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Revelation 10:1-11:21
A Prophet for the Church in This Broken World.
Last week in Revelation we were shown that God was dealing with evil in this world.
Not because He is a vindictive God; but because God has a message for this world.
I am God. Have I got your attention?
The trumpets keep blasting through history and the question keeps on being asked.
I am God. Have I got your attention?
I am God. Have I got your attention?
Now we get to chapters 10-11. And what we have here is a break in the narrative between the sixth trumpet and the seventh trumpet.
Not a break in the sense that this part of the story chronologically follows the other parts of the story.
But a break in the sense that we are being given another perspective on history.
That keeps happening in Revelation. We keep getting different perspectives, or more of the story, or a new aspect, or more of an explanation. So that we end up with a growing understanding of the unfolding of history and our place in that history. With that understanding in the background let’s read the passage.
Revelation 10:1-11:21
The first truth which comes out of this passage is that God has appointed His prophets to tell us about the unfolding of history. That is what chapter 10 is all about – and it starts with this mighty angel – he is very mighty indeed.
Robed in cloud.
A rainbow above his head.
Face like the sun.
Legs like fiery pillars.
A lion like shout.
A thundery voice.
All of these phrases are used throughout the Scripture to describe God, or someone with very God-like qualities.
The mighty angel isn’t God or Jesus Christ, because they are in the middle of the throne-room as described in chapters 4-5.
Beside the Greek word used here for “angel” is never used to describe God or Jesus or the Holy Spirit.
But this mighty angel is definitely a representative of Christ who possesses many characteristics of Christ. So he is an angel with great power and great authority in the heavenly hierarchy.
But he doesn’t just have great power in the heavenly hierarchy. Look where he is standing.
One foot is placed on the sea.
One foot is placed on the land.
Don’t picture some puny angel standing on the sand running up and down the beach with the waves; trying to get one foot wet and keep one foot dry. Picture a colossal giant who is able to walk where he likes.
This is an angel with great power and authority in the earthly realm.
So we are told about this mighty angel in a context where God is saying:-
Have I got your attention?
And this is an attention getter.
It is showing us that …
God’s heavenly servants have great power and authority.
Let me give you a quick peek into just how powerful.
And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him.
Revelation 20:1-2.
Sometimes people think Satan is so powerful. But look – an angel is able to bind him.
Notice it isn’t a mighty angel.
Or one of the archangels.
Or one of the other creatures from the upper levels of the hierarchy.
It is an angel.
Satan is going to have trouble holding his own against angels that are down the power order. If Satan lacks such ability then how little power and authority do the followers of Satan have?
But more to the point:- How much power and authority do the followers of God have?
That should get people’s attention.
As amazing as all this is – the arrival of the mighty angel is actually not the main focus of this section. The main focus is this scroll. The scroll that is in the hand of the angel in verse 2 and eaten by the prophet in verse 10.
Be sure to note that this scroll is different from the scroll in chapter 5 – the one which was sealed.
In chapter 5 the Greek word for the scroll is biblion.
In chapter 10 the Greek word for the scroll in biblaridion.
You can see from this that the words are related. However the second word is a diminutive. Biblaridion is related to biblion, but it is a smaller, more compact, shorter version of biblion.
This is what is given to John – when he eats it John is told that he is to prophesy again.
Let’s break what is happening here up into a series of steps.
There is a big scroll, once sealed but now opened by the Lamb who was slain. It contains the Revelation of God and the plan of the unfolding of history.
There is also a little scroll – similar to the big scroll but more compact and shorter.
John is prophet. A mouth-piece of God. One involved in revealing God’s Word to God’s people.
He is told by God in a voice from heaven - take the scroll and eat it.
The sweetness comes because the Word of God is sweet.
The bitterness comes because telling people about God’s Word can be dangerous.
God gives this sweet-bitter word - a small piece of the big scroll – to John so that John can tell us a part of the story that God wants us to know.
Can you see what is so significant about this process?
Picture of Bible on screen (also pick it up).
I have in my hand a Bible. For 30 years I have allowed this book to be the authority in my life. Do you know why?
God gave Moses a little scroll, and Moses described how the Israelites became God’s covenant people.
God gave Isaiah a little scroll, and Isaiah prophesied the Exile.
God gave Matthew a little scroll, and Matthew told the Jesus story.
God gave Paul a little scroll, and Paul wrote letters to churches.
These people and approximately 35 other people – they all get little scrolls. And eventually we get this book, which we call the Bible.
That’s why the Bible has been the authority of my life for 30 years. That’s why they Bible will be the authority of my life till the day I die. Because this book in my hand is directly related to that big scroll which has been opened by the Lamb who was slain.
What’s in the big scroll?
God’s will.
God’s salvation victory.
God’s unfolding of history.
And also God’s plan for my life.
It is all there - transcribed in detail.
So we are told about this authoritative word in a context where God is saying:-
Have I got your attention?
And this is an attention getter.
It is showing us that …
God’s prophets are revealing the story that has power and authority.
