Summary: There are days for all of us when we look around that all we can see is conflict. War, fighting, shootings ... unfortunately it is nothing new. We can trace it all the way back to the book of Genesis. Ever since Adam and Eve sinned, man has been at wa

“Give Peace a Chance!”

Matthew 5:9

There are days for all of us when we look around that all we can see is conflict. War, fighting, shootings ... unfortunately it is nothing new. We can trace it all the way back to the book of Genesis. Ever since Adam and Eve sinned, man has been at war. Major conflict got started right there in the Garden of Eden in the first family as Cain became jealous and killed his brother Abel. It seems in fact that man has always been predisposed to conflict.

Lady Astor commented to Winston Churchill, “if you were my husband, I’d put poison in your coffee.” Churchill who had a great sense of humor, said “if you were my wife, I’d drink it!” Some of us have clashed with so many people that we don’t really know how to live at peaceably with others. In fact, I have known some people who over the years have never been happy unless they are fighting with someone. So how do we find real peace? How do we become peacemakers? A little girl was working diligently on her homework that her Father became curious and he asked her what she was doing. She looked up at her Dad, smiled and said I’m writing a report on how to brig peace to the entire world. Isn’t that a pretty tall order for such a little girl? She said Oh Daddy don’t worry, there are 3 of us working on it.

Peace is a hard thing to get hold of....we want peace in the church... the workplace ..we want peace everywhere, no war, no conflict. But the truth is in fact that we get so used to war that many people do not even realize that America is still at war. Now for over ten years. And every month we see more of our soldiers being killed.

It is in the midst of all of this conflict that Jesus speaks and He says, Blessed/Happy are the peacemakers for they will be called sons of God. The Bible is a book of peace...over 800 times in the Bible we see the word peace. Now before we go much further we need to see what Biblical peace actually is. And I want to start by telling you what it isn’t.

1. Peace is not just the absence of activity. We say we need peace and quiet meaning we need to slow down but peace is not just the absence of activity.

2. Peace is not just the absence of hostility. It’s deeper than that.

3. Peace is not just getting away from it all. We sometimes think if we go on vacation and get away from it all that we will suddenly have peace. The Bible teaches that we can have peace right where we are.

4. Peace is not just the absence of something bad. It is also the presence of something that is good.

Now I have said that the Beatitudes are the attitude you ought to be in. Each one of them is a key in our Pursuit of Happyness. Can you imagine what it would be like if we lived in a world where everyone was at peace with one another? No conflict, no hostility, just peace? Would that be amazing or what? That is what Heaven will be like! But what about right now? Because Jesus is describing something that can happen in our lives right now. Not later.

So think with me this morning about 3 types of people in our world today and see if you can recognize 1 or 2 of them and then figure out where you fit in.

First there are Peace Breakers. Peace Breakers are exactly what it sounds like. They are people who go out of their way to cause trouble and division. They are just plain trouble-makers. They are confrontational. They walk around with a chip on their shoulder looking to pick a fight. They disagree just to disagree. Proverbs says this: “ a troublemaker plants seeds of strife; gossip separates the best or friends.” It also says, “God loved the pure hearted and well-spoken; good leaders also delight in their friendship.

Friends get along. Every church needs peace-makers. People who primary goal is unity. Paul says in Ephes. 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. What if every word that came out of our mouths was encouraging? What if the church was a place like that? Where never was heard a discouraging word? The sky would not be cloudy all day!

Before we start looking at others we need to first pay attention to our own words. We need to ask, are my words building others up or tearing them down? Because we are all capable of both. James says “out of the same mouth come blessings and cursing. My brothers, these things should not be this way.”

2. There are Peace Fakers. Here is what I mean by that. All of us have done this at one time or another. This is when we prefer peace over truth. A peace faker sees peace as the absence of any kind of argument. They will go to any length to avoid any kind of argument. So they compromise.

Bill Hybels tells of a time when he went to a close friend whose life had really taken a bad turn. So Bill asked him to lunch to have a talk. When the time was right Bill said to his friend, “I’m not trying to run your life but I’m concerned about the direction it’s taking.” His friend got so made he almost jumped over the table to punch his light out. So Bill backed off and said SORRY, I’ll never mention this again. And he didn’t mention it again and his friend wrecked his life. Bill Hybels said he has seen that fellow since then and he said to him you know what? I failed you. I should have said go ahead and hit me if you have to; if it makes you feel better but I’m going to stay on your case because I am concerned about you, my friend.

Real peace must be based on living the truth. Peace at any price is dangerous. Listen to what Paul says..Ephes. 4:25 (NLT) So put away all falsehood and "tell your neighbor the truth" because we belong to each other.

So there are Peace breakers. And there are peace fakers. Finally... There are Peace makers. Peacemakers are a different kind of people. They think before they speak, the don’t always have to give their two cents worth but when they do speak-they always tell the truth. Look at it this way...imagine for a moment a mother looking out her living room window watching her 3 year old son who is riding his tricycle in the driveway. He thinks about how much she loves him so she goes to the refrigerator and prepares a cold glass of lemonade for him. She gives it to him, hugs him and tells him how much she loved him. It makes him very happy. Now Mom is back in the kitchen rinsing the glass out when she sees her son riding out into the street which he has clearly been told he is not to do. Suddenly a car nearly hist him but fortunately hits his brakes in time. She flies out the door rushes into the street, picks the boy up, bike and all and takes him inside. And as soon as they get inside she spanks him. Now the boy wonders mom, where’s the love? Just a moment ago and it was me and you and lemonade...what’s wrong??? Where’s the love? But what you and I understand is that this is is just in a different form. The happy times we had a few moments ago are great but now we are dealing with life and death issues. And your well being is more important than you having warm, fuzzy feelings all the time.

Peace makers are motivated by one Now a couple of things we need to know. While being a peacemaker sounds good there are dangers involved. Jesus came as the Prince of Peace and they crucified Him. He was crucified because He came to make peace between God and man. There are 4 things that a good peacemaker will do.

1. Peacemakers cooperate as much as possible. Peace always has a price. If you choose to be a peacemaker there are several things that will likely happen. (1) people will criticize you. (2) you will be misunderstood. (3) you may be rejected. One more. (4) you will be a child of God. Matthew 5:9. Why will making peace make you a child of God? Here’s why. When you and I are truly working for real peace you will bear the likeness of your Heavenly father. People will say you look like your Father. In fact you’re a chip off the old block. The apostle Paul said, “if possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone.” Do your part. There ARE some people who are hard to get along with. Cooperate as much as possible.

2. Peacemakers pay attention to their words. A real peacemaker wants peace but they want it without compromise. Because that is the kind that will last. Proverbs says a gentle answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger.

3. Peacemakers attack the problem, not the person. You cannot focus on fixing the problem if you’re focused on blaming someone at the same time. It’s impossible. If you truly want to be a peacemaker then you need to remember that blame cannot be the main issue. If you just focus on finding out who is to blame then you will just pick a fight. Ephesians 4:31-32.

4. Peacemakers emphasize relationships. Listen everyone will not always see things the same way you do. There are things we will never see eye to eye on-but we can still always walk hand in hand.

You will remember the story when Jesus was out in the boat with the disciples and a storm came up. The Bible says Jesus was asleep on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said Jesus, don’t you care if we drown!. So Jesus stood up in the boat and spoke and said Peace be still and suddenly there was peace. There is a popular song that says sometimes He calms the storm, sometimes He calms His child. In some way Jesus will bring peace to you if you will just look to Him.

The real key to being a peacemaker... the starting point is you must know the Prince of Peace. You cannot be a peacemaker if you do not have the peace of God in your heart.