A New Beginning For You!
Intro: End of one beginning of the New
• We can look back
• Next year I want to look back at the best year so far
• God has been Good to me.
• No matter how good or bad 2009 was 2010 is here and God has a New Beginning for you. Some of us need it…. Stagnant…
• Lets get in a posture tonight to receive the new thing and beginning
• I believing for God to rock some people tonight…
Isa 43:18-19
God states he is going to do a new thing … when ever he does…always instruction and obedience needed.
I. Forget the past V. 18
a. Many are forgetful but selectively
b. Take God at His word 1 JN 1:9
i. The extent at which you dwell on your past sins is the extent at which you believe him.
c. Let it go God took the sin and the shame 1cor 15:10
d. Forget your successes phil 3:7-14
i. Not how or what you received but if all you have is past successes in life and Christ you are living a stagnant life.
1. Churches do this all the time.
ii. When is the last time you had a spiritual victory? Or are you still living off one from ages ago? God wants you to leave the past and find what he has for you today!
II. A New Thing is waiting for you! V.19
a. God is going to do new things in 2010 and it starts tonight.
b. God said the new thing is here
i. Will you realize it? God is going to do great and mighty things in my family life and ministry in 2010 and he can in yours too. Open your eyes to see and receive.
c. Do you need a new thing? Living off 1990s miracle?
i. God said he will pave the road in the wilderness and create rivers in the desert for you!
ii. Rise up God is going to do great things Get excited life is too short to be boring…
iii. Make a difference you might not have much time left in this life to do so.
iv. God’s grace and mercy were poured out on His people even when they didn’t deserve for God’s sake! He promised he would and he did!
v. Get Ready Get Ready Get ready God is here! And the new beginning starts now!