You see Satan thinks he is writing the story of the history of the world. Satan is also giving out little scrolls. His scrolls have titles like:-
Materialism is the true way to happiness.
Only the ruthless will have success.
The most important person in the world is you.
Beauty people are the best.
Revenge is sweet.
That is some of the teachings of the scrolls – the follows of Satan allow this to be their authority. But here is the problem. Satan doesn’t have a big scroll. He has got no overall plan. He is just making it up as he goes. In fact Satan really has no idea what he is doing.
You want me to show you that Satan has got no idea.
The chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for some way to get rid of Jesus. Then Satan entered Judas and Judas went to the chief priests and the officers of the temple guard and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus.
Luke 22:2-4
So Satan plants the idea into Judas that Judas should betray Jesus so that Jesus can die after which Jesus will rise from the dead.
Defeating sin.
Defeating death.
Defeating Satan.
Nice one genius.
Satan has no idea and no real plan.
Those who follow Satan and listen to his words have less of an idea and less of a plan.
In contrast the followers of God have a plan that is backed by power and authority.
That should get people’s attention.
Which brings us to the two witnesses.
First some quick maths.
A lunar month is 30 days
1260 ÷ 30 = 42 months
So 1260 days = 42 months
It is the same number – and that helps us discover what it symbolises.
In Revelation 11:2
The Gentiles they will trample on the holy city for 42 months.
In Revelation 11:3
The two witnesses will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.
These things are happening at the same time. So there is definitely some sort of power struggle going on here. The only power struggle I can think of where:-
On the one hand Gentiles, or unholy people, are trampling those who are part of the Holy City. The place where the holy people are.
And where, on the other hand, people are prophesying and witnessing and standing against evil.
The only power struggle of that nature which I know of is the ongoing power struggle between the people of the world, and the people of God. So what we are being faced with here, in the two witnesses, is a picture of the ongoing ministry of the church.
Some confirmations of this interpretation are:-
Scriptures says that truth can only be confirmed when two witnesses are heard.
Constantly in Revelation lampstands are a reference to the church.
These witnesses also have great power, like the prophets in the Old Testament.
And, most significantly, they are resurrected.
The ongoing prophetic ministry of the church … a ministry that flows out of the prophetic word of the prophets … is in view here. That should give us all a reason to sit up and take notice. Because this passage is telling us that the church has incredible power and authority.
They can hold their own against enemies.
They can have influence over weather patterns.
They can bring on plagues.
Not literally – but symbolically.
We have the power to stand against this world. We are not on our own.
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,” says Jesus. “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20
This part of Revelation is challenging us not to cower – even when evil is on the rampage. Instead we need to make a Gospel stand.
So we are told about the authoritative church in a context where God is saying:-
Have I got your attention?
And this is an attention getter.
It is showing us that …
God’s people are prophetic witnesses who have great power and authority.
Satan thinks his kingdom is the most powerful, but it isn’t. Here is the proof.
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
Matthew 16:18
In battle a cannon is an offensive weapon, so is a gun. But a gate is not an offensive weapon. A gate is what people use for defence. You put it around yourself and hope it holds.
The gates of Hades will not overcome.
The gates of Hades will fail when the church pushes against them.
The church will push down the gates and enter into Hades – Hades is where Satan lives.
Satan’s defences will crumble when confronted by the church.
Those who follow Satan and listen to his words will crumble even more.
In contrast the followers of God are part of the church that has power and authority.
That should get people’s attention.
So where does all this get us?
Revelation 8:2-11:19 is telling us about the sounding of the 7 trumpets.
As the six trumpets sound through history the message goes out to those who are evil.
I am God. Have I got your attention?
At the same time, again right through history, there is another message.
God’s heavenly servants have great power and authority.
God’s prophets are revealing the story that has power and authority.
God’s people are prophetic witnesses who have great power and authority.
Real authority and real power is on the side of the church. God wants to get the attention of those who are standing against Him and He wants them to realise that they are on the wrong side. And that is where this section applies to us.
With great privilege …
With great power …
With great authority …
With all this comes great responsibility.
We have to get out into this world and share the message of grace.
We have to try and let those who are on the road to the lake of fire know that they are on the road to eternal destruction.
We have to tap into the incredible power we have as a church. Being on our knees in prayer. Expecting God to bring about change. Moving out of our comfort zones in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Having a willingness to suffer; even if that suffering leads to death.
We are the witnesses – we are involved in a dangerous calling. Those who are evil will celebrate when Christians suffer and are martyred. But the celebration will only last 3½ days … a symbolically small time compared to the 1260 days.
We have to do this because one day the seventh trumpet will sound
This will be the time when the One who was and who is will clearly show His reign.
This will be the time of judging the dead and rewarding the saints.
This will be the time when those who destroyed the earth will be destroyed.
God’s people will see exactly how much power and authority they have.
Satan’s followers will realise, all too late, that Satan really had no idea.
That’s an attention getter.
Isn’t it.