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  • Bummed Or Blessed Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Mar 24, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The truth about God is either a total bummer or a tremendous blessing. Which will it be for you depends on how you respond to Paul's message in Ephesians 2.

    In my days as a television reporter I had the dubious distinction to be the last reporter to visit Oregon’s death row before it was closed off to all public access. I can see why. Death row was in the innermost parts of the Oregon State Penitentiary. Through many locked and bared doors there more

  • The Power Of God Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Mar 17, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    What kind of power does God have? How is that power given to those that belong to Jesus? The answers may surprise you but in the end they will encourage you to give your life even more to the most powerful person who ever lived.

    Paul has been telling the Ephesians about his prayers for them. Though he uses many words to say it, his real prayer is that they would be able to perceive in their minds three things: The hope of their calling The riches of their inheritance The “immeasurable greatness of His more

  • Are You Imprinted? Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Mar 10, 2014

    Many of us don’t realize that when we are born, and as we are raised, we are imprinted with a value set that comes from this age. It makes it impossible to think clearly about how the universe really operates. But in Jesus, there finally is clarity.

    It’s really encouraging when you get good news about something, isn’t it? The Apostle Paul has gotten some really good news about the people living in Ephesus. The gospel first reached Ephesus in Acts 19. The people he met had been baptized into John’s baptism. They had incomplete more

  • All About The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Mar 3, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer in Jesus? You may have some preconceptions that steer you in the wrong direction as to the Spirit’s real purpose.

    If you belong to Jesus by putting your trust and reliance on Him for your salvation—then the ownership of your life has been transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. Part of that ownership change involves a seal put on you, but it’s more than just a mark of more

  • Does God Like Me? Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Feb 2, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Even after you come to know Jesus we often feel that though God may love us because of Jesus, He doesn’t like us very well. Learn the truth about how God feels about you and the destiny He has for you.

    As God chose us (vs 4), picked us out from among others, before the universe began, so now He sets the course of the universe to a particular outcome for us—that in essence is predestination. Predestined us The Greek word pro-orizo means “to set a boundary, to mark out a thing in more

  • Blueprints Of The Universe Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jan 28, 2014

    How is that God knew whom He was going to choose before the universe began? And how does that speak to God's fairness?

    o understand Ephesians 1:4 we need this week to head back to the gospels: John’s gospel, to be specific, and chapter 6. John 6:37-44, 63-65. introduces us to the subject of God making choices. Jesus has just fed thousands of people and also walked on water. The people follow Him to the other more

  • What Is Reality? Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jan 20, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    We often rely on our senses and even our emotions to tell us what’s real. Paul, as he begins the letter to the Ephesians, tells of a reality more real than you have ever known, with advantages far greater than anything this age has to offer, all in Jesus.

    If I asked you the question: “how do you know something is real?” you might say something like: “It’s real if I can experience it with my senses.” Our idea of the “realness” of something is tied to what our brains tell us based on the information gathered more

  • Hitting The Reset Button Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jan 6, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    God designed for humans to think, feel, speak, and act in certain ways. As a race we have walked away from that and messed up the universe. God, through Jesus, has hit the reset button on our lives, giving us hope for a better life.

    I was recently working with something on a website and every time I made a change it messed everything up. I was only digging myself deeper. Then I saw this little button that said “Reset to Default Settings.” I thought I’d give it a try and voila, it worked. In a way, Ephesians more

  • Humility To Praise Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Nov 4, 2013

    When you are at the bottom it seems like there is no way up or out. But in the final five songs of ascent, we see that the way is the way of Yahweh.

    In a way, the final songs of ascent contained in Psalms 130-134 trace the path of salvation and unity with God, which leads to abundant praise and thanksgiving for all that He has done for us. Psalm 130 starts with the cry of the broken-hearted. 1 – 2 When either you find yourself in a more

  • Fruitfulness In The Midst Of Great Pressure Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Oct 30, 2013

    How do we have a fruitful life - one filled with joy amidst the pressures of this age? These five psalms of assent give us clues as to how God blesses in the midst of pressure.

    Last time we talked about the first five of the Songs of Ascent. They mostly had to do with pilgrims journeying from far away lands, anxious to get away from people who put down the truth of who God is and come into God’s presence in Jerusalem. This time we will see the next five psalms, more

  • Life's Dangerous Journey Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Oct 21, 2013

    Living a life dedicated to God can be a dangerous undertaking. There are physical, emotional and even spiritual battles that threaten to take us away from trusting God and being used by Him. These psalms offer hope in that journey.

    Psalm 120 begins what are called the “songs of ascent.” The Jews sang these 15 songs as they made their way “up” or “ascending” to Jerusalem for one of the feasts. You can just picture groups joining up and singing together on the road. So much better than many more

  • Looking Down The Path Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Oct 7, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Each decision we make in life is not a discrete unit. It is connected in a long chain of decisions that leads in a trajectory either towards the character of the Lord or away from it. This part of Psalm 119 helps us set the right course in life.

    105 – 112 Verse 105 is one of the coolest verses in the Bible. It really speaks to the working of God’s Word in our lives. A “lamp to my feet” suggests providing guidance in the near-term, the everyday sorts of decisions in life: how do I answer, how should I react, what more

  • Looking Up To God Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Sep 30, 2013

    The temptations and accusations of the world are like a man-eating plant that wraps its legs around our character and seeks to drag us down. God's Word is like the searchlight from a Coast Guard helicopter, coming to rescue us in times of trouble.

    Psalm 119 is a celebration of God’s Word and a literary masterpiece. But there is also a story arc in this psalm that we can relate to. The psalmist, quite possibly Ezra, is facing temptation and opposition from the world—in an attempt to keep him from serving Yahweh and obeying His more

  • The Mirror Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Sep 16, 2013

    Psalm 119 is all about God's Word, but is the Word an instruction manual with every detail of life enumerated for us, or is it more a character sketch of the most beautiful and wonderful being ever?

    Psalm 119 has been called the Mt. Everest of the Psalms. It is the longest psalm and the longest chapter in the Bible. What I love about it is that it is all about God’s Word. And that’s what we are about here at Calvary Chapel: teaching God’s Word. I’ve heard a slur about more

  • Hosanna! Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Sep 12, 2013

    To the Jews, Hosanna meant "Help - Save us!" But it morphed in its meaning in a way that gives us all hope. This psalm is jammed full of Messianic references and hope for the future king of the world: Jesus.

    In this psalm we see the victory brought about by the Lord for a king of Israel. It is full of Messianic references. As such I think we can also safely look at it in terms of the victory God won for us over sin through His Son Jesus. Let’s begin, though, in Mark 11, which we normally study more