“Fulfilling Our Commitment”
Book 1 Psalms 1-41 (corresponds to Genesis)
Man with God
Book II Psalms 42-72 (corresponds to Exodus)
Slavery, bondage and freedom
Book III Psalms 73-89 (corresponds to Leviticus)
Tabernacle worship
Book IV Psalms 90-106 (corresponds to Numbers)
Book V Psalms 107-150 (corresponds to Deuteronomy) Deliverance and victory
(Psalm 127) attributed to Solomon – man of wisdom
1) Solomon’s attributes: He asked God for wisdom, received riches, built the temple out of the finest materials.
2) Understand the importance of the temple, sanctuary, church – bridegroom of Jesus Christ, looking for a church without spot or wrinkle, central to the religious story, the religious people are always seeking to build, rebuild, restore, renovate, recreate the temple.
3) the most debilitating action against the people of faith was the destruction of the temple in 70 AD. Jesus would say that I would destroy the temple and rebuilt it in three days. It was inconceivable to think that the people of God would not have a place for God.
4) Solomon fulfilled his commitment to God and his father – he built the temple.
5) Every era, every generation has this same responsibility – to rebuild the temple.
6) Our overall theme is true – we must preserve our sacred space.
7) Preserve is to make the proper preparations now to ensure that it is ready for its future use. I remember my aunt would make peach preserve. She would get her mason jars.
8) Pour boiling water over peaches. Slip skins from peaches, remove pits and cut into good sized chunks. Make layers in a large heavy stainless or porcelain pan. Layer the peaches and sugar in the pan, Cover and allow to stand for several hours while the peaches draw their own juice. When you turn on the fire, keep it low until the syrup looks clear, then raise it to high and stirring frequently, boil it until the syrup looked thick.
9) The purpose was to make the peach preserve in the summer when the fruit was ripe so that when the winter season arrived, you would have peach preserves for your biscuits.
10) The idea is that you made your preparations now, so that you would not suffer lack in the future.
11) That’s why we have to do now, to prepare now, to invest now, to rebuild now; so that future generations will have this sacred space in the future.
12) To preserve our sacred space – we will first have to fulfill our commitment.
13) While Solomon carried out the plan, we were handed the plan from his father – the previous generation. Every successive and successful generation builds upon what it has been given – that’s why we have to guard the good deposit.
14) That which we have been given is good – good location, good structure and foundation, good design, good facility, good legacy. All that we have is good.
15) The task of every generation is to go from good to great!
As time changes, amenities change. One time if you had stereophonic sound – you were on point. Now if you sound is not digital, you are in the dark ages. One time, if you had a color television with a big cabinet in the middle of your living room – you where the bomb. However, now, if you don’t have a digital flat screen on the wall, digitized in every way – you are missing the action.
One time if you had an eight track tape system in our car, you were cool. However, now, if you don’t have an ipod in your car – you are in the dark ages. One time if you were lost, you could stop in a gas station and ask for a map, but now, if you have a GPS system, the voice on the instruments will tell you the exact turns to make and show you how to get to wherever you are going.
16) If one has ever been to a five – star facility.
The first thing you will notice is that the materials will be the finest. The second thing you will notice is that the hospitality will be second to none. The last thing you will realize is that it was therapeutic to have been there.
17) The task of every generation is to go from good to great! As time changes, amenities change.
18) The beauty about God is not he doesn’t change.
However, I believe that our response to God should wax and not wane. Our response to God should be elegant and not deficient. Our response to God should be worthy and not worthless.
Solomon understood all of that as we went about building the temple.
1. God inspired
2. God ordained – protection and provision.
3. God sustained
Fulfilling our commitment to preserve our sacred space is really following God’s plan.
I am convinced of the wisdom of Dr. Harvey Johnson and our ancestors who built Union Baptist Church in the middle of the block to be its anchor. The world builds malls and centers with its anchors on the corners.
However, God builds his community with its anchor in the center.
The centrality of God in the center. The centrality of Jesus as the center of your joy.
When you lift up the name of Jesus, if I be lifted up, I’ll draw all men unto me.
It’s really not about us. It's all about God working through us.
Do you believe that God is able?
Do you believe that he will make a way out of no way?
Do you believe that God is still on the throne?
Do you believe that God is on our side?
Do you believe that the cattle on a thousand hills is still the Lords?
Do you believe that no weapon formed against us will prosper?
Do you believe God is a way maker, that God is your rock and shield?