Summary: The opposition then and now wants signs from Christ before they can proclaim Him as their Lord. He refuses to give any more signs of who He is because He has given all the signs that are necesssary for anyone to beleive in Him.

MARK 8:11-13



A. The Spurious.

B. The Sages.

C. The Sophisticated.


A. The Sorrow.

B. The Supplication.

C. The Soliloquy.


A. The Suddenness.

B. The Soberness.

C. The Safety.

Jesus never seemed to escape the people, regardless of what He did or did not do. Mark picks up the life of Jesus after the miracle of feeding the Four Thousand. He does not give us a time line as to when this meeting occurred with the Pharisees; was it immediately after the miracle as the text seems to suggest? Mark does tell us that Jesus departed from the mob of now satiated people and went to Dalmanutha. Once there He met with a group of Pharisees that came seeking a sign from Him. Whether the two sets of Scripture go together or not, the text reveals some disturbing news about the ones who seek for a sign from Christ rather than accepting Christ as He is.

I see three things in this passage of Scripture that reveal a great deal about those who cannot or will not live by faith, but seek signs for proof of the Divinity of Christ. This problem did not die with the last of the Pharisees, but has continued on through out the ages, reaching into our modern world and the Church of Christ in this century. Millions of people want proof of this or that before they will yield themselves to Christ. He rejects this out of hand and rightly so. We come to Christ and believe in Him because He is and not what He can do. This critical junction has caused many to turn down the wrong path and to miss the beauty of salvation. Seeking Signs does Suppress Salvation.

The three things I note here are THE SEEKERS, not only then but always, that constantly want proof of Christ’s Divinity before they believe in Him. The second part of my text has to do with THE SAVIOUR, Himself. Mark gives us a clue as to the true feelings of Jesus in this short passage by the way He responded to the curious that day. Finally, the third part of my text captures my attention when I view the actions of Christ in THE SEPARATION from the Pharisees that day and from those who still ask the same questions as they did.

* THE SEEKERRS: Would it not be nice if all the world would seek Jesus as its Saviour and take Him at His word? This has not been the case. In Jesus’ time there were those who were interested in Him, but wanted something more from Him. They always wanted just a little bit more information about Him, i.e. from where did He come? where did He study? who were His parents? would He do some sensational signs? etc. And the demands never seemed to end. Such is the case before us today. The Pharisees came seeking a sign from Him. This word, “sign” was more than just mere miracles as He had done before. This word signifies something extra, something out of the ordinary, something from above, some sign that would come from the skies: a bolt of lightening, an eclipse of the sun upon command, or some celestial portent. This was what the Pharisees were asking that day and they were disappointed in His response to them.

Regarding the ones who have sought for signs from Jesus I list the ones who are the most wicked: The Spurious ones. These, like the Pharisees, come seeking signs, not to believe in Him but to prove Him to be who He said He was/is. One has to wonder how much more these self-inflated, so called Seekers, wanted to see from Him or about Him, before they would believe in Him. Their mission was not to accept Him as their Lord and Saviour but as their political leader. They would follow Him, if He could call down lightening bolts upon the Romans and stun them with His power. They were interested in this life only and not in eternity. “Show us a sign,” they clamored, “and we will fall in step with you.” “Give us some supernatural signal that You are mighty and that You have come to set up an earthly kingdom and we will be your vanguard,” they clamored.

One has to wonder where these Spurious ones were when the Heaven filled with angels at the Birth of the Messiah. Where were these so called intelligent ones when Jesus raised the dead, cast out demons, healed the sick, caused the storms to cease, and turned the water into wine? What more proofs were they demanding from Him? In reality, they were not interested in any of signs already given. The “signs’ they wanted, they longed for, they desired, were pure political hocus-pocus to terrify the Romans and their opposition. They were not seeking signs for helping the sin sick, the down and out and the lost sheep of Israel; no, their hearts, their desires, their drive was to put Christ on the spot, have Him do some stupendous, un-spiritual thing, and then they would claim Him as King. Jesus knew this and would not rise to the bait. “Show us a sign,” they said and Jesus had already shown many signs, but they spurned them and wanted something that Jesus would not do.

Not only did the Spurious, the self-seekers, try to manipulate Jesus, but there have been countless others who have imitated these Pharisees and wanted still more of Jesus before they would believe in Him at all. I refer to The Sages and the scientists of all ages.

