Summary: In Times of discouragement, we rest in God’s Attributes. Knowing Who God Is, Brings us confidence in Times of Difficulties of daily living

Psalm 63

A longing for God

Introduction: Someone once said that music has a tremendous impact in our lives. Whether we want to accept it or not music can influence the way we think and live our life. The Psalms were a collection of hymns, It ‘s the Jewish hymnbook. In it we find sound theology in practical daily living. In other words the Psalms teach us how to live Godly when times get tough.

As we examine this collection of hymns, we discover that it is largest book in the Bible, having 150 chapters or individual hymns. It is interesting that at least half them were written by King David- a man in the OT known for his intimacy with God- A man after God’s heart. A man who was always plagued with difficult and heart aches. Yet he continued to have a passion for God, even through his failures and difficulties. This morning we will examine Psalm 63. In which King David demonstrates for us this timeless principle:



Opening Ill- (taken from Our Daily Bread 2/28/73)

While spending a week at her grandfathers, Sarah felt inner peace and comfort. She recognized that something was different here. During that week, She observed her grandfather pray with passion and he seemed to always be reading from his Bible. Sarah at the ripe age of 5 sensed the relationship that her Grandfather had with God. It was as If God was his best friend. It was his passion to know and to commune with God. When the week was up and her mom came to pick her up, she decided she did not want to go home. When asked why she didn’t want to go home, 5 year old Sarah stated “.... Because God is here, and I would like to stay where God is.”

Read Psalm 63


As we read through this psalm, I trust you notice how personal it was. David had a strong personal relationship with God.. This Psalm was written at a low point in David’s life. Turn with me to II Samuel 15:13-14,28 (read)

David had to flee from the hand of Absalom, his son who sought to kill him. He gave up his kingdom and ran for the safely of the wilderness. It was here in the Wilderness on the eastern side of Judah by the dead sea that David penned the words that we find in Psalm 63. David begins His Psalm by reflecting on who God is.

I. Reflections of our almighty God.(v 1-8 )

This morning , we can notice 3 things about God:

A. He is a PERSONAL God (1,2)

1. “O God, Thou art my God”- What an interesting Phrase of recognition-

The first reference to God is the Heb word Elohim. It is plural (addressing the Trinity) . It connotes the idea of the AWENESS of God. A God that is to be worshipped and praised. TAKE TIME AND ADMIRE THE BEAUTY AND AWENESS OF GOD.

The second reference to God is the Hebrew word Eli . It has the idea of MIGHTY and STRENGTH. How do you view God- Is he your source of Strength? WHEN WE ARE WEAK (in trials/difficulties), WE NEED TO REST IN HIS STRENGTH ( Provides comfort and Confidence to get us thru).



Words easy to say , but not so easy to have the faith to say it.


2 .As a result of a personal God, OUR WHOLE BEING LONGS FOR GOD.

Notice the rest of verse 1

Early will I seek Thee-

My Soul Thirsteth for Thee

My Flesh longeth for Thee

In a dry and Thirsty land where no water is.

I believe God created us with a natural longing for him. Many in our world today admit that there is a innate void in their life. They seek to find it within the pleasures of the world. People are searching in the wrong direction for satisfaction. They need to only seek out a relationship with a personal and loving God.

My soul Thirsteth for Thee (V1) Now look at verse 5 - My soul shall be satisfied.

David’s soul was satisified when he realized that he serves a personal God who cares for him .

Other psalms bear out this innate desire for intimacy with God.

Psalm 42:1,2 - As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God for the living God: when shall I come and appear before GOD.

Psalm 84:2 - My Soul longeth, yea even fainted for the courts of my Lord: My Heart and my flesh cry out for the living GOD.

Not only did the soul thirst after God but the Flesh Longeth for God as well.

In the hebrew, the idea of longing implies the upmost intenseness of fervency or desire. Complete focus on that which gives purpose.

As David reflects upon the need of intimacy with God, remember where he is at- the wilderness- a dry and thirsty land, where no water is. This is a reference to his physical surrendings as well as his spiritual condition.


King David continues to reflect upon our personal God by witnessing His Power and glory (V2)

reminding us of God’s continual presence in our life. This is part of what the Apostle Paul meant when he wrote in Col 3:2

Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

That’s where our prospective needs to be.

Notice the word Sanctuary in v2 . In Hebrew it brings out the idea of temparary dwelling. In the Jewish mindset it referred to the Tabernacle- a place where God let his presence be felt. In the Tabernacle was an area known as the holy of holies which housed the ark of the convenant.This was the most sacred and signifance of all the tabernacle furinture.(I Sam 4:21 - It is a symbol of God’s Glory and Strength.)

Now turn with me for a moment back to II Sam 15:24-29. When David fled to the wilderness some of the levi priest brought the ark of the covenant with them. David instructed them to take it back to Jerusalem. David was comforted by God’s presence even through he was away from the Tabernacle and the Ark of covenant.

This provides comfort for us as we seek God and find His Presence with us even in the difficult times of our life- Perhaps you are lonely this morning, perhaps you are struggling with some unwanted news- loss of spouse, loss of job, loss of your home. Whatever it is, FIND COMFORT IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD. He will never leave you, even though clouded through circumstances, it may appear you are struggling alone.


By Mary Stevenson

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was

walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the

sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he

noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one

belonging to him, and the other to the Lord. When

the last scene of his life flashed before him, he

looked back at the footprints in the sand. He

noticed that many times along the path of his life

there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed

that it happened at the very lowest and saddest

times in his life. This really bothered him and he

questioned the Lord about it. "Lord, You said that

once I decided to follow you, You’d walk with me all

the way. But I have noticed that during the most

troublesome times in my life, there is only one set

of footprints. I don’t understand why when I needed

you most you would leave me." The Lord replied,

"My son, My precious child, I love you and I would

never leave you. During your times of trial and

suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it

was then that I Carried You."

