Summary: The church in Christ will grow in maturity towards Christ.

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Ephesians 4:13-16

“The Church: Growing towards Christ”

The church in Christ will grow in maturity towards Christ.

Sunday Morning Sermon


Intro: (Title and Text)

Maturity in our church will take us towards Christ. We will not grow and become what God wants for us, together as the church, unless we see growing towards who Jesus is as a goal. How can we see growing towards Jesus unless we know where we are and know where he is? If I’m going to visit some place I’m not familiar with – it would be good to have a road map, or a G.P.S. device.


Paul’s desire to bring the church in Ephesus to maturity towards Christ is one of the main reasons he wrote the book. They had a solid foundation of Biblical teaching. He’s giving them the task of – the goal to grow towards Christ. The church (in general) does a lot of things – to gather the immature. Because we live in a very “me” centered society – it’s easy for the church to follow along – But God wants us to go into the opposite direction, towards him, towards maturity. (Advance)

Romans 12:2 (NIV) Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. If you were in a cave you wouldn’t put the guy with a flash light in the back of the group. If the church doesn’t stop being like the world – we will lose relevance. Growth is a process, but you won’t get there unless you start somewhere. Because it’s God’s desire for us to grow in maturity towards him – he is with us the whole way.

This morning it would be good for you to look at where you are – and where He wants you to be. Paul’s prayer for the church: (Advance) Ephesians 3:19 (NIV) and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Being filled to the measure of all the fullness of God is where we should desire to be, it’s repeated in our text – not that we are going to becomes gods (small g) – or that we can have equality with God – but that we can be like him, having his characteristics. This is the church together – this is us – looking like and growing towards Christ, doing what Jesus would do in this world. Instead of one guy having the flash light in the back of the group – The idea is the group (the church) would together be the light – Clear purpose – clear direction – and excellent focus on Jesus.

This is not something you get from first trinity, unity, community church of the United States. But you won’t get it here either without effort. While I can give you a word from God – I can preach well developed sermons – I can’t make you apply this to your life, your relationships, your friendship, your marriage – I can’t make you apply this to your job your finances or your free time. Only you can. The only way you will is by the grace of God – as you grow in maturity towards him. But this applies to all of us – together as the church – moving in the same direction.

If you have your Bibles turn with me to (Advance) Ephesians 4:13-16 (Read)

I see four things this morning – if we grow in these areas we will grow in maturity towards Christ


I. Faith & Knowledge (13-14) (Advance)

Hebrews 11:1 (NIV) Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.


Proverbs 1:7 (NIV) The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

Faith and knowledge don’t seem like they go together at first. I have books on my shelf from really super smart people, but their faith seems to lack confidence. Here in God’s word – they aren’t the same thing – they are just together. Because the fear of the Lord is the beginning of our knowledge – and our faith is HIM – there is

a. Unity – or oneness in the calling (Advance)

Ephesians 4:5 (NIV) one Lord, one faith, one baptism;

If God were many – there would be many ways – Because God is one – faith in him and knowledge in him is one. As we grow in our faith and knowledge as people, we do the same as the church – because there is unity – we have the same goal.

This unity will affect areas of the church

b. Evangelism

Freedom to build relationships (it’s slower but deeper) – freedom to take someone from where they are and offer to grow with them. This is intentional, because it has the purpose of Growth. If you know un-churched-harry and can meet him where he is, and grow him to maturity in Jesus – you will grow yourself. You will be reminded of things you’ve heard from the pulpit and mouths of Christian people, but you will also learn, not new truths, but God’s word will be new and fresh. You will live out how Paul describes God’s word: (Advance)

