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  • Waiting

    Contributed by Eric Ferguson on Nov 10, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    So many times we get tired of waiting on God to fulfull his promise to us. Whether it’s waiting on His return, or waiting for an answer, Peter gives us four key principles to help us while waiting on God.

    Good opener video from YouTube: (available upon request) ---------------------------------- Story Illustration Opener A group of travelers were being made to wait on their airplane, which was late due to another flight being canceled. The crowd looked more

  • Keeping Up Appearances

    Contributed by Eric Ferguson on Aug 22, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Sometimes the urge to blend in socially as Christ followers effects the level of our commitment. Eventually, you may end up compromising your commitment that will soon affect your character and the way others will begin to see you. Discover why we hide wh

    Start with wearing themask in darkness and shining the light on it... Read “In The Dark” story: A young soldier and his commanding officer got on a train together. The only available seats were across from an attractive young lady who was traveling with her grandmother. As the four engaged in more

  • Servanthood

    Contributed by Eric Ferguson on Aug 13, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    In Christ, as opposed to the world, the servant is greatest of all. Yet in most churches, it is the least of all gifts utilized.

    Servanthood Scripture Base: Matthew 20:26-28; 22:39b; john 15: 12-13; Philippians 2: 1-11 The Point: In Christ, as opposed to the world, the servant is greatest of all. Stuff You’ll Need: TV and VCR, the movie Sister Act (Touchstone Pictures), nails, tape Preparation: Before the session, write more

  • Expectations: Are You Swimming Or Sinking?

    Contributed by Eric Ferguson on Aug 13, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Sometimes our EXPECTATION of something is due to our frantic pace, we don’t notice sin creeping into the back seat of our lives, putting us at great risk. Thank God that he’s always on the lookout for us, and that at times he uses setbacks to rescue us f

    Expectations: Are You Swimming or Sinking? Jonah1:1 – 4:7 OPENER: Get a roll of toilet paper (individual is better) that is pre-wrapped. Carefully undo the wrapping and tape a $10 bill inside the roll and close the packaging. Tell teens that inside the paper bag is: Something that is very useful more

  • Proof Of Purchase

    Contributed by Eric Ferguson on Aug 5, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    Explore the message that the early Christians recieved to give them hope while facing Nero’s insane persecution. Discover the three proofs of faith which can help you truly know if you are developing as a follower of Christ.

    Opening Skit: Stamped For Eternity (available upon request) VIDEO INTRO: PROOF (available upon request) Introduction: We struggle to believe what we cannot see, but we cannot see, because we are not really looking. We all hope for the best most of the time. Even when the odds aren’t quite in our more

  • Lay Down Your Load And Head Down The Road

    Contributed by Eric Ferguson on Jul 18, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    There are many degrees of commitment in The world. When you join the army, you can commit to a couple weekends a month, a whole year, three years, five years, or ten years. You can buy a cell phone plan for a year or two, or renew it every month. You

    “Lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and run with endurance the race that is set before us.” --Hebrews 12:1 Activity: Ball Drop Choose four teens from the audience. Have the first two teens stand behind the starting line. Give each of them a tennis or racquetball more

  • Sincerely Yours

    Contributed by Eric Ferguson on Jul 18, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    There’s a difference between telling people that you’re different and convincing them you’re different by the way you live.

    OPENER Activity: "Believe it!" Choose an odd item for a pre-selected teen to try and convince the crowd that they can’t live without the particular item---you just gotta have it! After the activity… What went through your mind as he/she was talking to you? Was he/she convincing? What was the more

  • Changing Lanes

    Contributed by Eric Ferguson on Jul 3, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Words shape your actions. There is a constant risk in changing lanes, even though our signal is turned on. It is called the “blind spot”; it is the area where the car mirrors are not sufficient to display all other vehicles. It is the area that we sometim

    OPENER DVD SEGMENT START: Menu Selection #2 - “The Accident” - 4:30 min. END: When it starts to rain on Samuel L. Jackson Two men (Ben Affleck and Samuel L. Jackson) on their way to separate court dates fight for a spot on the freeway and crash into each other. The accident causes no physical more

  • Being Still Among Shaking Circumstances

    Contributed by Eric Ferguson on Jun 27, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    How do you handle stress? What strong points do you value in your life, that keeps you going in a situation that you are unsure of? Examine how Daniel stood still among his shaky circumstance he was about to face.

    Youth Challenge: Who Is It? Each player writes down a little known truth about himself that perhaps the rest of the group doesn’t know. The paper slips are handed in and read aloud one at a time. The players guess who they think wrote that slip. After everyone has guessed, the truth is more

  • The Fugitive

    Contributed by Eric Ferguson on Jun 12, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Helping One Who’s Gone Astray.

    The Fugitive: Helping One Who’s Gone Astray Question: When did you leave home for the first time? Did you ever run away from home? Where did you go and what happened? James 5:19-20 My brothers and sisters, one of you may wander away from the truth. And another person may help him come back to the more

  • Dust In The Wind

    Contributed by Eric Ferguson on Jun 12, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    The “winds of change” brings dust into your life to change your shape into what God has in store for you. Dust may come in the form of your reputation slandered, Relocation out of your comfort zone, or separation of friends. Swirling sand helps you disco

    Dust In The Wind I close my eyes only for a moment and the moment’s gone. All my dreams pass before my eyes, a curiosity. Dust in the wind. All they are is dust in the wind. Same old song, just a drop of water in an endless sea. All we do crumbles to the ground though we refuse to see. Dust in the more

  • High Strung

    Contributed by Eric Ferguson on Jun 10, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Had any conflict at your house this week? Be honest. Maybe it was one of those he-said-she-said things. First came the noise of quarreling, then even worse—the deafening silence. So much of the pain in life flows from relational conflict. We think i

    Had any conflict at your house this week? Be honest. Maybe it was one of those he-said-she-said things. First came the noise of quarreling, then even worse—the deafening silence. So much of the pain in life flows from relational conflict. We think it’ll go away if we just sweep it under the rug more

  • Thanks For Nothing

    Contributed by Eric Ferguson on Jun 10, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Sometimes it’s hard to be thankful when it seems like God didn’t come through for you. Sometimes we pray for something that we would like and it doesn’t always happen the way we would like or in the time frame we would like. Sometimes we want God’s will t

    Sometimes it’s hard to be thankful when it seems like God didn’t come through for you. Sometimes we pray for something that we would like and it doesn’t always happen the way we would like or in the time frame we would like. Sometimes we want God’s will to be like our will. Illustration more

  • Mastermind

    Contributed by Eric Ferguson on Jun 8, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Help students discover how much of the world their mind is conformed to rather than that of Christ. You will show students how to conform their mind to Christ from the book of Colossians.

    OPENER: NAME THAT TV SHOW Use several scenes to have teens guess what the name of the show is that you have chosen. Powerpoint slides available upon request----- (slides depict show titles from popular TV shows) Following Opening activity: Use two of those lights that you push down with your hand more

  • The Critic

    Contributed by Eric Ferguson on Jun 4, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    If you’re an effective leader at work or school. If you’re effective in what you do at church. If you’re effective in making something better - whenever you become you rise above the normal - you become at target criticism. And if you do not learn to sha

    How do we handle critical people? How many of you know someone who is very critical? All of us will deal with people who are critical. (Give Life example) Repeat after me, “I will be criticized” Moses was criticized for marrying a Midianite Criticized for leading out of slavery Paul was said more

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