Are You Connected?
Psalm 51:10-12
* Let’s think about being ‘connected’ or getting reconnected to God.
* I begin with a long statement: This culture (American) is on a collision course with God. We are decaying at the roots and disintegrating at the fruits while we have more ‘church buildings,’ ‘church ministries’, ‘church members’, and ‘resources’ than in any time in the history of America and maybe, mankind.
* This is not going to be a ‘traditional’ message where I land on only one scripture passage and kind of ‘tear it apart’ with a lesson (although we’ll end in that fashion). Additionally, this may not even be considered a ‘sermon’ – but rather a talk.
* Every one of us here tonight is concerned about this church. We all share this concern. Most American congregations are concerned about their particular church because up to 90% of churches are plateaued and/or declining. Of the churches which are ‘growing’, very few are growing by transfer growth as opposed to transformational growth. In other words, we are swapping sheep. It is this truth which causes me to offer this message.
* It does seem that perhaps we are all concerned about the wrong things. We get concerned when the attendance, offerings, and other ministries decrease. While these may be sad and bad, are these truly the top indicators which should concern us.
* For me, I say ‘no’. The big concern should not rest on what we see but whom we seek. Jesus said, “Seek first the Kingdom of God (where God is King) and all these things will be added unto you.” Put in a simplistic question; Is God and HIS will the center focus of His people in this place?
* Let me briefly run around 3 topics and then close with an answer.
1. The People of God – These are people who are chosen to do God will. In the New Testament, when you are saved, you have been chosen of God to fill and fulfill His plan. His plan is the redemption of mankind. (John 3:16, 2 Peter 3:9). However, God’s people have a history of ‘not’ following God. (Exodus 32)
a. They Rejected God’s Man – (Verse 1) Look at all these words ‘this Moses’, ‘The man’, and “we don’t know what happened to Him.” Know what is more than a little interesting to me? Moses was called by God, was right where God wanted Him, and was doing what God wanted him to do; standing face to face with God on behalf of the people and they threw him under the bus! They rejected Moses because he wasn’t doing what they wanted, where they wanted, and like they wanted so he wasn’t good enough.
b. They Resisted God’s Plan – (Verse 2) God’s plan was for them to wait on HIM. Sometimes God calls us to wait. So Aaron (God’s concession to Moses) took valuable materials from them. God had not asked them to give like this! God wanted His people to depend on Him and Aaron decided to save His own neck, respond to their crazy request, and do what he could do; and he made a calf. It was a golden calf. It was probably worth a lot of money.
c. They Replaced God – They set up the golden calf and said, “This is your God!” Think about how crazy this really is! They said, “This is the God who brought you up from Egypt. (A few minutes earlier this ‘god’ didn’t even exist so how did he bring them up out of Egypt! Also, about all they had done to this point was gripe about God–so it’s a wonder, they didn’t melt him down.
d. They Reveled in their actions – (Verse 6) This verse tells us that they mocked, made sport of, and ran wild before this god. They literally, had an orgy while they were worshipping their god.
* If God’s people don’t stay connected to Jehovah and slip into sin, they are capable of ungodly behavior. The result of which will bring shame, disgrace, and dishonor to Christ’s name.
2. The Word of God – Rick Warren has been heard to say, “The American Believer has a big head and little heart” which is to say, that we have much of the Bible in our head but have not taken it in our hearts. Information in your head does not always translate into inspiration in your heart.
* Think about it this way: How much of God’s word have you been taught? Whatever failures I’ve had over the past 6+ years, it has not been at this point. I submit that our previous pastor did the same. Think about the number of Sunday school lessons you’ve heard. We have enough Bible information to float a battleship.
* However, it is possible to allow the Word of God to do to us what water does on a duck. I know the Bible says, “You word have I hid in my heart, that I might sin against you,” but I also know that the hard heart will deflect it instead of accept it. Only the word which we ‘hide’ in our heart, will keep us from sin.
* I know that Bible says, “The word of God is living and effective and sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as to divide the souls, spirit, joints, and marrow” but in order for a scalpel to do its work, it must be close to the patient. It is only when we keep the scalpel of His word close that it will surgically remove the tumors of sin from our hearts.
