Summary: In order to make a difference, a person must actually be different.

Believers who are “M.A.D.”

“A Life of Repentance”

Acts 26:12-20

* Much of human behavior seems to be controlled by circumstances, actions, and situations. More often than not, we choose not to act until something happens to us (or our family). Then when something goes “down” we are ready to get up and we are face with two choices; either react or respond. Consider the difference in these two.

* As a general rule a ‘reaction’ is a ‘knee-jerk’ type of action. We can see this in the life of Peter; Jesus wanted to wash Peter’s feet (in the upper room) and Peter said, “NEVER.” Then having it explained to him by the Lord he reacted (once again) with, “Not just my feet but my whole body.” As is usual with a reaction, Peter wasn’t listening.

* On the other hand, a ‘response’ is a reactive method whereby you take some time to think, cool off, investigate, and then give a sensible answer to the circumstances and situations with which you are confronted.

* In May of 1980, 13 year old Cari Lightner and a friend were walking toward their church for a spring carnival when a drunk driver (He was passed out behind the wheel) struck her young body throwing her 125 feet. He then woke up (unaware of what he had done) and drove off. Being told by the investigating police that the driver had been caught, was a multiple offender, and would probably never see the inside of the jail was more than mother Candace could take. And on October 1, 1980, Candice and another mom (Cindy Lamb) started “MADD” (Mothers against drunk drivers). They thought it through and made a positive response to the horrible affair.

* When I look across the landscape of this nation, it seems that we need a believer or believers to be ‘mad.’ (I will explain that statement in a minute). Last year I showed you a video of Pastor Lindell Cooley from Grace church in Nashville reading a summation of a study done by sociologist Alan Wolfe. I have now ordered Dr. Wolfe’s study because I believe that God’s children in America must be awakened out of their spiritual slumber. It is worth 4 minutes of our time so let us be reminded of these words. (VIDEO)

* Don’t miss those last words, “So relax, ‘evangelical Christianity’ is as safe as milk.” Don’t miss the ‘meaning’ of those words, “Christianity is dead.” To hear this brings a myriad of questions from inside the church; what is he thinking? Where did he get his information? How can anyone write such? Better yet, how can anyone actually believe like this? Candidly & for some reason, those who claim to be followers of Christ have the idea that just because we are a part of a church body, we are above being questioned. Yet, Peter tells us to be ready to respond to anyone who asks about the hope in us. Can we do that? Do we do that? Do we speak to the unsaved & unchurched in spiritual language or do we not speak that language.

A Life of Repentance – Pg 2

* For the next few weeks my desire is to issue a call to each of us to become ‘MAD Believers’, that is, a believer who is “Making A Difference.” Based on the study by Alan Wolfe, studies by George Barna, surveys by the Gallup organization, & more convicting, a survey of SBC records will emphatically state that we are not making a difference in this culture.

* Most of us desire to hear a “Well done” from our Lord when this life is over but allow me to give you a word from Dr. Johnny Hunt. He said, “We will not hear ‘well done’ unless we have ‘done well.’

* If we are to do well, we must live life according to the book. It’s not simply how much Bible you have in your head, it’s more about how much the Bible has you in your heart. (As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.) The filter for the actions of our lives must be or become the principles found in Holy Scripture. We are not talking about salvation; rather we are talking about the life of a believer. For the next weeks we will not be talking about ‘doing’ as much as ‘being.’ Today, we begin where John the Baptist, the Apostle Paul, and Jesus began. We begin with “Repentance.”

* This is the required to become a believer and it is required for a believer to ‘make a difference.’ For a believer to ‘make a difference, he/she must BE different. The repentance which one experiences at salvation is the first expression of an ongoing process which is required to become more like Jesus. Yet, I submit that, as a people, we have largely dismissed repentance. In our spiritual arrogance, we have cast aside time at the altar before God in humility, asking for God to do something in us, and in large measure have discounted the need for ongoing recommitment to Him.

* Could the reason we so seldom ask Him to do something ‘in us’ be that are too busy asking Him to do something ‘for us?’ Could our status of being rich contribute to our selfish mentality? Most of us will say, “I am not rich” yet, I just heard that if you have an annual household income of over $40k, you are in the top 5% of the world. Additionally, it was said that if you have an income of over $50k, you are in the top 1% of the world. Sadly, we no longer live from paycheck to paycheck, but from want to want. This results in an attitude of independence and pride when God seek for us to have an attitude of dependence and humility. Because we talk so little about such an important subject, perhaps a reminder of the makeup of repentance.

