Unsaved “Christians”
(Preached first on 02/11/08, Sunday)
Text: Luke 6:43-46
Explain the Scripture text.
Illustration: The great evangelist, Billy Graham, has been quoted many times as saying that the greatest mission field in our country to today is in our local church – the people sitting already in our churches.
This morning, I’m going to talk about Unsaved “Christians”.
I’m not saying that we need to do good works to attain salvation.
Good works are definitely not the root of salvation, but they sure are the fruit of salvation!
This is a call to every nominal Christian to examine their lives and check if their lives are in line with the Word of God.
1) If you are saved, you will have a desire to worship God (James 3:9-12).
If you are a true Christian, you will come on time to participate in the privilege of worshipping God.
You will not just sit or fold your hands when others are worshipping God.
2) If you are saved, you will read the Word daily (Ps. 1:2).
Are you reading and meditating at least one chapter a day.
If you are saved, you will listen to the Word attentively in the Church.
If you are not hungry for His Word, then your salvation has to be doubted.
Attending Bible Study shows how hungry you are for God’s Word.
If you are saved, you will apply the Word in your life.
3) If you are saved, you will pray every day (Mt. 6:5).
Jesus is not saying “if you pray”. He is saying “when you pray.”
In other words, He implied that Christians will pray!
4) If you are saved, you will fast regularly (Mt. 6:16).
Jesus is not saying “if you fast”. He is saying “when you fast.”
In other words, He implied that Christians will fast!
5) If you are saved, you will give unto the Lord because you recognize that all belongs to Jesus! (2 Cor. 9:6-8; Mal. 3:8-10).
Why are so many Christians not giving their Tithes?
Because they love money more than God. That is idolatry!
You will give your Tithes to the Lord only when you love God more than money (Mt. 6:24).
6) If you are saved, you will share the gospel (Mt. 5:14).
7) If you are saved, you will be excited to come to church every Sunday (Ps. 84:10).
If you are saved, you will not be satisfied by attending just one service for just 2 hours for the whole week which comprises of 168 hours.
You will hunger for more Word through various meetings.
8) If you are saved, you will try to find out the will of God and act accordingly (1 Pet. 4:2).
9) If you are saved, you will love other believers (1 Jn. 4:20).
These are the 420’s that the Bible mentions!
10) If you are saved, you will obey God (1 Jn. 2:4).
11) If you are saved, you will obey God and take baptism without delaying (Mt. 28:19).
Remember, delayed obedience is disobedience.
12) If you are saved, you will live a holy life (1 Pet. 1:16).
If you are a true Christian, you will live a holy life.
If you are constantly sinning, you need to check your life.
13) If you are saved, you will be sincere and not hypocritical (Mt. 23:27-28).
14) If you are saved, you will exhibit the fruit of the Spirit in your life (Gal. 5:22-23).
A true Christian will not be known by the name he calls himself, but by his relationship to Jesus and by his works or "fruit."
Many times, we play games with God.
The God of the Bible is not only a God of love but also a God of wrath!
There needs to be a clear warning that mere association with an evangelical church and outward conformity to accepted “Christian” patterns of behavior does not guarantee salvation.
Especially, it is difficult to say whether the people born into the Christian families are saved or not.
That’s because they may talk Christian vocabulary and sing Christian songs, but it is very much possible that they never gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus!
A consistent pattern of disobedience to Christ coupled with a lack of the elements of the fruit of the Holy Spirit such as love, joy, peace, and so forth (see Gal. 5:22-23) is a warning signal that the person is probably not a true Christian inwardly, that there probably has been no genuine heart-faith from the beginning and no regenerating work of the Holy Spirit.
Mt. 7:21-23
Rev. 3:20 – The Lord is knocking at the door of your heart. Open your heart to Him!