Summary: “People are more interested in seeing what God is doing in your life than hearing what God has done in your life”

*This sermon needs to be read with the notes on Matthew 9. This is found under Scripture reading for Desperation and Deliverance sermon*

Title: Desperation and Deliverance

Theme: “People are more interested in seeing what God is doing in your life than hearing what God has done in your life”

Text: Matthew 9


As I read chapter 9 I was amazed at the whole connection. Matthew, who was writing to prove that Jesus is the Messiah, showed the power of God working through Jesus. Giving him the authority to heal. Proving His Messiahship.

Yet the whole chapter is about the ending as we will see. So that the world may see in us that Christ is the Messiah.

Speaking of the coming of the Messiah Isaiah wrote

Isa 35:5-6 Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, And the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. (6) Then the lame shall leap like a deer, And the tongue of the dumb sing. For waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, And streams in the desert.

4 Had Great Desperation

Paralytic Man – broke through the roof of the house to get to Jesus (Mark 2)

Woman with issue of blood – Forced her way through the crowd to get to Jesus

Synagogue Ruler (Jarius – Mark 5) – daughter was at the point of death

The Blind men who followed him – Blind Bartameaus – Mark 10:45 - 52

3 Risk Everything

Matthew the Tax Collector

Synagogue Ruler

Woman with the issue of blood

Common traits of desperate people

1) They are willing to risk it all –

a. Paralytic man risk the stare of others, who does he think he is cutting in line

b. Woman with issue of blood risk the ridicule of others

c. Synagogue ruler-risk his job security

d. Blind man-riducle of others, willing to make a scene

2) They are willing to give up everything

3) They come humbly before the Lord

a. Paralytic man risk the stare of others, who does he think he is cutting in line

b. Woman with issue of blood risk the ridicule of others

c. Synagogue ruler-risk his job security

d. Blind man-ridicule of others, willing to make a scene


According to Jewish tradition if 1) you touch the unclean sinners, sick, dead 2) associate with sinners then you will become defiled yet Jesus came to bring life. Instead of being defiled he restored purity and cleanness to those he came in contact with.