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  • "follow The Leader" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Feb 1, 2025

    Perhaps like me, you grew up playing either Simon says or follow the leader. Everybody know what I’m talking about?

    LIVING LIFE ON PURPOSE “Follow the Leader” Matthew 4:18-20 Perhaps like me, you grew up playing either Simon says or follow the leader. Everybody know what I’m talking about? And very early on you realize there were some kids you didn’t want to be the leader. Cause they always knew how to trick more

  • "soar Like An Eagle!"

    Contributed by David Henderson on Jan 24, 2025

    Vision is defined as the ability to think about or place the future, plan the future with imagination and wisdom. It is also defined as an idea or a mental image of something.

    Soar like an Eagle! Isaiah 40:28-31 This passage is one of two passages of scripture that I call my life verses. Now in case you don’t know what that means, life verses are verses God has used to speak directly to your heart, and they become a theme for your life. So, Denise and I are now entering more

  • "i Doubt It"

    Contributed by David Henderson on Jan 24, 2025

    Nehemiah was a true man of God, howebver he faced a lot of doubt every day. H e was surrounded by it daily and eventually it got to him. It gets to all of us.

    “I Doubt It!” Nehemiah 4 This is a picture of the chapel on the campus of the seminary I attended in New Orleans. When my wife and I moved there we really had no idea how we would manage, financially; moving there with no job for either of us but we knew God was leading us. In less than a week I more

  • "come Before Winter"

    Contributed by David Henderson on Jan 8, 2025

    The Bible has a lot to say about time. The most important thing it says is something you and I already know - - - -and it is this ----- our time here on Earth is limited. Time is like a coin - you can spend it, but you can only spend it once.

    “Come before Winter” 2nd Timothy 4:9-22 The Bible has a lot to say about time. The most important thing it says is something you and I already know - - - -and it is this ----- our time here on Earth is limited. Time is like a coin - you can spend it, but you can only spend it once. How many times more

  • "learning To Be Thankful

    Contributed by David Henderson on Dec 4, 2024

    Robert Fulghum wrote an interesting book titled, “All I ever really needed to know about life, I learned in kindergarten.”

    “Learning to be Thankful” Luke 17: 11-19 Robert Fulghum wrote an interesting book titled, “All I ever really needed to know about life, I learned in kindergarten.” The book kind of intrigued me because when I was five years old, kindergarten wasn’t required – so I didn’t go. And if the title is more

  • "roadblocks To Vision" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Sep 23, 2024

    So, I told you last week that when God gives you vision to do something in the future and you then share it with a group of people, you can expect at least two things. (1) Discussion. (2) Criticism.

    “Roadblocks to Vision” Nehemiah 4 So, I told you last week that when God gives you vision to do something in the future and you then share it with a group of people, you can expect at least two things. (1) Discussion. (2) Criticism. People will ask you questions because they want to hear more – more

  • "going Public" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Sep 23, 2024

    This is the setting for our message today. There are three major points we have seen in this study of Nehemiah. (1) The walls are in ruins. (2) Nehemiah has a vision. (3) There is a new king.

    “Going Public” Nehemiah 2:11-20 This is the setting for our message today. There are three major points we have seen in this study of Nehemiah. (1) The walls and the city of Jerusalem are in ruins and the people are no longer safe. (2) Nehemiah has a vision to rebuild the walls. (3) There is a more

  • "the God Of "how And When" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Sep 23, 2024

    Nehemiah 2 So let me begin with a story that goes back 25 years ago. My wife and I were feeling led to start a brand-new church.

    “The God of “HOW” and “WHEN” Nehemiah 2 So let me begin with a story that goes back 25 years ago. My wife and I were feeling led to start a brand-new church. We were serving here , locally in a larger church where I was associate pastor. The church we were serving owned some property in a more

  • "share The Vision" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Sep 23, 2024

    This is a series I preached through the OT book of Nehemiah. Although the series covers various topics, it is intended to follow the vision God gave to Nehemiah and apply those principles to churches and Christian business leaders as well.

    “Share the Vision!” Nehemiah 1 So, every pastor has numerous responsibilities, usually more than one person can tend to. At times, just too many hats you must wear. You have likely felt the same way at times about the responsibilities you carry as well. For me it comes down to figuring out which more

  • The Dangers Of Social Media

    Contributed by David Henderson on Aug 12, 2024

    The strains of life for many of us can be difficult. You may ask, with all the success Simone Biles has had, her success, with so much to be proud of, how she could possibly have so many struggles.

    The Dangers of Social Media & How to Find Real Happiness Mattthew 5: 10-12 Our Summer Olympics began two weeks ago and one of the high points for Team USA is that we have won a total of medals of 105 medals: 31 of those being gold. Simone Biles has earned 4 medals, 3 being gold. All of this more

  • "have Faith!" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Dec 22, 2023

    Today would be an amazing day to start your own journey of faith. People may ask, why believe. But why not? We have all the evidence we need. Claim it today!

    “Have Faith!” Hebrews 11 So, what’s Christmas really all about? It is about learning to wait. The prophets spoke of the coming of Christ yet there was a very long waiting period. Seven hundred years after the prophets spoke – Jesus was born. Most of us don’t want to even wait 7 minutes for more

  • "have Faith!" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Dec 19, 2023

    Christmas is about our faith – a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

    “What’s Christmas really all About? “Have Faith!” Hebrews 11 So, what’s Christmas really all about? It is about learning to wait. The prophets spoke of the coming of Christ yet there was a very long waiting period. Seven hundred years after the prophets spoke – Jesus was born. Most of us don’t more

  • "god's Invitation To Joy And Contentment" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Dec 19, 2023

    It has been said many times that we have more things now than any other time in history. We are indeed fortunate people, yet for many of us, there is one critical thing that is missing… Contentment.

    “God’s Invitation to Joy” Philippians 4:1-9 It has been said many times that we have more things now than any other time in history. There are 195 countries in our world and the United States is ranked number one in economy. Aren’t you glad we live here? We are indeed fortunate people, yet for more

  • "what Is Christmas Really All About?"

    Contributed by David Henderson on Dec 11, 2023

    In this 2023 series we are looking at the true meaning of Christmas. Today/s message is titled Wishing ands Hoping. The NT gives us a great word: HOPE. We have the blessed Hope: His name is Jesus.

    “Wishing and Hoping” Isaiah 9:6-7a Several years ago, I wrote and published my first book. The entire process took about two and a half years. The Bible was written over a period of 1500 years. And rather than one author, there were approximately 40. With very different backgrounds; sheep more

  • "the Waiting Room" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Dec 4, 2023

    Christmas is about waiting. Most if us are terrible waiters. This message addresses that problem and will help your congregation learn some reasons what that needs to change. Good things come to those who wait.

    “What Are you Waiting For? Isaiah 7:13-14 So, we begin a new preaching series today, five messages leading up to Christmas and it all begins in a room like this one. This is a waiting room, actually, our doctors waiting room he has on his website because it basically looks like this all the time. more

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