April 20, 2008 Jay Davis Robison JOB 1:1-3 & 13-21
Douglas- Faithful Xian who after yrs of training in psychotherapy
turned down a lucrative career to start an inner city ministry
few yrs ago wife discovered lump in breast, had breast removed
Aft 2 yrs cancer spread to lungs, D took over many household chores
wife struggled with chemo lost hair, often sick, depressed
then one night in midst of crisis driving with wife & 12 yr old
drunk driver crossed line hit head-on wife shaken but unhurt
girl facial cuts, Douglas massive blow to head
Douglas never knew from then on when headache might strike
in middle of work may become disoriented and forgetful, 1 eye
wandered at will no focus, could not read more than 1 or 2 pgs
stay tuned for more on this modern day Job later in sermon
Job SCARES US yet he also ATTRACTS US, most loved and feared
loved because every time we read it our hearts go out to him
feared because we fear it could happen to us,
There are 3rd world children by the thousands who are starving
faithful pastors who are imprisoned, good people very sick,
millions who never give God a thought yet prosper
Job-book not to be read but experienced
We all have lost jobs, all face health problems, divorce, alcohol,
who hasn’t left cemetery after burying part of self w\loved one
know parents here who have looked for prodigal to return
We could all list hurts in our lives
Gnawing Quest why? Sometimes in darkness w\no seeming answer
I. Job: A MAN OF SORROWS feel along with me a few minutes
A. vs. 1-3 tell us about Job his character
1. BLAMELESS, UPRIGHT, FEARED GOD, SHUNNED EVIL, not perfect but godly, vs. 3 called greatest in all east
2. From land of Uz Edomite, or in trans-Jordan region
3. 10 kids; wealthy; sheep, oxen, donkeys, camels, & servants
we have here a man who is living American dream
centuries before there is even an America
B. Vs 13-20 things down hill fast
1. vs. 15 oxen plowing, donkeys in field, Sabeans Arabic nomads
swoop down stole 500 yoke of oxen and killed servants
2. vs. 16 Job’s 7000 sheep & servants in field fire from heaven
we call lightening came down burned up all people & sheep
3. vs. 17 Chaldeans mighty Mesopotamian warriors 3 columns as in war, pillaged your 3000 camels, killed servants
4. vs. 18 your 7 sons and 3 daughters were having a party together
also mentioned in vs. 13 so we won’t miss it
vs. 19 great wind Tornado came house fell on his kids all killed
C. Note some things about these descriptions
1. in each instance "only I have escaped" devastation total
2. as one telling tale of sorrow another coming w\greater woe
Job did not have a thorn in flesh, beaten by thorn bush
3. gain comfort believing God will not lay any more on us than we
can handle, someone once said wish God didn’t trust me so much
4. Consider Job’s response you know how sometimes suspect
bad news haunted with feeling something wrong before you
hear the news I think Job knew something bad happen
vs. 20 the rug has been pulled out from under him
he tears his robe and shaves his head, sorrow & dismay
5. Later in book read Job has boils & sores all over his body
II. Consider Reasons FOR SUFFERING
A. Suffering can result from NATURAL DISASTER
1. Tornado and lightening took part of Job’s wealth
2. natural disasters floods, fires, earthquakes, storms
Bible does indicate God has used these in past
does not mean every natural disaster sent from God
3. Some insurance policies still call such things acts of God
storms can damage our possessions, fire does come
they are part of what it means to live life
4. Mark 15:33 when Jesus on cross darkness fell on earth
a reflection of the suffering on the cross
B. Suffering can be caused by Human SIN
1. Sabeans and Chaldeans stole livestock and killed servants
2. so also you and I can be hurt by the sins of others
when a baby is born with a preventable birth defect
he or she is innocent but parents sin effect them
3. sober reminder my sins can effect you and your sins me
even if you do not raise a hand against me
your sin could discourage me from doing what is right
4. Satan said to God Job serves you for nothing
let me have a chance at him
C. Suffering as a consequence for our sin
1. sin carries punishment, we need to ask are we responsible,
had a doctor tell me, 85% of patients he sees from 4 causes
alcohol, smoking, diet, lack of exercise, can control those
2. So in the midst of Job’s suffering when comes to
Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar they tell him must have sinned
to be sure we need to see is my sin causing suffering?