1. The Path to Repentance- To get to any place you must know the path to take. Jesus tells us to get to the Father we must come through Him. This clearly means we will not get there another way. To come to the place of repentance in our life means we must do it God’s way. Years ago as I taught the students Wednesday night service we were discussing this subject so I asked what it was. Scott said, “If you intend to do again or repeat the sin then it’s not repentance.” No truer words have ever been spoken.

A Life of Repentance – Pg 3

a. Conviction – One of the problems in this culture is the thought that we are in control. Never forget, that Jehovah God is the one in control. True conviction does not begin with us, but with God in us.

* In Acts 2, Peter preached to the multitude of the curious. They had assembled only to find out what the noise was all about. This people had no inkling of their need for God until they heard the message. Peter ended with the invitational appeal in Acts 2:35 which said, "Therefore let all the house of Israel know with certainty that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah!" (HCSB) The next verse gives us the payoff; ‘when they heard this, they were pierced, pricked, or cut to their heart.’ The Holy Spirit of God moved in & lanced their hearts.

* Jesus told the disciples in the upper room the Holy Spirit would come and convict about sin, righteousness, and judgment. Upon hearing the word of God, the Holy Spirit begins the work of God in our lives which is to convict us. At this point, we have a choice; to react or respond. In Acts 7 we get a clear painful picture of a ‘reaction’ to the conviction of God while in Acts 9 we can see the response to the conviction of God.

* I submit that one of the reasons this culture is eroding, the local church is declining, and the country is cascading is because the very people who need to be change by the Spirit of God tends to ignore that inner voice of the Holy Spirit. What do you do when God speaks up in your heart?

b. Confession – When the Spirit convicts, I will either attempt to deny or hide my sin OR I will confess it. With the push for the ‘deeper life’, too often inside the church, we try to give the impression that we have it altogether with not baggage or spiritual problems. Candidly, the people God puts in our path who need to be influenced—KNOW BETTER because they see us struggling. When sin creeps into our lives (no matter what sin), we must confess it as sin. James tells us to confess it to one another. Warning: Be sure about who you choose to take into your confidence. Make sure that they want the best for you. I have two male friends with whom I can share anything and they will not judge or disown me. But they will not let me off the hook. A real friend doesn’t tell you ‘it’s okay’, but rather says, “You’re okay, but it’s not” because they know the sin needs to be gone.

c. Compliance – How often have I heard from God that I had a sin in my life and even confessed it as sin only to find myself doing it all over again? When we are convicted and have confessed the sin it is crucial that we comply with the word of God. To not do so is to abandon the process of repentance before true repentance is realized. Honestly, at this point; life never changes. Never forget the words Samuel spoke to King Saul in 1 Samuel 15, “To obey is better than to sacrifice.” There is nothing I can do which will make up for disobedience except repentance.

A Life of Repentance – Pg 4

2. The Progression of Repentance - Let’s just consider some elements of repentance which we may have forgotten.

a. Renewal – King David is exhibit a about this renewal. He said, “Lord, renew a right ‘spirit’ within me. In other words, let your spirit return to the throne room of my life. Additionally, Paul tells us to be ‘transformed by the renewing of our ‘minds.’ When I am steeped in sin, my mind does not work right. Everything is viewed through the lens of my sin. When I complete the process of repentance, I becomes like the energizer bunny. I am renewed and ready for action. But from time to time it need to lead to something else.

b. Restitution – There are times in our lives when spiritual and even physical restitution needs to be made. Personally, I have discovered that, as a general rule, God will implant this in the heart of His child. Restitution is best illustrated in legal terms as “damages.” We find this in the life of Zacchaeus. Do you remember what he said when he met Jesus? Not only did he become a giving person (giving to the poor), but he made restitution for those he had wronged. But you know what this means? Admitting to the person who has been sinned against that I did something wrong and feel the divine leading to make an effort at repayment.

c. Reconciliation – Consider the good, the bad, and the ugly of this. The good is that reconciliation is what Jesus’ ministry was all about. 2 Cor. 5 tells us that “In Christ, God was reconciling the world to Himself.” Think about the ways we use the word ‘reconcile.’ To bring our check book into balance is to ‘reconcile.’ To come to peace over an event, death, or issue, is to ‘reconcile.’ To restore a lost relationship is to ‘reconcile.’ In Christ, God was reconciling the world and NOW, He has given US the ministry of reconciliation. For most, reconciliation is the final step in the life of repentance. Don’t read reconciliation into any dangerous or abusive past relationships because different principles speak to those issues. Today we have laid forth the Biblical directives & the cultural needs for repentance.

* Have you taken an honest look around you at this culture we call America? We need people who are willing to make a difference. The people who will make a difference are the people who ARE different. These will be people who hear the voice of God and respond to His calling specifically in this matter of repentance. What is there in your life that He is speaking to you about repenting and turning away from.