3. The Spirit of God – In John 7 our Lord gave the promise that the Spirit of God will come to us and turn the living water of Salvation into an artesian well which never runs dry. And in His last words, He says that “you’ll receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.” Too many people are afraid of the Holy Spirit of God. Too many people are on the right side of Calvary and the wrong side of Pentecost. The post Pentecost believers were filled with the Spirit which affected their prayers, they praise, their fellowship, and their entire life. Let us not be satisfied with the ‘sip that saves.’
* Let us drink living water, from a living fountain, which turns us into a living well for others. And this only comes through the Holy Spirit of God. This is the “manifest presence” of God, this is the walking in the Spirit, & being controlled by the Spirit. This is THE missing ingredient within the American church & believer.
* Here is the concern for the American church today, for the American believer today, and for Americans today. The only understanding of the Power, Presence, and the Person of God which this lost culture is the church (which is a group of believers). Most of these seem to be walking just like the world. We go to the same places, do the same things, use the same language, and act just like them; so when they look at us, what do they see? What would they think they NEED what we have, if we’re any different?
* God is looking for a bunch of ‘drunk’ people. Drunk on the Spirit!
* The question is; How do we do it? How do we become the salt?
* Turn to Psalm 51. Daniel Simmons used this text & talked about ‘blindspots.’ David had a huge blindspot until Nathan. Every time God sends a Nathan to you, you have the same options David had. (Read text)
* Consider 3 things which David asked for to reconnect to God.
1. A New Heart – Please notice that David didn’t ask God to ‘right His heart which had gone wrong’, he said, “Create” a clean heart in me. This may be THE ONE TRUTH which we need to hear. Even before Jeremiah wrote the words, “The heart is more deceitful than anything else”, David knew this. Sadly, we desire to trust our heart. We want to believe that “he has a good heart” when the Bible teaches us the opposite. How’s your’ heart? What is in your heart? Don’t forget the heart is revealed in your words, action, & your attitudes – you cannot hide it. What is the Lord of your heart? David knew if he didn’t have a new heart, nothing would change.
2. A New Spirit – David knew that his spirit must change. Consider that David had lived in sin for over a year and was not bothered until Nathan pointed his finger in the face of the King and said, “You are the man.” One of the questions which Daniel Simmons asked us was, “Can a person really be in bad shape and not know it?” The answer from scripture is a resounding YES! It’s like having a seared conscience. Once something is seared, it ruined.
* Have you ever been ironing burned a piece of clothing? You cannot unburn it. If you suffered third-degree burns on your body, the nerve endings are seared and will never repair. When a spirit get seared by sin, like David, it is required that God replaces it. By the way, His spirit will make you sensitive to sin as well as the condition of your neighbor. Look at our acrostic JESUS and know that walking in the NEWNESS of His Spirit will give you all of these.
3. A New Joy – David’s prayer could be summarized like this, “God, it used to be fun because of the joy I felt inside. That joy came from you and I want it back. My sin has stolen my joy, please clean me up and restore that joy.” Herein is our lesson: Being a “JESUS” church requires that each of us be a “JESUS” believer. The beginning point is to desire the joy of the Lord. And this joy only comes from a right relationship untarnished by sin, with a right heart created by God, and a fresh joy given by the Holy Spirit.
* After reviewing the history of this church, after the ‘pomp and circumstance’ of our 40th Anniversary, and after expressing the desire to be the generation of God who (for HBC), D-day is here.
* Individually and collectively, today is the day and now is the time. To touch people, reach people, and make disciples, requires that we be committed and connected to Him. This connection has to be sure and the commitment has to be complete.
* Let me close with illustration. In the aftermath of office updates, I found that my internet was not working. Last Sunday, Jack said he would come to take a look, which he did. When I returned to town, he and I spoke and I began troubleshooting the line. After about an hour, I gave up – still no internet. Needing the internet for many things, I bought an inexpensive wireless card to connect. After getting this card in and working – I discover that the line from the internet was NOT plugged in to the back of the computer. In all the hustle and bustle of checking the lines, nothing could compensate for not being connected. Please listen – no amount of faithful attendance (although this is important), no amount of faithful service (although this is important), and no amount of faithful giving (although this is important), can compensate for a life disconnected from the Spirit of God.