Summary: A sermon on the cessationist view of charismatic gifts (Material taken from Holy Spirit: A Biblical Study by Dr. Jack Cottrell, chapter 8, and Power from On High by Dr. Jack Cottrell, chapter 11)


Many commented on spiritual gifts last week. Probably talk about that more in the future.

Last week we talked about how there were temporary gifts and permanent spiritual gifts.

Tonight we are talking about “cessationism”. It’s important to remember that this has nothing to do with the decision of the South in the nineteenth century to secede from the North! That is “secessionism,” not “cessationism” Cessationism argues that miraculous gifts have ceased.


A. “I do not believe miracles are happening today”- this statement will bring a gasp of shock from many. Two things we need to keep in mind when we say this:

1. “If you don’t believe in them today, then you don’t believe in them at all.” We are not saying that we are naturalists. Naturalism is a philosophy that believes that nothing exists beyond the natural universe or, if it does, it does not affect the natural universe. Deism also goes along with naturalism. Thomas Jefferson was a deist and a naturalist. In his Bible he literally cut out all supernatural events. We do believe that God performed miracles in the past.

2. Others want to redefine the word “miracle.” Some want to redefine it to to apply to anytime God intervenes in our world. Under this redefinition if we say that there are no miracles today then we are saying that God does not intervene in any way in our world today. That is not what we are saying! If we don’t believe that God will help or intervene then why do we pray?We must understand the English word “miracle.” Look up the word in 3 modern English dictionaries and they all contained phrases like, “An event that contradicts known scientific laws,” “an event that is contrary to the established laws of nature,” “an extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers” I think we get the idea.

We believe in God’s special providence today. God’s special providence is when God intervenes in our lives and our world. These things occur within the boundaries of natural law and do not violate natural law, but they are nonetheless events that would not have happened without God’s special causation. An example is the healing of a sick person in answer to prayer (James 5:16).

Miracles are acts of God that are visibly occurring on the level of the physical. Also they are unlike acts of special providence because they are obviously contrary to natural law. For example, instead of a gradual healing brought about in answer to prayer, a miracle is an immediate healing of a lame or blind man.

Thesis: Let’s give arguments against miracles today and then talk about some problems with modern miracle movements

For instances:

Arguments against miracles today

1. The purpose of miracles. Read these 3 passages of Scripture: Acts 2:22; 2 Corinthians 12:12; Hebrews 2:4

Miracles- Literally this word means “power.” This speaks of the source of the miracle, the supernatural power of God.

Wonders- This tells us the immediate result of a miracle, amazement and wonder.

Signs- This occurs throughout the New Testament. Sums up the purpose of any miracle.

A genuine miracle is used to authenticate God’s messengers and the truth of their messages.

Read Mark 2:1-12.

Jesus forgave the man’s sins because He was God. This caused trouble with many there so to authenticate this message of forgiveness Jesus healed the man of his paralysis.

“That you may know” vs. 10 sums up the purpose of all miracles.

John 20:30-31: Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. “You may believe” again sums up the purpose of miracles.

D) What are miracles signs of? They are signs or evidence of what is claimed to be revelation from God is really revelation from God.

Under what circumstances does God give revelation? God gives revelation in connection with his redemptive works: to predict them, to identify them, to explain them, to tell us how to respond to them. Such redemptive works include the Exodus at the time of Moses, the cross and resurrection of Jesus, and the outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost.

These 3 things will happen together: God’s redemptive works, as explained by God’s revelation, that are authenticated by miracles. This pattern is best reflected in Hebrews 2:3-4.

How does all of this relate to the question of whether miracles are happening today? As long as God is performing new redemptive works, we can expect new revelation to be given in order to explain these new works. In that case we can then expect more miracles to happen to authenticate the new revelation. We would expect miracles to take place if new redemptive works are taking place and new revelation is given to explain those new works. This is definitely not happening so the very purpose of miracles argues against their continuation beyond the first century AD.

2. The Laying on of the Apostles’ Hands

We see in NT connection between miraculous gifts and the laying on of an apostle’s hands. This is talked about in the book of Acts.

We see from Acts that thousands were being baptized and receiving forgiveness of sins and the indwelling presence of the Spirit as promised (Acts 2:38). Only the apostles were said to be performing miracles. Only after the Apostles laid their hands on the 7 servants (deacons) in Acts 6 do we have a record of anyone else- Steven and Philip- working miracles.

More than Acts 6, Acts 8 gives a clearer connection between miraculous gifts and the laying on of the Apostle’s hands. Read Acts 8:5-24.

The Samaritans surely receive the indwelling presence of the Spirit at their baptism because this was a promise given by God through Peter several chapters earlier. Peter and John came so that these Samaritan Christians could be given miracle working powers. They received the miracles working gifts or powers at the laying on of the apostles’ hands.

Simon saw what happened at the laying on of the Apostles’ hands and so Simon wanted the powers of the Apostles. Must have been very dramatic miraculous signs and Simon wanted something a cut above all of this like what the apostle’s were doing.

This leads us to the conclusion that the bestowing of miraculous gifts must have ceased around AD 100, when John, the last Apostle, died.

Problems with Modern Miracle Movements

1. In many of these circles personal experience is elevated above the Word of God and personal experience is made the main test of truth. “It happened to me so it must be real.” Basing our convictions on our experiences rather than the Word of God is not only improper, but is also dangerous. The major flaw in the charismatic movement is that it calls on experience rather than the Word of God to dictate what is true. One man said, “Scriptures are a secondary source. It is not central or crucial for me.” Matthew 7:21-23

2. In these circles the HS is elevated above Jesus Christ, contrary to the Spirit’s mission. John 16:14: He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. Edward Fudge says this, “Those claiming these gifts today nearly always exalt the Spirit above the Christ, preach their experiences rather than the gospel of the Son of God, and actually become much more involved with the Holy Spirit than with the Son at the Father’s right hand. This is a serious charge, but I do not make it lightly. I believe the evidence warrants such strong terms.”

3. There is unity among many groups based upon their experiences rather than the Word of God. Now we are not against unity. As a matter of fact the early leaders of the Restoration Movement wanted all Christians to be united. However, they wanted the unity to be based on the Bible and not on something else. Kurt Koch says this: In America, Jesuits, Lutherans, free church people, liberal theologians, High Anglicans, and Mormons meet together in order to speak in tongues. This sounds fantastic but what a wonderful time we live in today! All schisms, all denominational barriers, age long divisions have been overcome by the new gift of tongues. Does this really mean that what the Word of God could not accomplish, has been brought about by a psychic epidemic?” 2 John 9-11

4. At the same time while this spirit of unity is being generated, many churches and other Christian organizations are being divided as a result of this movement. The problem is that when charismatic teachers and their ideas are confronted, those who object are viewed as unspiritual. “Don’t lift your hand against the Lord’s anointed.” Those who do speak out are branded divisive, strident, or unloving. The legacy of such a position is not unity and peace, but confusion and turmoil. Charismatic doctrine tends to be divisive among groups that are Bible believing. We are commanded to speak the truth in love and call heresy, heresy. In charismatic circles, unity is a question of shared religious experience, not unity of teaching. But the charismatics are so loving. Yes, but so are others, but that does not mean that we have unity with them through Christ. Fellowship means sharing something in common.

5. Modern tongues speakers usually ignore the biblical rules for prophesying and speaking in tongues as given in 1 Corinthians 14. In reality, according to Paul the gift of tongues is the lowest gift, but today it is given first place by the tongues movement.