but becomes clear that they desire to keep Job down
instead of help him up
3. At the heart of our faith we believe sin has its price
without shedding of blood not remission for sin
took Jesus dying for our forgiveness
4. Bill Pinson-God can pull the nail out of our sin
but he doesn’t take away the hole
5. vs. 1 Job a righteous man, we do not know why he suffered
D. Remember this
1. Some questions WILL NEVER BE ANSWERED
This side of heaven, I’m not sure if it is we wound not
Understand, or if more than we could take
2. Take your HURTS off LIFE SUPPORT
We could all list today the great hurts of our life, all have them
Naively we look at others wish had their life do not see their scars
Some people rehearse their scars come to be defined by them,
3. Say with me, I’m gonna take my hurts off life support
III. The more important question is WHAT
A. Suffering can be REDEMPTIVE
1. suffering can be used of God
question is not where is God when we suffer
but where are we when we suffer? do we remain faithful?
3. 2 Timothy 1:8 But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by
the power of God talks about suffering for the gospel
James 1:2-3 Consider it pure joy, my brothers & sisters, when- ever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Or steadfastness
I Peter 4:13 13 But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.
rejoice when share Christ’s sufferings so may share in glory also
B. Job is not about SUFFERING it’s about FAITH
1. faith in its starkest form, Satan knows anyone can follow
if we are rewarded, but will you continue if hardship
2. suffering brings out heart of people, whats most important
We must welcome the night. It’s the only time that
the stars shine. Michel Quoist
will you curse God & die as Job’s wife said or remain faithful
3. Be all you and only for Jesus. Let him use you without
Having to consult you first. Mother Teresa
4. 1:20-21 Job worshipped when he suffered not mere resignation,
whatever happens I can’t help it but sincere worship,
Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return
thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed
be the name of the LORD. Vs 21 KJV “I have nothing but God”
5. Douglas-I have learned to see beyond the physical reality
with the spiritual reality, We think life should be fair because God
is fair that is not the case God is fair not in heaven yet
C. Some Dos and Don’ts Robert Schuller
EMOTIONALIZE THE ISSUE, we may make it hard
for people to help us because of anger, pride, embarrassment
God is love, We are marching to heaven but there will be some hell along the way detours, road hazards, sometimes get lost as any trip
One day God will right all the wrongs, God will prevail
Dr. Paul Brand where is God when it hurts?
God is in you The one hurting, not in the hurt
God rights wrongs be sure to make it clear whose side we are on
We are wounded healers, wounded by healers
The Power of Prayer
Sister Yolanda Tarango discovered "El Santo" as a small girl she was sent to family shed to finish her pity party. Noticed a strange parcel in corner, covered w\heavy cloth. Peering under cover, shocked to find bloody feet. After few minutes, she brave enough to uncover rest of statue. Discovered image of a man about 4 ft tall w\his head hanging down, a look of sorrow on his face, & painted drops of blood running down his legs. It was Jesus, El Santo, as he looked during week of Passion. Statue, once center piece for Holy Week observance in El Paso, Tx, brought Yolanda comfort because Jesus was as sad as she was. He not laughing at her, but suffering w\her. As Yolanda became a young woman, statue became even more important to her family; moved it into courtyard, it became a place for the family to pray and grieve, and rejoice. Rejoice because Jesus’ death ends the cycle of life and suffering. Family understood that death makes way for hope and rebirth. Jesus could not resurrect unless he died.
A young Hungarian athlete in 1952 Olympics who won a gold medal for his ability to shoot a pistol. His right hand & eye coordination were so perfect he simply could not miss the bull’s eye. 6 months later young man lost his right arm. Such a tragedy would have overwhelmed many of us. It did not overwhelm this young man. Four years later at the Melbourne Olympics he was back and he did it again. Another gold medal. This time he shot with his left hand. We have in us the ability to turn tragedies into triumphs or, in Schuller’s words, to turn scars into stars. One of the keys to that, however, is to have a God who is big enough to handle any problem we may have and to keep our attention fixed on him rather than upon the circumstances.