Hebrews 4:12 (NIV) For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Evangelism has become a dirty word – it’s a gift of the Holy Spirit – Not everyone has the gift. Some are gifted at bringing people into the church, and making carbon copies of themselves – that’s not evangelism. Taking those outside and bringing them inside and growing together in Christ – is evangelism – but how can we see those outside if we aren’t moving towards Christ. How can we meet needs, if we aren’t moving ourselves towards Christ? You want to grow in knowledge and faith – in unity – here’s another area that is affect by unity

c. Service

Don’t miss opportunities to serve those around you. Jesus is an excellent example of service. (Advance)

Mark 10:45 (NIV) For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

Church, He could have been served – he could have set up shop right next to the sea of Galilee and walked people across the water. He could have walked next to fishing boats and for a small fee told people where to find the fish. He could have charged for his healing for his teaching and died in a way that was honorable according to men. He could have gained the interest of the rich young ruler and joined him in his kingdom instead of giving the young man the invitation to be more. Jesus was a servant – If we grow in faith and knowledge of Christ – we will be servants, regardless of what method – we will be servants. Here’s the third area – that will be affected as we grow

d. Stability – Confidence – Understanding – steadfastness

Paul says this is a result of building up and bringing to reaching the goal of knowledge and faith – this is “fullness of God” talk. He says it in the negative: (Advance)

Ephesians 4:14 (NIV) –Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.

Let me say it this way – the result of your growing in maturity towards Christ will be stability and direction in what you believe.

You will identify God’s word as truth – you will apply God’s word to your life, and you will show others by what you do – and how to do it in their own lives.

i. You will not be –

1. Infants

Paul explains the difference :(Advance)

Hebrews 5:13-14 (NIV) Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.

2. Tossed around – by the waves back and forth

The picture is of a little storm tossed boat entirely at the mercy of the waves and wind. This teaching is both inside and outside the church. Taking Biblical principles and justifying actions that are not Godly – meanness, self-righteousness. Any warm monkey can take something out of context – but when you do, you end up with a bunch of monkeys jumping on the bed – that’s not a good thing, because you gotta call the doctor. Listen the teaching can be changed just a little.

The preacher at the largest church in our country – has less of an understanding about the Bible than Larry King from CNN. When Larry King asked him a question about salvation – that was meant to divide – the preacher didn’t have a clue how to answer. Listen – the preacher has authored books and his preaching is on TV – people listen to him, because they feel good – God’s word is not a pillow – it’s a sword. You don’t lay your head on a sword. Shallowness from the pulpit will create shallow Christians – I’ve heard shallow preaching, feel like the preacher read all the bumper stickers on his way to church, because the theology is the same.

Little changes, if we don’t see them, in preaching the word of God can open us up to big changes – where we might not accept the big changes at first. According to Hebrews if you are mature – you can tell the changes, you can see the immaturity; the idea is that you do something about it. People with no direction, no purpose can’t do anything about it. (Advance)

Zechariah 10:2 (NIV) The idols speak deceit, diviners see visions that lie; they tell dreams that are false, they give comfort in vain. Therefore the people wander like sheep oppressed for lack of a shepherd.

The idea in vs. 14 – the cunning and craftiness is opposed to the truth in Christ, Paul reminds them in vs. 21 of chapter 4 -- (Advance) Ephesians 4:21 (NIV)Surely you heard of him and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. You were not taught something that would allow you to chase after this wind or that wave of teaching. You weren’t taught something that would allow you to hear false teaching and not know the difference. In the truth people do not wander – truth is not given to opinion – truth doesn’t need your knowledge for it to be true. Listen, church, Jesus is truth. If an action or attitude or principle opposes Jesus – then those things are not true. Growing in faith and knowledge will grow us in maturity towards Christ. – Two more things – two more ways to grow. (Advance)

II. Speech & Love (15-16)

Paul is going to really describe growth. Godly truth is never independent of love. Let me read vs. 15 -- (Advance) Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.

One of the books I read said this – I’ll post it up there for you to follow along. (Advance)

Any claim to loyalty to truth which results in lack of love to those perceived to be disloyal stands as much condemned as any claim to all-embracing love which is indifferent to truth.

