Summary: Sometimes Trading Places with things we think we can do -- or seem right to do doesn’t work out. Have you traded the real you -- your character -- for someone that really isn’t you? Trying desperately to please people just so you will be accepted? Knowin

Sometimes Trading Places with things we think we can do -- or seem right to do doesn’t work out.

Paul addressed that with the Romans…

The Romans were dedicated to serving and worshipping their gods, but Paul saw that they needed to Trade Places with the one true God.

The Romans had “Traded Places” with the truth, and exchanged it for a lie.

When we wander away from God’s direction in our life, we sometimes want to “Trade Places” for an easier road.

The first line of defense that we usually “Trade Places” with, that God has given to us, is the TRUTH.

1. Don’t Trade The Truth ? What You Believe (v.18-19)


ILLUSTRATION (The Elephant and the Ambulance)

A woman’s red station wagon was crushed by an elephant at a circus.

The owners of the animal apologized, explaining that the animal, for some reason, simply liked to sit on red cars.

In spite of the damage, the woman’s car was still drivable.

But on the way to the garage she was stopped short by an accident involving two other cars just ahead of her.

When the ambulance arrived a few minutes later the attendants took one look at her car, then ran over to assist her.

"Oh, I wasn’t involved in this accident," she explained. "An elephant sat on my car."

The ambulance attendants quickly bundled her off to the hospital for possible shock and head injuries, despite the lady’s vehement protests.

Sometimes people just have a hard time believing the truth.


Verse 21: exchanged the truthfulness to God for terror and wrath…

God made the truth evident within each of His creation -- yet one still likes to believe their own version.

Similar to the mother that believes her child can do no wrong -- even while talking to the policeman who has her child in the squad car for breaking a window in a store.

When you decide to trade places – such as the other side of the fence, the you give up your first line of defense, which is the Truth that God has given to you and placed within you.

You begin regarding the truth as somewhat of a half-truth and become satisfied with that idealogy – which soon, you begin to create your own theology.


ILLUSTRATION: The Piece Of Truth

Once the Devil was walking along with one of his demons.

They saw a man ahead of them pick up something shiny. "What did he find?" asked the demon.

"A piece of the truth," the Devil replied.

"Doesn’t it bother you that he found a piece of the truth?" asked the demon.

"No," said the Devil, "I will see to it that he makes a religion out of it.


Many good believing Christians today are becoming defenseless against spiritual attacks, because they simply do not know the whole truth according to God’s word.

Fellowship is fine, prayer is purposeful, but without Bible Study, you cannot comprehend the the whole truth -- because the truth needs to be taught.

One spends their life relying either on sermons to supply them with the truth, or their friends perspective on the scriptures.

They dive into “Cultural Christianity” believing only that what fits their lifestyle and tastes.

You’ve got to know who you are in Christ -- and the word of truth will help you in defining yourself – similar to looking in a mirror…



The drunk husband snuck up the stairs quietly. He looked in the bathroom mirror and bandaged the bumps and bruises he’d received in a fight earlier that night.

He then proceeded to climb into bed, smiling at the thought that he’d pulled one over on his wife.

When morning came, he opened his eyes and there stood his wife. "You were drunk last night weren’t you!"

“No, honey.”

"Well, if you weren’t, then who put all the band-aids on the bathroom mirror?"


A piece of a mirror gives you just a glimpse of what your life looks like.

Piece of a dollar isn’t worth anything -- yet people still try to cash it at the bank – claiming that they lost the other half.

The same will hold true to believers on judgement day.

“Many will say Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, did we not cast demons out in your name, did we not perform miracles in your name” -Matt. 7:22

2. Don’t Trade Your Character – That which Defines You (v.20-21)

Character is much better kept than recovered. - Thomas Paine


ILLUSTRATION: Will Rogers’ Heart

Will Rogers was known for his laughter, but he also knew how to weep.

One day he was entertaining at a hospital that specialized in rehabilitating polio victims and people with broken backs and other extreme physical handicaps.

Of course, Rogers had everybody laughing, even patients in really bad condition; but then he suddenly left the platform and went to the rest room.

A man followed him to give him a towel; and when he opened the door, he saw Will Rogers leaning against the wall, sobbing like a child.

He closed the door, and in a few minutes, Rogers appeared back on the platform, as jovial as before.


Verse 21: Exchanged the honor and thankfulness to God for futility and their heart was darkened

Their Character had become redefined

If you want to learn what a person is really like, ask three questions:

1. What makes him laugh?

2. What makes him angry?

3. What makes him weep?

These are fairly good tests of character that are especially appropriate for Christian leaders.

I hear people saying, “We need angry leaders today!” or “The time has come to practice militant Christianity!” Perhaps, but “the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God” (James 1:20).

What we need today is not anger but anguish, the kind of anguish that Moses displayed when he broke the two tablets of the law and then climbed the mountain to intercede for his people.

