as binding, then it is binding. If it not repeated in the NT as binding then the OT commands are not binding upon Christians.

Seems strange that Paul could have cleared up this issue through his authority as an apostle and guidance through the Holy Spirit. This is what he does in 1 Corinthians 7 about issues regarding marriage. However, he does not do that about the Sabbath Day vs. the Lord’s Day. So what are we supposed to do about this?

Reminds me of an issue that might come up. Farmers have had problems getting their hay in without the hay getting wet. Let’s say that the farmers have a couple of dry days and cut the hay on Friday, hoping to bail it in a few days. The weather forecast says that it is going to rain on Monday. Some of the farmers bail their hay on Sunday afternoon after church because they are afraid the hay will get wet. Other farmers do not because they want to rest on the Lord’s Day. These farmers come to the preacher and ask who did right in God’s eyes, the ones who bailed the hay or the ones who did not because they wanted to rest and observe the Lord’s Day? What do I say? I plead the 5th amendment to the US Constitution.

Remember this: “Do not go beyond what is written.” 1 Corinthians 4:6, NIV.

Each person must be convinced in his own mind. God wants us to give thoughtful and prayerful consideration to these matters, until we have developed a personal conviction based on careful study, godly counsel, and even some debate.

Now this verse is not saying that we should develop a conviction that applies to everybody else, which on non biblical issues would be legalism. Remember legalism is going beyond what is written, making our personal opinions binding upon others without biblical support.

Rather this verse is saying that we should decide what we will practice personally, in our own lives and families. But what about others who have opposite convictions about the same matters? It is right, healthy, and biblical to say, “This is my personal conviction, but I respect the different convictions of others on this matter.”

What is not right and biblical, however, is to say, “I have freedom in Christ, so don’t judge me” on issues that we have not really considered. It is too easy for us to choose the path that we want to walk without considering what the bible says. We claim freedom to choose this path, when if fact we might not have that right to do so biblically.

“Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind.” Paul never would have said such a thing if he had been talking about the clear moral commands or essential doctrines of Scripture. Can we imagine him saying, “One person thinks that to have sexual relations outside of marriage is a sin, whereas others don’t have a problem with that; each person must be fully convinced in his own mind”? Or do we think he would have said, “Some say that we are justified by grace through faith, whereas others say that we must add our good works; each person must be fully convinced in his own mind”? Hardly! Romans 14:1

“You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature” Galatians 5:13, NIV. To often we love what we are doing and do not even consider the bible. The only way to avoid indulging the sinful nature and stay free is to do some hard work in study, prayer, and counsel before we decide what we will do in regard to opinions.

But how will we know if we have reached a godly personal conviction, and have true freedom from the Lord in this area?

Thesis: Romans 14:6-12 give us 3 evaluations to know if this truly is a godly personal conviction or just indulging our flesh

For instances:

Can we give thanks to God for what we are doing? (vs. 6)

Can I honestly give thanks to God for what I am doing? Like before a meal we give thanks for the food. If we cannot give thanks for the food why would we eat it? Cannot give thanks for food that might be offered to an idol, better not eat it.

Can we honestly say that we are doing this for the glory of God? (Vs. 7-9)

Does not specifically say anything about the glory of God but it is implied from this verse: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do (live, die), do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31, NIV. This scripture is in another section that talks about eating meat offered to idols.

What does it mean to do it all for the glory of God? We should so act in all things as to honor God and so as to lead others by our example to praise God and to embrace the gospel

Am I really doing this for the Lord, or is it merely a selfish, sinful desire that in no way helps my relationship with God or my witness to others?

Are we willing to answer for this at the judgement of God? (Vs. 10-12)

Is this something I will be ashamed about when I stand before the Lord?

After these evaluations, come to personal convictions, follow them for the glory of God, but be careful not to judge others who have different ones. 2 questions of vs. 10.

To “look down” was used earlier in verse 3 and it means to treat with contempt, to act like someone doesn’t exist, that they are worthless and have no value. It’s so easy for us to see ourselves as superior to others either because we do things that they don’t do or because we don’t do things that they do. Either way, we end up seeing ourselves as better than our brothers in Christ. According to Luke 18:9, the Pharisees were experts at this: “To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody else…”

The Greek word for “judgment seat” is bema, meaning the place where the judges stood at the athletic games. If during the games they saw an athlete break the rules, they immediately disqualified him. At the end of the contests the judges gave out the rewards. Here, Paul suggests that criticizing other believers will be called into account at the bema. So don’t judge our brothers or sisters because God is going to do it. Be careful how I think about my brother because God is going to judge me too. We’ll answer for ourselves and for no one else. I should be more concerned about me than anyone else. God will judge my friends, why should I get involved? He knows them better than I do, He loves them more than I do, and He reads the thoughts and intents of the heart, which I can’t read at all. “Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God.” 1 Corinthians 4:5, NIV.

Furthermore, if we all spent more time worrying about ourselves, we’d have very little time left to worry about other people. Be slow to judge others; be quick to judge ourselves.

Conclusion and invitation:

These evaluations will help us to form good personal convictions, and plan ahead of time how we will act, rather than just falling into whatever practice feels right at the time. Don’t always follow the crowd even if they are Christians, it can get us into trouble.

Vs. 10- By virtue of His death and resurrection, Jesus is “Lord both of the dead and of the living” (14:9). This means that He is the Judge of the living and the dead. As Paul told the Athenians, “For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead.” Acts 17:31.