History is rife with examples of philosophers, wise men, intelligent people who have studied Christ and still have stumbled over the lowliness of the Master. Many have been THE SEEKERS after truth who have come up to Christ and could not accept Him as the King of kings and Lord of lords. Many have read the New Testament and walked away wanting something more than just to believe in Him. Many of The Sages and wise ones of this earth who have insinuated that if only Jesus would have done this or that, they would have believe in Him. Many of the so called smart ones of this world have rejected Christ’s divinity and who He really is, because they wanted more from Him. Christ comes to all and offers Himself to everyone-all He asks is that people believe in Him and accept Him as their Lord and Saviour. Yet, many of the wise ones have looked beyond the simplicity of Jesus and wanted more but found that all they have to do is to yield to Him and embrace Him as their Saviour and many could not or would not do this. Many have wanted more from Christ; they have wanted more excitement in being a Christian; many have wanted more prestige in being called one of His; others have wanted more recognition of who they are and not who He is; still others have desired more proofs of His ability to be the Christ of every crises; and some have wanted more latitude to act as they want and not as Christ wants: more, more and still more, they demand from Him and He says, “Take what I have already offered and let that suffice.” Many cannot or will not do this-they want more signs from Him, and He refuses to comply with them.

The last group of THE SEEKERS which I list can be called The Sophisticated. These are the modern ones of our world, our churches and our society. Note how the millions claim to be followers of Christ as long as it suits their life style. Note the rich and the famous, the high-brows, the elite, the politicians who claim the name of Christ as long as the world goes their way. Yet, also note how many people soon depart from Christ because His way is the way of the Cross and not the way of the gloss. Many still seek Christ and still demand signs form Him in various ways. Many of the gays still seek signs from Him that they can lead their life style and be Christians-they are seeking a new sign.

Note the preachers who swindle their flocks and think it is okay-seeking signs from Him for their deeds. Watch the Priests who molest the young boys and think it is okay-seeking a sign of approval from Jesus. Note the rich who try and buy their way into Heaven, seeking a sign from Him that riches really will be their salvation. Notice the hypocrites who are having affairs and seeking signs from Him that it is alright to live as they do. See the many divorced people who view marriage as a temporary event and seek a sign from Him that it is okay to discard one’s spouse at will. Do not forget to look at the ones who live together outside the bounds of marriage and think it is okay, seeking a sign from Him that all is okay. Take care and look at the spouse that beats his wife and thinks it is okay-seeking a sign form Jesus that it is biblical to live this way. Observe the parent who brutalizes his/her child and still thinks it is okay with Jesus, seeking a sign that all will be okay in the end. Today, as before, there are many who are still seeking extraordinary signs that all is okay and they will follow Him if He only gives the signs they are asking of Him.

Whether it is The Spurious, The Sages, or The Sophisticated, THE SEEKERS want just a little bit more of a special sign and are not willing to accept what He has already given. It is no wonder that these people afflict our Lord and bring shame upon His name. His way is the way of the cross; His way has been established and there is no need for a new sign from Him for anything else. All that He asks from any one is to believe in Him for who He is and for what He has done.

** THE SAVIOUR: When the Pharisees came to Jesus they must have thought that they had a legitimate request. After all, what they wanted was just a simple, significant, stupendous, stellar sign that would stupefy the simple and savage Romans. Then, they would enlist Jesus again for His support of their wishes with more signs and wonders and either make Him king or their servant. Just a simple sign-nothing out of the ordinary for this Man who claimed to be the Son of God, they thought. The reaction they received from this request set them back on their feet and they did not know how to answer Him.

The first thing that they noticed was that their request caused Him The Sorrow that was so unexpected. The meaning for the word, “sigh” as Mark used here signifies “a deep groan.” Jesus had already done so many signs for the people and so many came to believe in Him as the true Son of God, yet, here were a group of self-righteous people who would never believe anything He would or could do and they came mincing and prancing to Him with their query, thinking they could put pressure on Him and He would gladly consent to them. After all, just one more sign, that was all they wanted, and Jesus sighed: groaned deeply. He had a very good reason to groan deeply. He was hurt and disgusted with their lack of sensitivity to Him and to His work which He had already accomplished among them.

No where does the Scripture state that these religious leaders asked for His forgiveness for causing Him pain. The world is full of the children of these bigoted Pharisees. Millions of people around the world and through out history have caused the Master to sigh-groan deeply-for their lack of understanding about His mission and His ability to save to the uttermost. “Just one more sign, Jesus,” is the world’s cry, “and we will believe in You.” “Come, Jesus, and fix this problem, correct this mistake, change the course of our government; make my family whole, rich, prosperous and I will believe in You,” the multitude cries. “Come and lift my spirit, take away my cares, restore me to health, etc. and I will believe in You,” so says the selfish. “Just one more sign, Jesus; just one more blessing-prove Yourself to me and I will embrace You,” cries the ones who have seen the mighty workings of God in their midst and Jesus groans deeply. No matter what He does for mankind, it is still not enough and He groans deeply.

Recovering His bearing, Jesus then gave them a question to ponder. “Why, why, why does this generation and every generation from now on, want a sign?” He knew why, but He wanted them to think and to answer Him if they could-He is still waiting. Man is man and with the help of Satan, man still seeks the impossible from Him. Mankind has seen the results of Jesus over the millennia and people today still want that lightening bolt from the sky to prove that God is God. Man refuses to take Jesus at His word and to simply trust in Him as the Saviour of the world.

