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  • A New Beginning For You!

    Contributed by Ryan Peters on Jan 2, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    It is important that we realize that God desires to bless His children. We are ready to embark upon the best, most prosperous years we have seen thus far. Get ready Get Ready Get Ready!

    A New Beginning For You! Intro: End of one beginning of the New • We can look back • Next year I want to look back at the best year so far • God has been Good to me. • No matter how good or bad 2009 was 2010 is here and God has a New Beginning for you. Some of us need it…. Stagnant… • Lets get in more

  • Church Growth Principles #2 "It's A Seed Problem" Series

    Contributed by Ryan Peters on Mar 18, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    So many churches out there today desire to change the world, the only problem is that they do not desire to change themselves first. In order to change the fruit of the ministry you must first check your roots!

    • Focusing on Church growth what would you say that it is instituted or measured? o In Numbers? o In Evangelism? o In Money? o In a beautiful facility? o In a parking lot filled with new and expensive cars? o In the church with a plethora of ministries? • Too often churches and people when focusing more

  • Church Health Principles # 1 "Persistence In Faith" Series

    Contributed by Ryan Peters on Mar 11, 2009

    In order for a church to grow as God wants it to grow, the church must be a healthy church. Naturally healthy churches will grow. So we want to find what principles will it take to build a healthy church. Persistence in Faith is the first principle any pe

    Text: Luke 18:35-43 Intro: • Speaking of persistence in faith o Man Drawing deep in to the things of the Spirit no matter what may come. • Friday’s Service o In line where God has been leading me. o God’s word speaking to me to continue to dig deep  Congregation will follow. o Amazing more

  • Battling The Three Fears Of Captivity.

    Contributed by Ryan Peters on Mar 10, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Battling the three fears of captivity will give you the faith and the courage to step out in to the promised land and believe the unbelievable once again.

    Title: Battling the three fears of Captivity. Jeremiah 29:10-14 So many of us are stuck in the captivity of life that we have not been able to see clearly let alone hear from God. You see when we search the scriptures for hope and future Jeremiah 29:11-14 comes to mind immediately. When more