The mystery of, Emmanuel, God with us
I used approx. 14 minutes of the video, “The life of Jesus” DVD as the opening for my message.
A. Have we lost the wonder, the mystery of it all?
1. When was the last time God mystified you?
When was the last time you were lost in the wonder?
2. When was the last time, Jesus Christ impacted your life?
B. John the Apostle never lost the wonder….
1. John was the disciple that Jesus loved
2. Years later… all he could talk about was the Word being among them
John 1:1-4, 10-14, 1 John 1:1,
C. We get passionate and misty eyed that Jesus was born in a stable
1. John got all misty eyed and passionate that God became a man….
2. Anybody can be born in a stable….
a. I know a husband and wife who delivered their daughter in the front seat of their car- Joseph Keener.
3. But only God… Only God can do the impossible and become a man
D. Jesus entered the world more than to just save you… he entered that you might again enjoy a relationship with him.
1. What you ask in my name, I will do.
John 14:13-14
Notice, there is a period following this statement.
Notice also Rhema in verse 10- Jesus speaks forth the Rhema works of God
2. I and my father will manifest ourselves to you
John 14:21-23
As we see God thru who Jesus is, we see Jesus thru the Holy Spirit
3. We shall ask God direct for things that we want, and not have to have Jesus to do it
John 16:26-27
E. We live far below what God hath designed that we live.
1. Read John 14:12