The Local Church
Is it Dead, Dying, or Dynamic?
Part 2 – “Spiritual Atrophy”
Amos 6:1
* Let’s begin with a story. While it has been true dozens of times, the names have been deleted to protect the guilty.
* There was once a visionary pastor who developed a visionary group of believers. This group believed God for every part of their lives. In fact, they sensed that God was leading them to plant a new church and so they stepped out in faith. The only thing greater than their excitement for this new church was their love for God and the passion to reach and disciple people. They had committed before God to be “life-changers” taking the Great Commission and the Great Commandment seriously. The launch of this new local church was heralded and by all accounts a tremendous success. During those early years, the core group met regularly for prayer, fellowship, spiritual growth, and praise. Coming out of those meetings they always seemed have walk in harmony in the spirit and unity of purpose. As a result, God saved many people, the church grew rapidly, and their reputation became well known throughout the region. Purchasing of land and the building of structures ensued as the enjoyment and excitement continued. However, some things began to change. Now, that the church was ‘up and running’ the core group saw no more need to meet as often. Now, at their level of maturity, surely they could pray at home, they could hire staff to take care of the nuts and bolts, and they could back off because they had done their part for the church and now it was someone else’s turn. At first, this seemed to work, but the longer it went to less vital the church became. And then, horror of all horrors, they were not growing anymore. What happened?
* This story could be told a hundred times, extended to include many more details, and always come out with the same ending. How many times have we seen a church like this, watched it grow up and fizzle out, and ask ourselves, “What is the cause of it.”
* I would like to suggest to us that the deflating or dying of a local church is probably never of God, but rather, is the result of a disease or sickness. Over the next several weeks, we will consider several of these diseases which a local congregation might contract. Tonight’s disease is “atrophy”, “spiritual atrophy.”
* Atrophy is defined as a wasting away or decrease in the size of a body organ, tissue, or part owing to disease, injury, OR LACK OF USE.
* Consider that last 3 words, “Lack of use.” Candidly, in High school I could get on the leg machine and work with several hundred pounds while today I could only lift a fraction of that weight. My leg muscles have atrophies from lack of use. Were I to take a rope and tie your arms to your side for six months and then release your arm, the mobility of that are would be greatly impaired because the muscles would be atrophied or wasted away.
* In Amos 6:1, we see a picture of this condition. (Read) Consider the 2 words “at ease” and know the ways they are translated; complacent, lounging in luxury, resting in comfort, enjoying life, have an easy life, are wealthy and secure. The Greek word literally means all these PLUS “careless, wanton, arrogant, and prideful.” The life of the believer is never a life of rest until the day he enters the Promised Rest of heaven. Yet many believe that we can take our ease down here, when there is work to be done.
* Let’s consider one quick case study and then make the application. The poster boy for spiritual atrophy would have to be Isaac. Let discover some characteristics and consequences of spiritual atrophy.
1) The Characteristics -
a) You live in the Past – Consider the life of Isaac. He was the child from, of, with, and for, promise and it was God’s promise. He was in the lineage of 4 great patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph) and began life as a miracle baby. Furthermore, we all remember the time God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac and yet reading that a text, we walk away with the sense that Abraham’s faith grew, but with Isaac, it didn’t even register. Isaac’s greatest feats were always behind him.
> Now think about the local church and ask yourself, “Are the best days behind or ahead?”
b) You let others Provide – In Genesis 24, we see Abraham having to get his 40 year old son a wife. It is true that in a cultural concept, things were done differently back then, but the principle still holds. Even as an adult man he was disengaged. How many in the church today (young and old alike) are there to let other serve them? Ask not what your church (Lord) can do for you; ask what you can do for the Lord. When we disengage and let others “do” for you, you begin to atrophy spiritually and as you begin to weaken so does the church.
c) You live like your Predecessors – You may not like these words, but the intent is to point out that when we get lazy, we default to the mistakes we have observed in our parent’s generation (even though we know better). Compare Abraham in Genesis 20 to Isaac in Genesis 26. (read)
> Because of his lack of faith, lack of willingness to assume responsibility, and his fear, he fell into the category that “if it works once, it will work again.” And so he made the exact same mistake as his dad. By the way, this had the exact same outcome. How many church families do things they way they have for the last several years and then expect different results? One person said, “You have a perfect structure for the results you’re achieving.”
d) You longings are Problematic – Very little gets us in as much trouble as do our desires. Think about this; Isaac was on his death bed & instead of thinking how he could take care of his family all he could do was long for one more meal! What is it that a person longs for? It is that which is most important to them. When a person (or church) has spiritual atrophy, those things which should be important to them are not. This could be what Paul speaks of when he refers to the milk verses the meat of the word. The longings of a spirit filled person are for the things of God while the longings of an atrophied person are entirely different; they are more personal, selfish, & self-serving.
2) The Consequences – To look at the life of Isaac is to reveal 4 possibilities.
a) You miss out –This boy of promise who had been rescued in the nick of time could have come down from that altar with the faith of a pre-flood Noah or Elijah or Peter or Paul and become a powerhouse for God. Instead he refused to take up the mantle and just coast along. The result of his coasting is that He never became what God planned. Because he was ill-prepared he lost his blessing. What would have been the difference if instead of having to be TOLD to go hunting, what if he had been hunting and attempting to make preparations for his dad’s departing? The old saying is, ‘you snooze, and you lose.’
b) You sold out – Because he has been such an unmotivated young man his pride and joy sold his Birthright for a bowl of soup. His son had become him. So lazy or laid back was he that he had no eye beyond today. His attitude seems to be, “Just give what I need today, and if tomorrow gets here I’ll deal with it then.” When we don’t have an eye on God’s tomorrow, we will inadvertently sell out on the blessings He has for us.
c) You Lose out – When I was a kid I always wondered why Esau didn’t confront Jacob in front of dad (Isaac) with this horrendous deception because my dad would have wanted to straighten it out. Do you think it was because he knew dad would just cop out and say, “There’s nothing can be done about it?” Isaac’s actions were now affecting his entire family. His wife was part of the deception, His number 2 son learn how to deceive (and would take him through life), and his #1 son, the light of his life would be relegated to a subservient position in the family.
d) You check out – For Isaac, this means that ultimately he died. Because of his actions he missed out of God’s best, the birthright had been sold, and the blessing had been lost. He was now leaving his family in a mess.
> Wonder how many churches are dying the deaths of Spiritual Atrophy? How many believers are “atrophied”, just wasting away? What is the cure?
> We can look in Joshua 14 and see a man who refused to atrophy, his name was Joshua. I love Joshua because he refused to give up to age, give in to health, or give out to patience, He stayed the course. Today churches are dying, people are dying, and society is dying because of this thing called Spiritual atrophy.
3) The Cure –
a) Do a heart check up. – So much depends on our heart. The first thing a doctor does is check the old ticker. Think about your heart; “Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks”, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he”, and “With the heart you believe.” Check your heart.
b) Do a head check up. – What is it that controls your thoughts and mind? “Take every thought captive”, “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind”, and “Love the Lord God with all of your MIND.” Think about what you think about.
c) Do a health check up. – What do your spiritual vital signs tell you? Check your spiritual temperature, blood pressure, and respiration, then make a determination—alive or dead, active or atrophy?