Loyalty to truth without love is not good, and all-embracing love without truth is just as bad. We must speak God’s truth in a Godly way, because He is lord. (Advance) Colossians 4:6 (NIV) Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

a. The tongue is connected to the heart – Jesus said that out of your mouth your heart will speak.

Our words are powerful. Proverbs says that the wise will measure their words. It doesn’t take much just to say opinions (we live in America, everyone has the right to their opinion); it takes more control and understanding to think about your words and give them the proper thought. I heard someone say: People, who say what they think, usually do it in that order.

It matters what you say. Your speech is a tool that God can use to grow you into what he wants you to be – and as he grows you – he grows the church.

b. Mouth – can be used to tear people down, to gossip, to destroy those around you – Back stabbing normally doesn’t involved a knife. We must avoid the temptation to gossip. (Advance)

Ephesians 4:29 (NIV) – Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Who benefits when you speak?

When Jesus spoke people were amazed: (Advance)

Mark 10:24 (NIV) The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said again, "Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God!

Your words will help people develop their ideas about your faith, and your God. Listen, if you are no different in your speech than those who claim no faith– how will it change those who hear what you say. If dirty jokes come out of your mouth – how does that make room for the truth in love? If your cuss words are a dime a dozen – what does that make your Godly speech worth? Remember, people will without invitation look at your life, and your speech to see if you are living up to your claim. If they don’t see a difference – it will not make a difference. We need to make a difference in the lives of those around us – in the circle of people we have around us through work and family. When you were baptized – they held your tongue under too – and your speech should reflect your new life in Christ.

c. Speech – affects all things – together as the church

i. It affects how we grow

ii. It affects our ability to grow

If we are careless with our speech – we can become careless with the gospel. People in our world are hurting and they are hopeless – they can get meaningless words from any one. When people come into our church – they shouldn’t get the same meaningless words here. Defining our speech and centering it around Christ will grow us to maturity in Christ.

d. Christ as the head

i. We are held together

ii. We grow together

iii. We build the church up together in Love

As we sit in church on Sunday morning and warm a soft chair – NO! As each part does its work. Here’s what he’s saying – we all have a responsibility to growth – personal and corporate as the church. If you stop, if you give up, if you get distracted the whole effort of the church stops. I can’t do church growth alone – I show up at your door, someone has either died or we’re packing bags for a guilt trip. I understand – I’m the preacher. The best way to build ourselves up in love is through relationships, friendships, & contacts. And doing you very best for the work of Christ. Have you ever known God to do something that wasn’t excellent? Your kids, assuming they aren’t teenagers – are excellent. Your salvation is excellent. When God does something he does it all the way – and with excellence. We must reflect his excellence – by not just doing are part but doing it with excellence. There was a basketball game in Memphis yesterday. They sell out the FedEx Forum – because it’s done with excellence – people won’t line up for pitiful, they won’t line up for unprepared – but they will wait for hours for excellence.


Preaching 101 – don’t announce the end of your sermon. I generally don’t. I’m only doing it this time because I can see that you are on the edge of your seats waiting to run forward – to help our church move forward – that’s good. Changing what you do, will change who you are. Changing how you react to those around you can reflect a Godly change in your life – Changing your speech to reflect the truth in love will make your words powerful and effective.

There is a temptation – to just change without growth. Commitment without surrender, love without truth, knowledge without heart. There is a temptation to come through another Sunday – another sermon – another time of worship. I want to suggest this morning – that we make this real, and we honestly surrender, we honestly speak God’s truth in a loving way – that we honestly don’t just come through another Sunday, but we take this time and grow and surrender – and realize that we aren’t where we should be. Let’s pray

Maybe there are areas in your life that only God can change. Maybe if you let him – he would in a heartbeat. The Bible paints this picture of the all powerful, all knowing, all loving God who can do anything – the bummer is that he does it through us, and sometimes we aren’t open to his work.