Summary: This portion of Matthew is one of the most misquoted and misunderstood parts of the Bible. Jesus isn’t talking about political correctness but about correctly presenting the story of sin and salvation.

What’s your approach in sharing the gospel? There are probably as many ways of doing it as there are people—mostly because Jesus told us to be His “witnesses.” A witness tells what they experienced. Preaching the gospel—the second of the two reasons for our existence as Christians here on earth—isn’t so much presenting a reasoned argument or cold-witnessing on the street (though those are two approaches) as much as it is living your relationship with Jesus on the outside and being ready to give a reason for the hope within you based on your own experience with the gospel.

That doesn’t mean changing the gospel but rather how the true gospel as changed you. In our approach Jesus has some direction for us, and it is contained in Matthew 7 verses 1-6.

Matthew 7:1 may easily be the most mis-quoted verse in the entire Bible and at first blush doesn’t seem to be about witnessing at all. How often in a discussion with someone who is a pre-Christian have they said “you can’t talk to me about what I do. Didn’t Jesus say ‘Judge not, lest ye be judged’?”

Many times we are at a loss for words when someone says that. We know that sin keeps us from God but that God is love. Could it be that we are not supposed to bring sin to light as part of sharing the gospel? We feel wrong and non-PC (politically correct) and what right do we have to talk about sin when we ourselves blow it so much?

Well, hopefully we can bring some clarity to this section and some help as we attempt to communicate the gospel message more effectively.

Remember, Matthew’s theme is to present Jesus as King and Messiah. He is the rescuer we never knew we needed. Showing someone who is under water that they are in fact drowning is the first step towards the rescue.

1 – 2

The first thing we need to understand is the word “judge.” The Greek word “krino” means “to separate, select, or choose.” It is the idea of evaluating and analyzing. It can mean to judge and pronounce sentence on someone. Here it is not meaning judgment from a court of law or critical, discerning thinking. The word here can refer to the attitude of a judgmental spirit towards others. It might read “do not condemn”. The rest of the section hangs off of this idea.

Let’s talk about what it is first by what it is not.

Jesus is not telling us to accept behavior as right that is clearly not in line with the character of God. We need to be discerning thinkers. Jesus told us to watch out for false teachers (verse 15 of chapter 7). The church is to exercise discipline (1 Cor 5:1-5). We ourselves are supposed to be attuned to what is good and what is not:

Heb 5:14 But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. NKJV

What Jesus is talking about here is not taking God’s place of judgment to condemn another. This kind of attitude is not the kind of character of love that typifies God. First of all, we are not in the place to know someone’s heart in order to condemn them—only God knows that. Secondly, we are in no position to set up a standard we ourselves have not been able to attain. In short, we cannot make a decision on someone else’s salvation or condemnation for:

“All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23.

The audience Jesus spoke to were well attuned to religious leaders who judged others while they themselves did not follow what they taught (Mattew 23:4). We as humans have gotten it all mixed up.

We’re all equally sinful, equally separated from God and all that’s good—and we are equally deserving of God’s condemnation. That’s why we all need a rescuer. Jesus, being untainted by a sin nature (by way of the virgin birth), and willing to give Himself as a sacrifice (by way of the cross) becomes that Rescuer.

So the idea isn’t to wink at sin—God doesn’t—or put yourself in God’s place. We sometimes feel like after we come to Jesus we are so much holier than those outside of the faith. The truth is that we are much worse than we realize and it is ONLY by God’s mercy that we continue to stand at all. We cannot earn favor with God but we can get it by holding onto Jesus.

We tend to focus on obvious sins, like sexual immorality, homosexuality, murder, etc. But we forget that one lie can send you away from God’s presence (Rev 21:8)—being born is really all it takes (Psalm 51:5).

The key difference, as we’ll see in a bit, is that we are not the ones to either condemn, correct, or cleanse someone else. But that is not the same as calling attention to the existence of sin in the human condition. It is also different once we are brothers and sisters in Christ. Then there is a definite place of helping others to become more like Christ.

Gal 6:1 Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.

This ties in well with the next verses:

3 – 5

It’s kind of a comical picture of something wielding a giant 2x4 around trying to remove a splinter in someone else’s eye. People misconstrue this to say we should never point out defects in others. Actually Jesus is saying that:

1) We tend to see faults in others without realizing that we have our own issues to deal with.

2) That we should deal with our own stuff and then help others with theirs. That doesn’t mean we are perfect, but it would be much harder for a person involved in active sexual immorality to help someone being tempted to fall into it.

So the next verse seems at first to be out of place, but I’ll explain why it does belong here:


What we’re really talking about in this section is how we present the gospel in a sinful world. We don’t condemn but point out the universal problem of sin. We don’t correct without first realizing and dealing with our own problem of sin (which happens through faith in Jesus). Finally, we need to be sensitive to the audience reaction to the message.

The dogs referred to here are not like our puppy Anna. They were wild scavenger dogs. The word “holy” refers to sacred food given to the priests from the sacrifices. It would be unthinkable to throw this to wild dogs. A pig would not know what to do with a pearl. If it wasn’t food the pig would simply discard it under foot and turn on you for not giving it something edible.

How does this apply to the gospel? Here is where we get into the area of discernment. As we share about sin and salvation we will get a reaction. If the reaction is curiosity or acceptance—then great. Perhaps it is ambivalence. Someone might get annoyed or even angry as God deals with their heart.

If instead, though, they turn and literally attack you with extreme anger and vehemence, then perhaps it is time to pull back.


Be honest about the reality of sin & judgment, but know your role

We are all sinners saved by grace but we are not the judge—and that’s a good thing! (though as the church we do have a role in judging, but it’s angels, not sinners).

Be reflexive in the correction for sin

Make sure you are first open to the transforming power of God—and put it into use—before you try to help others death with sin.

1 Cor 10:12-13 Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall.

Be discerning about the reception to the gospel

We are not obligated to keep sharing when there is a steadfast refusal to hear. Don’t beat your head against a brick wall. Fall back and pray for a softening.

There is One who does indeed judge

John 5:1-24. All judgment has been given to Jesus. He alone has the right and the ability to judge. He does look at our lives and make a decision—with Him or away from Him. That decision has already been made, but there is one chance for someone else to take the judgment and allow you legally to be with God. That person is the same One who has the judgment: Jesus Christ. Throw yourself on His mercy and you will find it.

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