Last week we noted from the end of Romans 13 that Christians are to live at the right time and the right place. If Christians do not grasp the truth that Jesus Christ can return to earth at any time, they will not have the right motive or the right power to live! When we get up in the morning, we should tell ourselves, “The Lord Jesus can come for me today!” Christians are to know what time it is according to God’s clock. (let’s say this together….)
Today from Romans 14, we will note, for what are Christians to live for till Jesus comes back to earth. God calls and provides for Christians to live in the right time, with the right motive, and with the right focus. Please open your Bibles to Romans 14. As Tom Corona comes forward to read for us this morning, let us pray our commitment to God’s Word…… Romans 14.......
The overarching truth to the instructions given in Romans 14 is for Christians to live for the Lord Jesus Christ.
The first part of v8 tells us……….. v10c……..
All Christians will face Jesus Christ as they enter heaven and God will review their life for Christ. Believers of Christ will enter heaven but their rewards are dependent on their Christian lives on earth. Yes, as Christians all our sins are forgiven; but let us all note this, God does not remember our sins before we became Christians, but Jesus will review with us our Christian lives not to punish us but to reward us! Christians are called to live for Jesus Christ as they eagerly wait for His return to earth! All Christians, not just those called to ministry, but all Christians are to live for the Lord Jesus Christ! How do we do it?
The first thing we are to note from v1 is that if we are Christians, we must accept every other Christian as brothers and sisters in Christ. The end of v8 tells us that all Christians belong to the Lord; therefore Christians belong to one another! Go back to Rom 12:5…
Christians belong to one another and we need each other! Christians better accept one another. Maybe this picture will help: This is 1 poisonous snake surrounded by about 20 mongoose who eat snakes. Who do you feel sorry for?
There is strength in numbers! Now, what’s the percentage of evangelical Christians in the world?? – only about 4%! For every 100 people in the world, evangelical Christians are outnumbered 96 to 4! In America there are about 26% evangelical Christians; for every 10 people in America, only 2-3 are evangelical Christians!
But here’s a more interesting number: Only 9% in America attend an evangelical Christian church! There are many Christians who don’t go to church! If Christians are to accept one another, we are to gather together and appreciate one another! Are you totally committed to a biblical church or are you leaving your brothers and sisters in Christ fighting for themselves? Of course to many of you, I am preaching to the choir. But if we really profess to be Christians, church is the one place where we always want to be!
Now of course if we are to accept Christians as brothers and sisters, we should know who the Christians are. How do we know who’s a Christian? Our passage helps us. The 3rd part of Romans 14:3 tells us that Christians are accepted by God. Turn back briefly to Romans 1:16-17…..
Those who believe in the gospel of Christ are given righteousness, and so accepted by God.
Let’s go back to Romans 14. Verse 9 tells us that Christians believe that Jesus died but rose from the dead. And v23 tells us that Christians lives by faith in Jesus Christ.
We are to know who the other Christians are and we are to accept them by gathering with them and appreciating them. And how do we appreciate each other? We are to be careful in being judgmental or argumentative with other Christians! You see, if we Christians belong to one another and we need each other, should we be shooting each other down? Is it really a smart thing to shoot your own foot or cut your own hand or blind your own eye? Why would we do something like that in the church, the Body of Christ, who is us Christians? When we are dealing with each other, unless it is against what the Bible says, accept what the other Christian says or does.
You’ve heard the saying “The Bible has all the answers!”
You probably heard it from me!
But here are a couple of questions that you will not find an answer in the Bible: Who will win the Super Bowl in January? Which tastes better “Pepsi” or “Coke”? Which computer, a PC or a Mac? How many million people will go to McDonalds today?
Of course the Bible does not have the answer to every question! When someone says “the Bible has all the answers” what they mean of course is God knows all and there are Biblical principles which can respond to questions. We will note this again later.
But here’s the point: Christians can have differing opinions and we don’t have to fight over them and shoot ourselves! God gives us examples of potential arguments for Christians here in Romans 14.
Romans 14:2-3 tell us that Christians can fight over what to eat! Some Christians have told me that I shouldn’t eat meat. Another Christian told me it is a sin to eat shrimp! I told them of course it’s okay, I wash it all down with white rice!
Verses 5-6 tells us that Christians can argue about certain days. How many of you have been told that worship should really be done on a Saturday?? Or how about, you shouldn’t be doing anything else on Sunday but church!
What other topics have other Christians brought up to you which have potential for arguments??
Bible translations? Second Coming of Christ? Music?
We are to accept other opinions of Christians unless they are against what the Bible clearly states! God is the only Judge! However, look again closely with me verse 6 of Romans 14…. And look again at v22…….
What’s very important to note about having opinions as Christians? If we are going to have an opinion about a certain issue, it must be done with thanksgiving to God!
In other words, our opinions and what we do must be for God! Most of the time, we have opinions about certain issues because we are pleasing who?? – ourselves!
We must be very careful with our opinions! We must check our opinions with God and be done for God!
If we do things for our selves and for our own egos, we will be sinning against God and we will not help the Body of Christ.
And again we are not to judge other Christians! What should we do? We should pray for each other! We should pray for godliness not selfishness. And we should pray that we all understand that the Kingdom we are in as Christians is about righteousness, peace, and joy with God the Holy Spirit! This is the focus of the Christian life! What is your focus in life?
And again, Christians are to accept and appreciate one another. Let us close by noting the specific things we are told to do by God.
V13: We are to make up our minds not to put any stumbling block or obstacle to other Christians. V19-21 is the positive instruction related to this. Therefore, as Christians, always decide to maintain peace and build up other Christians. How do we do this in practical terms? May I suggest this, when you meet someone who says they are a Christian, find out how it happened and what it means to them, then focus on peace and encouraging them!
V14-16 implies that Christians are to respect the convictions of other Christians.
And again from v22-23, Christians are to evaluate their opinions with respect to God!
Since we belong to one another and we need each other:
Let us be careful with our own opinions and in judging other Christians.
Let us focus in living in righteousness, peace, and joy and building up one another!