Summary: The ONLY REASON why we should be HAPPY is that, SOMEONE was RAISED from the DEAD! Yes! This person is ALIVE! This is the very reason why we CELEBRATE and REJOICE! Jesus CHRIST, after His RESURRECTION, He ASCENDED to Heaven and is NOW SEATED at the RI

HAPPY HALLOWEEN? Duh! What’s HAPPY in the day of the DEAD? What’s HAPPY in the SCARY masks and customs? Anyway, HALLOWEEN? I googled the word and it means, "All HALLOWS’ Eve" or "All SAINTS Eve"! In the wikipedia, HALLOW means to “to set apart as HOLY” or “to respect or HONOR greatly”. Now, are we HONORING the SAINTS during that evening? Or, are we making it HOLY? Hmmmmmn! WAKE UP!

Again, "All HALLOWS’ Eve"! Say it again! “ALL HOLY NIGHT!” Isn’t it? Ok let’s analyze. If HALLOW literally means HOLY or HONOR and WE’EN is derived from ‘eve’ which literally means “a NIGHT before a HOLY day”, therefore HALLOWEEN party should be HOLY! And God, the CREATOR of the VAST UNIVERSE, have put a conscience in every man’s HEART to determine what is HOLY and EVIL! Stay ALERT!

Historically speaking, “ALL SAINTS DAY” was created by early Christians, in memory of the SAINTS! But Biblically speaking, SAINTS are those who belong to CHRIST! Yes! They were “set apart as HOLY” because by FAITH, they BELIEVED in the CLEANSING power of the BLOOD of Jesus Christ that was shed on the CROSS. Therefore, “ALL SAINTS DAY” is not for the DEAD! It is for the LIVING, especially those who belong to CHRIST, that was MADE HOLY and DECLARED RIGHTEOUS by God Himself! Why? Because by FAITH, they BELIEVED in the CLEANSING power of the BLOOD of Jesus Christ. The SINLESS, SPOTLESS and BLAMELESS Jesus Christ served as our ATONEMENT and SACRIFICIAL OFFERING for the sins of ALL HUMANITY. As the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8:9, “If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.” Now, those who BELIEVE in this Good News shall be WASHED and shall become PURE and WHITE and RECEIVED the Spirit of Christ, also known as “THE HOLY SPIRIT”. The “LITMUS TEST” of those who are WASHED by His BLOOD is when you are BOLD enough to DECLARE that “Jesus Christ is LORD”. Why? Because only those that are INSPIRED by the Spirit of Christ can declare the LORD Jesus! Anyone who REFUSES or REJECTS the LORD Jesus has the Spirit of the Anti-Christ! Are you still AWAKE?

Speaking of the DEAD. Did you ever know that there is ONLY ONE person in the world who DIED and ROSE from the DEAD? I repeat ONLY ONE! He is also the ONLY ONE who went to Heaven. I repeat, ONLY ONE! Guess who? Yeah! JESUS CHRIST the Lord! The Bible CLEARLY states only those “No one has ever gone into Heaven except the one who CAME FROM Heaven--the Son of Man.” (John 3:13) Who is the “Son of Man”? No other than JESUS CHRIST ONLY! But why does some Christian testify that they have gone to Heaven and STAYED with JESUS for a while and came back to life, soon? And many Christians believe them. I don’t know about them? What’s IMPORTANT for me is that, “My HOPE is in the RESURRECTION of the SAINTS.” Anyway, in the Jewish concept of the universe. They believed in THREE HEAVENS. It’s a long story! Anyway, the Bible Clearly states that we, the LIVING, who belong to CHRIST are CITIZENS of Heaven. Please read Philippians 3:20 in your own Bible, if you have. Are you ALIVE in CHRIST?