Man is still waiting-still tempting Christ, still goading Him to do something so awe inspiring that man will say, “Ah, now we know that Jesus is divine.” In the meantime, while man waits and wants, he still gropes about in darkness. The Supplication which Jesus asked that day haunts mankind today and as the Pharisees, we have no answer to give Him who groans deeply. Instead we simply reaffirm our stupidity and selfish ways, by wanting more signs from Him.

Jesus never waited for a rebuttal from the inquisitors that day but proceeded to give The Sentencing which they deserved.

The answer He gave to His own question sounded like a cannon shot that still reverberates down the corridors of time, “There will be no more signs given for your own selfish manipulations.” Jesus said that what He was doing was enough for any and all to see the Father in Him and to want any further grandstanding side show, was out of the question. “Take Me or leave Me, I will not lower Myself to your whims” was His reply. He has not veered from that simple statement since He spoke those words so long ago. I admire a man when he is a man, and I admire Christ for being a real Man. He refused to give into these tricks of Satan and stood proudly as He uttered those words that have upset kingdoms, kings and knaves from that time on. What Jesus meant is easy to digest. He was/is the Lord; He is the Son of God; He has worked miracles daily and He will not bow to pressure from any so called smart, intellectual person who has trouble believing in Him. Take Him or leave Him, is the message that He gave but one cannot change Him. He is who He said He was and no one can force Him to adjust Himself to their wishes-He will always be in control. The Pharisees were not counting on this sharp rebuttal, but they deserved it.

*** THE SEPARATION: I like Jesus for many reasons and one of these reasons is that He was always in control. Regardless of how the situation began, it always ended with Him holding the upper hand. This scene before us is no different.

One of the ways that He closed this session with the Pharisees was walking away from them. The Suddenness of the closing of this discussion was done on purpose. What He had to say to them was over. He would not tolerate their second round of stupid questions and He was too visibly hurt and angry to brook them any more time: He walked away from them, “He got into a boat” and sailed away. The world with all of its learning and speculations should take note that the patience of Jesus will not last forever. When He says that it is time to move-it will be time to move.

I also notice how that Jesus never apologized for His abruptness and He had no reason to apologize. The world would like Jesus to apologize for this and for that but it is waiting in vain. He has set the agenda and He will not apologize for His death, His demands, and His dealings with mankind. We have far too many liberals that would like to water down the aspect of salvation and make it more easy to accept, but Jesus never will accommodate their desires, regardless of how sure they are in their thinking. There are many people who have besmirched the Virgin Birth of Jesus; scoffed at the “Bloody Religion” as some have called it; downplayed the need to live a sin free life as much as lies within one; rationalized away Hell, judgment, and a penalty for sin; ignored the call to surrender all to Him-for Him to ever cede to their demand, and when He is done with them-He will simply and suddenly walk away from them, leaving them to their own devices. No good-bys, no apologies, no remorse-He will just walk away and woe be to those who are left looking at the backside of Jesus as He walks away from them.

I notice The Soberness of THE SEPARATION as He sailed away. What did the audience think of the vaulted Pharisees now? How would they ever explain to those who would ask them about His reply? What could they say to save face with the crowd? The answer is, they had nothing to say and it was a very sobering experience for them. I have a feeling they never asked Jesus this question again. The Soberness of this seaside encounter is worth remembering. Jesus was approached and was the butt end of their so called logical inquisition, but the tables were turned on them and they were left listening to the soft sounds of the oars striking the water as Jesus and His disciples paddled away to go and minister to another place. This is worthy of note for every preacher, minister and Christian to remember: we may have to bear the smirks, the disbelief, the hardheartedness, of all kinds of non-believers and sometimes of believers, but some day, when Jesus says, “Get in the boat my children,” we will get in and leave the place of haunting humiliation and sail away with Him to a new charge, a new place of endeavor and the ones left behind will hear the roar of the moving van’s truck engine as we move to a better place and leave them behind. What will our critics say when they ask, “Why did your preacher, or your church members go away?” We can say, “They sailed away with Jesus to a better place of service for Him.” Stay close to the Master, and listen for those sweet words, “Let us get in the boat and leave this place.” Keep your spiritual bags packed and keep ready, because when He says it is time to go-it will be time to go.

Finally, I notice that not too much has changed over the years since this encounter with Jesus that day so long ago. I notice The Safety of following Jesus today as THE SEPARATION continues between those who seek an additional sign and those who have accepted what was given by Jesus in His word. It is safe to stick with Him. It is safe to simply take Him for what He has done and to not put Him to more tests for our own personal pleasure.

It is safe to rely on Him for all that He has done and to believe Him for who He is. We need no other sign from Him to verify that He is Lord-we believe Him to be that and it pleases Him. Let us not tax Him with requests for stupid signs that will make Him sigh and leave us suddenly as He did the Pharisees so long ago. If we do, He will get into His boat and we will be left on the shore, bemoaning our lot.