Leadership in Exodus
In Exodus 1-15
INTRO: Brian McLaren Conference: World-Church-Me
1. Leading the individual
Moses: Born to a Hebrew Family
Adopted by the Egyptian princess
Despised by the Hebrew labourers
Murders an Egyptian and flees the area
Finds his wife – has children and settles down
The unexpected happened –
God caught Moses eye (Ex. 3)
Moses still needed convincing (Ex. 4) – Signs for Moses
All the excuses in the world
God keeps saying – “if you do this – I will do this.”
First look to who you are – that is what God will use
Staff – turns into a snake – God uses what is in your hand (Ex. 4:2)
Moses returns to Egypt to lead the Hebrew people out
The lesson from Moses’ life
God prepares people then uses them
God doesn’t call the qualified — he qualifies the called
People expect a magic scroll to reveal God’s purpose’
It won’t happen like that
Key Verse about Moses’ [Hebrews 11:24-25]
“It was by faith that Moses, when he grew up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter. He chose to share the oppression of God's people instead of enjoying the fleeting pleasures of sin.”
2. Leading the family
God promises to deliver the people of God [Hebrew people]
But first he had to convince Pharaoh to let them go
READ: Ex. 12
Meanwhile God gave specific instructions to the Hebrew people to prepare
Lessons from the Passover:
Eat meals together
Parents/Grandparents: protect your families [blood covering the house]
Teach your children the stories of the bible
We expect others to take responsibility for teaching our kids
Don’t rely on this alone – be involved in your children’s lives – including what the learn
Create teaching moments – mundane things can be teaching moments
3. Leading the Community
[community—outside of the church]
This is not so obvious from the first 15 chapters but it is implied
READ: Gen. 12:1-3
God wanted to form a nation – more a people who would be faithful to him
This nation would be a blessing to other nations
The purpose was to live as he intended so that they might live the same way
READ: 3: 11-15; 6:2-4, 6-8
When we lead our community we reveal the God who has made himself known to us
He has rescued us – through our faithfulness he will rescue others
We don’t even have to know what to say – God will give us the words
The God who appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – is the same God who revealed himself to Moses – is the same God who sent his Son Jesus to finish the Job – is the same God we worship today.
God established his covenant – a mutual promise between God and his people – with the Hebrew people.
He took the Hebrew slaves – as his own and brought them out of Egypt
God is still in the business of calling a people to him
Today this people – or community (ies) is the Church
The idea is the same – the church is to be catalyst for God continued work in the world.
Are we willing to leave the comfort of home – for the Promised Land?
As we head for the unknown [the uncomfortable desert] – are ready to risk all to grow the Kingdom?