“Who’s Your God?”
Exodus 20:2
* There is a phrase which has been used over the last 15+ years which has been in everything from music to movies to TV to sports to the paper. It’s a phrase that keeps on popping up, as the Washington Post wrote, like an insistent prairie dog. It is that phrase, “Who’s your daddy.” Actually, what seems to be a question is more like a statement or an “in your face” declaration. But what is significant about this is that this statement points to something that is the best. The FOX TV shows (cancelled after one episode) put a person who had never met her real dad into a room of 25 men. She was to determine who her daddy was. If she guessed correctly, she received $100k.
* In the modern dialect this phrase leads us to the one who takes care of us, watches out for us, and protects us. Tonight I ask a different question.
* “Who’s your God
* A comprehensive (not cursory) reading of the Children of Israel in the desert will show them to be a very “selfish” people. In fact, you will discover that NOT EVEN GOD could satisfy their cravings,
* When God Called Moses to lead them out of Egypt, the first thing Moses led them to do was to “WORSHIP” Jehovah God. He did this so that God could touch their hearts. They had become diluted in the pagan Culture and needed a fresh touch.
* I submit that today the same problem exists. This, the 1st Command answers our question. (read)
* Did you hear that? No Other Gods!! NONE!
a) The Reason for this Command – Why? We can stand on solid Biblical grounds and recite the scripture that God is a jealous God. Or culturally that He is being unfair. But how about this?
* The Children of Israel had been enslaved for 400 yrs in Egypt. If a generation is 40 years, that is 10 generations spent in that pagan culture. Culture has a way of corrupting.
* God had a plan and a desire for His chosen to live with & for Him NOW! You see, if we don’t live with Him now, we won’t in heaven either.
b) The Reach of this Command – The HCBS gives this statement in an Imperative sense. In other words, the subject (you) is understood. KJV says “Thou” and NIV says “you”. But the point is well made & is heard. NO Gods. Not one. NONE.
* This command is unique in that it reaches into the depths of who we are. Remember, this is not talking about IDOL, IMAGES, OBJECTS; this is referring to our worship. Please understand, worship is not as much an event as it is a lifestyle. Whatever we give our lives to is what we worship. (Illus; Golf)
c) The Resistance to this Command/ We live in a day of “political correctness.” We are expected to gauge what we say by some unknown standard. It’s unknown until you cross it. Candidly, God is not much into political correctness; His statements are strong, stringent, & non-compromising which we are to follow.
2) THE CONSEQUENCES To understand the truth about truth, we must recognize that every action has an accompanying action. It can either be good or bad. We find this concept all through the Bible.
a) Obedience – The Bible teaches clearly that obedience brings blessing. Some of these are; Salvation, Abundant life, Heaven, peace, love, and so on. When we obey this command it leads us directly to Jesus, God’s own Son. (John 3:16-18/ Rom 6:23)
* For the obedient we have the blessing of being redeemed, saved, justified, secure and protected. Only the Living God can do that.
b) Disobedience – We may have the wrong idea about disobedience. We think disobedience causes God to hurt us through discipline when in actuality, disobedience hurts God.
* ILLUS: When parents tell their children, “This is going to hurt me more than you.”
* But we need to clearly understand that disobedience hurts us. Because of our sinfulness, we get carried away by helplessness and hopelessness.
* We can have millions of dollars & be helpless, & blinded. We can miss heaven & make hell.
* It is somewhat foreign to our culture to understand the concept that the desired consequences impact our choices. For instance, my dad’s belt versus my dad’s blessings drove the decisions which I made as a child. It is the same with God, it you desire His blessing then obedience is the key. I can desire to be blessed by God, but if I’m dis-obedient, it won’t happen. 3 ways this is true.
a) Personal – His words are “no other God?” It is both simple and clear. However, each person must make his own choice. Dad, Mom, Uncle, nor Aunt, can make the choice for you. It is your life and your decision. Joshua (23-24) says, “Choose you today who you’ll serve.” Every person here is called to make a choice. And it is a daily choice.
b) Practical – Personally I have a heartache & a greatest desire. My prayer is that God would give me the words to influence church people to “stop kidding themselves.”
> It seems there exists a great misunderstanding today inside the church today. We “think” we can fool God. Why? We break this commandment more than all the rest. The question is: “Who’s your God?” The answers we hear are in the statistics we gather;
* In 2008, it seems we “sacrificing our families, our kids, and even our culture on the altar of earthly opportunities.”
* What does it say to young minds when more time, money, and energy is spent at softball, seminars, soccer, football, vacations, and other things than in God’s house with God’s people?
* What does it say when “the Lord’s day” for becomes the “the best day” for family outings which leave God out?
* What message is conveyed when the attitude of those who ‘profess’ to love & serve God put Him and the Bride of His Son put in 2nd place, 3rd place, or worse in their schedule.
* Please understand: This is a matter of faith-fulness, consistency and service.
* QUESTION: Looking at your schedule & prac-tically speaking “Who” or “what” is your God?
c) Permanent –
* No decision made about God stops with the grave. (ILLUS: Rich Man & Lazarus)
* Jesus step out of eternity into time that we may step our of time into eternity.
* We should NOT expect to live with God in eternity, if we neglect to live with Him in time’
* The choice you make today about God & Jesus will follow you into eternity.