Folks, God is a PERSONAL GOD, he cares for our whole being, he desires to be involved in every aspect of our life. Scripture tells us, he will never leave or forsake us. He is there carrying us through those difficult times. He is there to comfort us in times of sorrow. He is there to deliver us in times of trouble. He is there caring for us. As a result, We can Praise him.

Psalm 118:28- “Thou art my GOD, and I will Praise Thee:

Thou art my GOD and I will exalt Thee.”

Not only is God a personal God, HE is a PRAISEWORTHY GOD.

B. He is a PRAISEWORTHY God (3-6)

1. It comes as a result of HIS lovingkindness v3

1A. Def. I heard it once stated - lovingkindness is God stooping Down and loving us with His grace.

2A. Psalm 40:10-12 (another psalm written by David)

I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart: I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation: I have not concealed thy lovingkindness and thy truth from the great congregation. Withhold not thou tender mercies from me, O Lord let thy lovingkindness and thy truth continually preserve me.

3A. David paints a picture of praise

a> David satsifies the longing of his soul for worship by praising God.

Psalm 107:43 Whoso is wise and will observe these things, even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the Lord.

b.>. He extols God’s lovingkindness

1.> with his lips v3

2.> with his tongue v4

3.> with his hands v4 4.> with his will v5

5.> with his mouth v5

6.> with his memory v6

7.> with his intellect v7

Praise is essential for a healthy spiritual life. It should be a spontaneous response to God’s intervention on our behalf.

Praise is evidence of God at work meeting the needs of His people. It helps to encourage others in their valleys of discouragement.

Praise is both a duty and delight. It gives us a desire to serve (v4) -

Thus will I bless thee while I live.

It gives us the desire to reflect on who God Is and His faithfulness. (V6)

When I remeber thee... And meditate on thee

Not only is God a PERSONAL GOD, He is also a PRAISE-WORTHY GOD. But it doesn’t stop there. In verses 7,8 of Psalm 63 , David reminds us that God is a PROMISE-KEEPING GOD. He is faithful to his word. (Read v7,8)

C. He is a PROMISE-KEEPING God (7,8)

1. His faithfulness evidenced in times of difficulty

Thou hast been my help

Psalm 46:1 - God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble

Idea of trouble - when we are between a rock and hard place

Remember the poem Footprints that I read earlier- It is in these times of difficulty that He carries us through.

I am sure as David penned these words, He reflected on God’s faithfulness in his Life.

Perhaps, has he was fleeing for His life here, he was reminded of God’s faithfulness and protection years early as he fled from the hand of King Saul

Now take a moment and reflect upon God’s faithful hand of delieverance or comfort in a previous situation in your life. (Pause for a moment or two)

GOD IS FAITHFUL. He has proven His faithfulness in the past, and continues to be faithful even today. Let’s take the Apostle Peter’s Advise as He writes in his first epistle (I Peter 5:7)

Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you.

Can we Take all of the burdens and cast them at His feet.

II. Reality of Opposition (v 9-11)

A. Our Soul is under attack- V9 -....those that seek my soul to destroy it

It is an intense search . Heb word for they seek connotes the idea that a convenant or pact was made.

Two things about those that are attacking

1. They are through in their search - (v.9) ....shall go into the lower part of the Earth

2. They shall not succeed in their plot (v10)

They shall fall by the sword

They shall be a portion for foxes.

B. The end result V11

Notice the Contrast BUT

1. But the king shall rejoice in the Lord

Despite the circumstances and attacks, David had confindence in God and who He is

A Personal God , a praise-worthy God, and a Promise keeping God

That’s how he could remain focus even in the most difficult of circumstances..

For you see,


Do we have That confidence? That when life has us in a corner,

That when circumstances have us discouraged

2. But the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped.

Before God, men will be silenced. We are all to give an account before the Lord.

Justice will be served.

So then everyone of us shall give an account of himself to God

Rom 14:12

How do you respond to circumstances in your life.

Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven. Matt 5:16

Psalm 63

A Longing for God

As we examine this collection of hymns, we discover that it is largest book in the Bible, having 150 chapters or individual hymns. It is interesting that at least half them were written by King David- a man in the OT known for his intimacy with God- A man after God’s heart. A man who was always plagued with difficult and heart aches. Yet he continued to have a passion for God, even through his failures and difficulties. This morning we will examine Psalm 63. In which King David demonstrates for us this timeless principle:

I__________ WITH GOD D____________ C____________ IN DAILY LIVING

I. R___________ of our almighty God.(v 1-8 )

A. He is a P_________ God (1,2)

As a result :

B. He is a P_____________ God (3-6)

__________ is essential for a healthy spiritual life.

__________ is evidence of God at work meeting the needs of His people.

__________ is both a d______and d______

. It gives us a desire to S___________ v4

It gives us the desire to R_________

on who God Is and His faithfulness. V6

C. He is a P_________________ God (v 7-8)

God is F______________. He has proven it in the past and it continues today.

II. R_________ of Opposition (v 9-11)

A. Our Soul is under __________- V9 -....those that seek my soul to destroy it

1. They are ____________ in their search - (v.9)

2. They shall ___________ in their plot (v10)


B. The end result V11

Despite the circumstances and attacks, David had ________ in God

Before God, men will be _________.

We are all to give an ___________ before the Lord.