The ONLY REASON why we should be HAPPY is that, SOMEONE was RAISED from the DEAD! Yes! This person is ALIVE! This is the very reason why we CELEBRATE and REJOICE! Jesus CHRIST, after His RESURRECTION, He ASCENDED to Heaven and is NOW SEATED at the RIGHT HAND of God! And ALL AUTHORITY is given to Him! He PROMISED to SEND the HOLY SPIRIT as our HELPER, to TEACH US ALL THINGS. To SEAL us until the day of His RETURN here on earth. This is an AWAKENING TRUTH! “And you also were INCLUDED in Christ when you HEARD the WORD of TRUTH, the GOSPEL of YOUR SALVATION. Having BELIEVED, you were marked in Him with a SEAL, the promised Holy Spirit.” (Ephesians 1:13) Don’t BELIEVE me, BELIEVE what is WRITTEN! In addition, let is read 2 Corinthians 1:21-22, “Now IT IS GO WHO MAKES BOTH US and YOU STAND FIRM in Christ. He anointed us, set His SEAL of ownership on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, GUARANTEEING what is to come.” Read it in your own Bible if you like! The scripture quoted above tells us that it is God Himself will FINISH what He started. JUST BELIEVE and STAY AWAKE! And you shall LIVE AGAIN even if you DIE in this EARTHLY BODY! Our FAITH is in the LORD Jesus Christ and He is the FINISHER! DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY! FEAR NOT about TOMORROW, as long as you STAY AWAKE IN CHRIST!

I know a little girl who WITNESSED the RESURRECTION of Jesus CHRIST. This child is about 10 years old, she’s has some BAD ATTITUDE! One time, she was reading a GOSPEL tract then suddenly, she cried. Her father asked her why. She replied, “JESUS is DEAD!” His father was HAPPY because her daughter BELIEVED what was happened at the CROSS of Jesus CHRIST. But after a while, the child approached her father with an expression of JOY in her face. Then she said, “JESUS ROSE AGAIN”. Of course, her father was EXTREMELY HAPPY! He was ALIVE ALERT AWAKE, ENTHUSIASTIC! This child WITNESSED the RESURRECTION of Jesus CHRIST and she BELIEVED! From then on, there was a change in her attitude! DOUBTING Thomas is a classic example of those who DOUBT that Jesus CHRIST was RAISED from the DEAD! TRULY, the RESURRECTION of Jesus CHRIST is the POWER of God to TRANSFORM a LIFE! This is the GOOD NEWS that Jesus wants us to TELL others. The MINISTRY of the HOLY SPIRIT shall be ACTIVATED the moment you BELIEVED! Now, we should be a WITNESS of the RISEN CHRIST! Not to WITNESS for our OWN GROUP!

Many Christians claim to be BAPTIZED with the HOLY SPIRIT and of FIRE! Now, ALERT for those who belong! Jesus said that we shall RECEIVE POWER when the HOLY SPIRIT comes in us and be a WITNESS of the RISEN CHRIST and tell people that Jesus CHRIST is ALIVE! This is the GOOD NEWS! During the DAY of PENTECOST, those who RECEIVED the GIFTS of the HOLY SPIRIT became BOLD and COURAGEOUS to declare that Jesus CHRIST is ALIVE! They even become GENEROUS in HELPING the NEEDY. Yes! WE ARE A NEW CREATION NOW! WE ARE DEAD to SIN and ALIVE in CHRIST! Amen!

To sum it up, the DEATH of Jesus CHRIST on the CROSS is the PERFECT REVELATION of God’s LOVE for ALL HUMANITY and the RESURRECTION of Jesus CHRIST is the PERFECT REVELATION of the GREATEST VICTORY of Jesus CHRIST over SATAN, over SIN and over DEATH! Jesus WON the VICTORY! HAPPY HALLOW WIN! This is the REASON why we, THE LIVING SAINTS, are HAPPY. Now we are INSPIRED to HALLOW the HOLY God and CONFIDENT to pray like this, “Our Father in Heaven, HALLOWED be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” (Matthew 6:9-13) Amen!