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  • The Best Deal Ever!

    Contributed by Stan Szelkowski on Oct 3, 2017

    This is a salvation sermon. I share the best deal I ever made when I came to Christ. This sermon is in "outline form" and contains reference to some personal illustrations. Substitute your own personal illustrations and experience.

    Scripture Reading: II Corinthians 5:17-21 - Have you ever been a victim of a bad deal? -- The freezer with moth balls - Have you ever been the beneficiary of a good deal? -- In 1988: A VW tub buggy for a 1987 Yugo & $2,000 (cost $1,600) - This was NOT the best deal I’ve ever made though… - more

  • Our Fathers' Chastening

    Contributed by Stan Szelkowski on Jun 16, 2016

    A Father's Day message in which we discover the blessing of our Heavenly Father's (and earthly father's) "chastening" or discipline. (This sermon is in "outline form." You will need to reformat the layout because of the way it appears on this site.)

    Our Fathers’ Chastening June 19, 2016 - When I was growing up, I could ALWAYS count on my parents to discipline me when I needed it, because they loved me > If my parents disciplined me because they loved me, it makes sense that, because of His love for me, God will discipline me when more

  • Remember!

    Contributed by Stan Szelkowski on May 26, 2016

    A comparison of Christ's sacrifice for our spiritual freedom with the sacrifice of our fallen soldiers for our national freedom. (This sermon is in "outline form." You will need to reformat the layout because of the way it appears on this site.)

    Remember! May 29, 2016 - Estimates of those who’ve died in service for our country vary widely > Maybe as many as 1 ½ million have lost their lives over the years > About 87% off all who have given their lives did so in the Civil War, WWI, or WWII > The Civil War, more

  • The World’s 1st Mother

    Contributed by Stan Szelkowski on May 5, 2011
    based on 13 ratings

    This is a look at the life of Eve - the world’s 1st mother. In this message we will discuss 7 lessons every mother can learn from Eve. (This sermon is in "outline form." You will need to reformat the layout because of the way it appears on this site.)

    The World’s 1st Mother Gen. 2:18-5:2 ILL> Eve – “The World’s 1st Mother” (1st not worst!) > 7 Advantages of Being 1st > 7 Disadvantages of Being 1st 7 Lessons Every Mother Can Learn From Eve 1. God intends that you be a “help meet” for your husband - more

  • Lessons From The Shunammite Mother

    Contributed by Stan Szelkowski on May 10, 2007
    based on 37 ratings

    Learning the lesson of persistence from the Shunammite mother. A Mother’s Day Message.

    “Lessons from the Shunammite Mother” II Kings 4:18-37 Intro: Lessons from my Mother - We are going to learn some lessons from the Shunammite mother - Give the background from II Kings 4:8-17 - Read II Kings 4:18-37 The Shunammite mother refused to give up vs. 18-22 She refused to give up when more