The World’s 1st Mother
Gen. 2:18-5:2
ILL> Eve – “The World’s 1st Mother” (1st not worst!)
> 7 Advantages of Being 1st
> 7 Disadvantages of Being 1st
7 Lessons Every Mother Can Learn From Eve
1. God intends that you be a “help meet” for your husband
- Read Gen. 2:18, 20b-22
- A “help meet” was needed because man was “alone”
> “alone” = “to exist” or “to exist” by oneself
> “help meet” = “one who helps”
- It was not good that man was alone
> In all of creation this is the only thing that God says is “not good”
- As much as your children need you, your husband needs you more
> Your children will grow up and become independent (hopefully)
> Your husband won’t! (hopefully)
- Men it is good that you need your wives!!
2. God intends that you be “one” with your husband
- Read Gen. 2:23-25
- You need each other, so God wants you to “cleave” to each other
- He intends that you become “one” flesh (no longer independent!)
- You are to be “one” physically, emotionally, relationally, spiritually
- If this is achieved, you will be unashamed when you are “naked” (exposed) before each another
> This is NOT just physical
3. Don’t be led astray by deception
- Read Gen. 3:1-5
- The serpent, embodied by satan, spoke half truths & lies to Eve
- Eve stood there and listened
- Eve had a “conversation with the devil” and was deceived
> Read I Cor. 11:3
- If you get that close to him, you are vulnerable to his deception
- He doesn’t come as an ugly, repulsive devil, but as a crafty serpent
> The devil can, and does, speak through others!
> He still uses the same strategy - DECEPTION
> Test the spirits to see if they are of God (I John 4:1)
4. If you disobey God, you may lead your husband & family astray
- Read Gen. 3:6-10
- The first thing Eve did after eating of the forbidden fruit was give some to her husband
- This began a downward spiral that impacted her husband, her children, her children’s children, her children’s children’s children…
- Nobody sins against God in a vacuum – it always impacts somebody
- Like it or not, our children pay for our sins and wrong choices!
ILL> The Legacy we are Leaving to our Children
5. You must fight the urge to be unsubmissive to your husband
- Read Gen. 3:16
- When God said to Eve, “Your desire will be for your husband,” He did not mean that she would have a deep desire to be with Adam
> God meant that she would have a deep desire to be over Adam or take his place!
> This is the same desire that Lucifer had toward God!
- On the other hand, God granted this “rule” to her husband, Adam
> This was not because of Eve’s sin, but because it was God’s plan from the beginning
> Read 1 Tim. 2:11-13
- Wives submit to your husband’s leadership (Eph. 5:22-24; Col. 3:18)
- Husbands love your wives (Eph. 5:25; Col. 3:19)
6. There are no guarantees how your children will turn out
- Read Gen. 4:1-8
- One of Eve’s sons did not turn out the way she had hoped
- Cain disregarded the things of God
- Sin was “crouching” at his door
- He murdered his brother (and broke his mother’s heart)
- Eve may have sought to bring her boys up correctly, but they, like her, had free will
ILL> These children who are dedicated today have free will
- There are no guarantees – which, leads us to the next point…
7. You need to call upon the Lord
- Read Gen. 4:26b-5:2
- Mankind (male & female) began to call upon God Why?
- Because they realized they needed Him!!!
- You need God to be the mother & wife he has called you to be
- Call upon Him for help – it is essential!