Text: Genesis 32:22-32
Preached: at Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
814 Marwood Loop, SE
Bogue Chitto, Mississippi 39629
I think that most of you will understand what I am talking about when I use
the expression-"God Moments," but just in case someone might not understand,
let me explain how I am using this term. To me, "God Moments" are Divine en-
counters that we have wtih God all throughout our lives. God invades our lives
with His presence and power. Sometimes these moments come to us quietly,
and slowly. At other times, they come in a terrific rush, shocking us, and up-
setting our comfort zone, leaving us bewildered, and speechless. I believe that
there are also some "God Moments" that occur in our lives that we overlook,
and don't realize that it was God coming to us until months, or even years
later. I also have come to believe that "God Moments" usually come to us in
one of four possible ways-
(1) redemptive-God comes to us and saves us and changes our nature.
(2) constructive-God begins to make us into who He wants us to be, and for
what He wants us to do.
(3) punitive-God sometimes comes to punish us for doing wrong and fort
disobeying Him.
(4) destructive-God comes to pour out His wrath, because we have forsaken
As you see in what I have just said, "God Moments" can be either positive,
or negative, either for our good, or for our bad. In the Bible we see that God
came to both saved and lost people, some who ruled nations even, and
either blessed them, or punished them. So, anyone can have a "God
Positive "God Moments"
First of all, let's consider Jacob. As you may recall, Jacob was the son of
Isaac and Rebecca. He was their son. The other son was Esau. They were
twins. When they were being born, Esau was born first, and as he was being
born, his brother Jacob grabbed ahold of his heel, thus interpreted later to in-
dicate that he would rule over his older brother, contrary to ususal custom.
We learn that Esau cared nothing for his birthrights, so, when he was hungry
one day, he sold his birthright to his younger brother for a bowl of stew. A lot
went with that birthright, including a special place of blessing, and being in
the line that the Messaih would someday come from. Jacob began as a
"deceitful, trickerster/con-man type" who would try almost anything to get
what he wanted.
Later, in the Bibical story, when Esau was pursuing Jacob, to kill him,
Jacob divided his family into two groups, to try to save at least one, and
was left all alone. In the darkness a figure grabbed him, and began
fighting and wrestling with intensity. Later, the "man" Jacob found him-
self wrestling with turned out to be an angel, and likely not just an angel,
but the Angel of the Covenant, the Lord Jesus Christ, in pre-incarnate
form. At the end the "Angel" changed Jacob's name from "trickster,"
to Israel("Prince with God"). Quite a "God Moment," don't you think!!!
God had changed his nature and his mission in life. He had become a
new man, re-made, and re-fashioned by God for Divine service.
(2) another positive "God Moment". this time in the New Testament. Saul
of Tarsus was "breathing out threatenings" against Christian believers,
and was intent on destroying every Christtian, and the Christian move-
ment. But God had different plans. He encountered Saul (later the
Apostle Paul), and gave him probably the greatest "God Moment"
in the New Testament, except for those our Lord experienced on the
cross, and the empty tomb. Saul was completely turned around
by this "God Moment" and he set out on a new direction. Now he
would no longer persecute Christians, but lead the Christian movement
in the Gentile world, and establish several churches. Christianity's
"worst enemy", had now become her "greatest exponent."
When "God Moments" come to us, we are changed by them. Often,
we are strengthened by them, and led into whatever God wants to
do through our lives.
"God Moments" can also come from a little child's words, or from some
kind act or deed done to us, or from a phone call, or text message, or
perhaps a strong impression to do something, or go somewhere. Let
me share just one personal one like this that I had. I was going to my
church field many years ago, in a small country church "Right Springs,"
or "Springfield," as we called it, and suddenly I felt a strong impression
to stop my car( I had gone about half way to my church field), and so,
I did. I was thinking, "This is crazy!" "Why am I doing this?'" Then,
I was impressed upon to drive back into town, which I did. Then I
felt impressed to turn, and go to someone's house. When I got there,
the lady of the house, whom I knew(She was one of my members),
said-"I'm just home for lunch, and will be returning to work soon."
Then, I really felt like I was crazy and said to her-".......I don't know
why I'm here, I just felt like God was leading me to your house for
some reason." About that time, a telephone repairman drove up, and
it dawned on me that this was the same guy that the day before had
met me in town, and told me how much he enjoyed my radio program.
I thanked him, but was really busy, and did not witness to him as I
felt I was being led to on that day. That night I was miserable, and
drove back to my chuch field and visited some folks I was very close
to, and told them the whole story. I wept, and asked God to give me
another chance, and I would witness to that young man, no matter
what I was doing. So, back to what happened at the lady's house
the next day. When he drove up, I realized I, as well as he was
having a "God Moment." I did share Christ with him, and he told
me that he did not know what a Christian really was, for those that
he went to church with, he also drank with, and cursed with, and
he knew something was missing in his life. To finish this story,
God's presence flooded that place as he and I were left there
alone to talk, and he opened up his heart to Jesus. Praise God
for "God Moments!" To me, they are the greatest moments in
life. God may also speak to us through a sermon, or some tragedy
we go through. He knows what He is doing, even if it does seem
at the time, "crazy" to us.
(2) Negative "God Moments"
Let me mention Adam first. After Eve had eaten the "forbidden
fruit, and offered it to Adam, Adam chose to rebel against God, and
took a bite. At that instant, he had a "God Moment." Both Adam
and Eve then were aware of their nakedness, and God came to
Adam and said-"Adam, where are you?" God asked-"Have you
eaten of the tree that I told you not to eat of, or you would die?"
Adam tried to blame Eve, and he indirectly tried to lay the blame
on God. He said-"The woman YOU GAVE me-She offered it to
me, and I ate!" He was saying-"It's your fault, God!!" From this
"God Moment" came guilt, rejection, pain, suffering, and death.
Then, separtion, and expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Not
a very good "God Moment", was it! Sin entered our world, and
all that goes with it.
Jesus once said that many would come saying "Lord, Lord,"
but that He would tell them "I never knew you. Depart from
me. What a horrible "God Moment" that is going to be for
many people some day!
Conclusion- I could go on and on and on with this message, and
I plan to write a book about "God Moments." I would appreciate
a lot of feedback, suggestions, and constructive comments so
that I will do and good job and write a good book, as God so
diredts. Thanks in advance for your comments! I hope this has
been a blessing for you.
Invitation-Stress that God desires that we have positive, good
"God Moments." Also stress that they can have a "God Moment"
that will change their lives forever, if they will accept Christ as
Savior and Lord!