Or, that Jesus displayed when He cleansed the temple and then wept over the city. The difference between anger and anguish is a broken heart.

It’s easy to get angry, especially at somebody else’s sins; but it’s not easy to look at sin, our own included, and weep over it.

Many believers have never come to the place where they are truly brokenhearted over their sin.

If you have not been sorrowful for your sins or realize that you are dying in them, then you have no need for Jesus to save you from anything.



Here’s a test of character for the ladies to take note of according to Good Housekeeping, April 1985?

In looking for character in a man, there are six ways to learn everything you ever need to know about a man before you decide to marry him:

1. Watch him drive in heavy traffic.

2. Play tennis with him.

3. Listen to him talk to his mother when he doesn’t know you’re listening.

4. See how he treats those who serve him (waiters, maids).

5. Notice what he’s willing to spend his money to buy.

6. Look at his friends.

And if you still can’t make up your mind, then look at his shoes. A man who keeps his shoes in good repair generally tends to the rest of his life too.


3. Don’t Trade Your Values -- What You Will Become (v.21-23)

Values are confirmed by our actions, not just our words.


ILLUSTRATION: The Valuable Bible

A story was told of a man who loved old books. He met an acquaintance who had just thrown away a Bible that had been stored in the attic of his ancestral home for generations.

“I couldn’t read it,” the friend explained. “Somebody named Guten-something had printed it.”

“Not Gutenberg!” the book lover exclaimed in horror. “That Bible was one of the first books ever printed. Why, a copy just sold for over two million dollars!”

His friend was unimpressed. “Mine wouldn’t have brought a dollar. Some fellow named Martin Luther had scribbled all over it in German.”


Verse 23: exchanged the glory of an incorruptible God for one that is corruptible -- we trade something that God wants to make us, for something we can make ourselves.

Many times we don’t understand how it affects us or how it redefines our values

What you value the most?


ILLUSTRATION: Diamonds or Oranges

On April 14, 1912, 10:00 p.m. the Titanic crashed into an iceberg in the mid-Atlantic and four hours later sank.

One woman in a life boat asked if she could go back to her room. She was given only three minutes to do so.

She hurried down the corridors, already tilting dangerously, through the gambling room piled ankle-deep in money.

In her room were her treasures waiting to be taken, but instead, she snatched up three oranges and hurried back to the boat.

One hour before she would have naturally chosen diamonds over oranges, but in the face of death, values are seen more clearly.


When we “Trade Places” with our values, we have difficulty in understanding why we cannot get out of tough situations



I once heard of a child who was raising a frightful cry because he had shoved his hand into the opening of a very expensive Chinese vase and then couldn’t pull it out again.

Parents and neighbors tugged with might and main on the child’s arm, with the poor creature howling out loud all the while.

Finally there was nothing left to do but to break the beautiful, expensive vase.

And then as the mournful heap of shards lay there, it became clear why the child had been so hopelessly stuck.

His little fist grasped a penny which he spied in the bottom of the vase and which he, in his childish ignorance, would not let go.


Avoid knowing the cost of everything and seeing the value of nothing.



For those of you who grew up with the music of Johnny Cash, you know of his successes and failures. If you’ve seen his biography in the movie “Walk The Line” then you know how his wife, June Carter, tried to keep his life on the right path.

Yet through his success, he enjoyed “Trading Places” from the truth that he knew, for his fame and recognition as well as the nightmares of his past.

Listen and watch this last music video of this Country Music legend as his message to the world of how he has become “Hurt” because of “Trading Places” with the truth which he knew deep inside.


You can preview it here on YouTube:

or purchase a used copy at Amazon. If you cannot find it, contact me.



Friends, God has “Traded Places” with you –

4. Do Trade Your Trespasses (Romans 5: 8)

“But God demonstrated His love toward us, in that while we were sinners, Christ died for us.”

God wants to trade: His Righteousness for your rags

Isaiah 64:6 “Our righteousness is as filthy rags?”

His Comfort for your confusion

Phil. 4:19 “My God shall supply all your needs”

Matt. 28:20 “Lo, I am with you always”

His Fellowship for your Fears

His Peacefulness for your Pain

Have you traded places?

Have you been deceived by the enemy into thinking and living half the truth instead of the whole truth?

Have you traded the real you -- your character -- for someone that really isn’t you? Trying desperately to please people just so you will be accepted? Knowing that the real you is being suppressed deep down inside?

Have you been convinced that you’re not worth anything -- instead of seeing yourself through God’s eyes, and the value He sees in you?

Close your eyes and answer this question: What have I traded places in exchange for what God really wants for my life?

If you’ve been “Trading Places” with things that the enemy has set before you -- and you’re tired of it and it has you weighed down inwardly, there’s good news – it’s just as easy to trade them back.

Jesus says in Matthew 11:28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”

Acts 3:19 reads, “Repent therefore and RETURN that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.”

Are you ready for a trade?